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NO RACING AT LOUISYILLE JOCKEY CLUB DECIDES TO ABANDON", COMING FALL MEETING. Action Taken After a Notice by Sheriff Bullitt of Jefferson County That HeWould Seek to Stop Betting. Louisville. Ky., October 12. President Charles F. Grainger, of the New Louisville Jockey Club, this afternoon issued a statement that the fall racing meeting at Churchill Downs, which was to begin Wednesday, has been called off and the dates surrendered to the Slate Racing Commission. This action was ta:eu because of sheriff Bullitts notice that he would prevent betting at the track. The chances are that the Latonia Jockey Club will make application for the dates lert vacant by Louisvilles withdrawal. These dates are from October 1G to November 2, sixteen days. The change is likely to be approved Jiy the Racing Commission solely on account of the hardship that would be put upon the horseowners and their employes in Kentucky, who would be forced into a season of idleness until the opening at New Qrleana November 23, an idle season they can ill afford to face. Louisvilles action is not fully explained. Politics figure in it deeply. Sheriff Bullitts ground for notice was considered to be untenable in a legal way. Sheriff Bullitt of Jefferson County yesterday ofu daily advised President Grainger of the New Louisville Jockey Club that he would use the power and force of his office to prevent betting at the fall meeting at-Churchill Downs. In his notice Sheriff Bullitt gave" it as, his opinon that betting on the race track was just as much illegal as in a poolroom, and that the acts of the legislature excepting pool selling 011 tracks from the general gamblng statutes was unconstitutional. It was claimed that the Jockey Club has a charter permitting betting on its track. Cincinnati, O., October 12. The announcement that tiiere would be no fall meeting at Churchill Downs came as a shock to the horsemen hero tills afternoon. In addition to an announcement being made to tills effect before the racing began, notices were also conspicuously posted, dispelling any illusions that the dubious may entertain as to the correctness of the statement. The present racing situation in Louisville .s attributed to political differences and Sheriff Bullitt came in for most censure in having been instrumental in bringing about present adverse conditions. Rather than subject patrons of the sport to annoyance, the Louisville Jockey Club deemed It best to declare its meeting off. ; The question uppermost - tonight is, will the La-1 tonia management enter into the breach and provide a place for horsemen to race pending the opening of New Orleans, almost six weeks after 1,1 the closing of the present-Latonia meeting. Those who are best qualified to answer the ques-- M lion were not at the track to speak with authority. : ,f. J. L. Rhinock is in Now York and Harvey Myers is . also on an eastern trip, looking after personal hi business. Secretary Dillon, although non-commital, in intimated that he thought the Latonia management ni would assist the horsemen willingly by pro- -longing , 11 the present meeting, conditionally that tl the State Racing Commission has sanctioned the 1 t, transfer of the Louisville dates. More definite j " news on this score will be had Monday. In the i e event that everything is agreeable, the Louisville n program will be run off in its original state, as tho time is too short to frame new conditions for a long 1 n meeting. The general opinion tonight is that the Racing Commission will favor the transfer of tho 1 r Louisville L dates.