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1 1 CONDENSED HISTORY OF BELMONT PARK STAKES DECIDED YESTERDAY. Of the three rich stakes decided at Belmont Parle yesterday the Nursery Handicap is the most im- portant historically and in value, but the Municipal ranks high among the long-distance stakes of the country. The Brook Cup Handicap Steeplechase is of recent establishment. The records of the three events are as follows: NURSERY HANDICAP. Year. First. Jockevs. Wt. Second. Wt. Third. Wt. Val. Time, 1S0G Ruthless Davidson.. 97 Maid of Honor 97 Monday 100 2,430 1:49 1S07 La Polka Stead.. 97 Cleopatra 97 St. Paul 100 1,750 1:50 1S0S Bonnie Lass C. Miller.. 97 Bav filly, by Eclipse.. 97 Inversnaid 97 2.S50 1:47 1SG9 Remorseless Laytou. . 97 Finesse 97 Midway 07 2,900 1:471 1570 Harry Basse tt C. Miller. .100 Mary Louise 97 Elsie .. 97 4,350 1:491 1571 Joe Daniels Rowe.-lOO Alarm 100 Woodbine .97 2,750 1:53 1572 Wildidie Thomas.. 100 Long Branch 100 . Catesby 100 3,900 1:4S1 1573 Rutherford N. Heywood. .100 Reform 100 Attila 100 4,000 l:47i 1574 Olitipa Feakes.. 97 Chesapeake 100 Rhadamanthus .100 3,200 1:40 1875 Patience Evans.. 97 Sunburst 100 Dauntless 97 3,000 1:49 1S7G Leonard Swim.. 100 Cloverbrook 100 Susquehanna ...97 3,300 1:50 lS77fDuke of Magenta Barbee . .110 Pride of the Village. . .107 Spartau 110 3,700 1:171 1575 Report Sparling. .110 Uncas 110 Plevna 110 4,100 1:19 1S79 Sensation Hughes.. 110 Ferncliffe 110 Grenada 110 3,300 1:1S 1550 Brambaletta Fisher.. 107 Banter 110 Mabel 107 2.C50 1:20 1551 Wyoming .Shatter. .107 Marsh Redon 110 Duplex 107 3,150 1:1SJ 1552 Kinglike J. Sparling. .110 Bessie 107 Tennyson 110 4,450 1:101 1553 Himalaya W. Donohue..ll0 Leo 110 Nonage 107 3.9G0 1:20 1554 Hopeful J. Donohuc..l07 St. Augustine 110 Kingman 1111 4.0S0 1:19J 1555 Dew Drop 01ney..ll2 Charitv 112J Biggonet ......112 3,320 1:1S1 1SSG Fircnze Hamilton.. 112 Belvldere 115 Santa Rita 113 4,200 1:17 c 1SS7 Fordham J. McLaughlin. .115 Satan 110 Now or Never . .115 3,940 1:191 j 1SSS Statelv Tavlor..l05 Hevdcy 10S Infanta 10S 5,000 1:17 1SS9 King Eric T. . . .Day. .10S Tournament 115 Magnate 119 C.910 1:181 v ISOOJNellle Bly Taral.,110 Kildeer 115 Average 10G C.070 1:1G 1 1801 Yorkville Belle I. Murphy.. 115 Dagonet 11S Azra 118 13.SS0 1:11 1S92 Runyon Lamley..ll8 Miss Maude 122 Stowaway 10S 4,290 1:13 " 1893 Patrician Simms..l03 Sir Excess 12S Prig 123 0,980 1:13 f 1894 Brandywine Griffin. .113 Halma 113 Counter Tenor.. 122 5,390 1:12 t 1S95 Ben Brush Simms..l27 Hazlet Ill Woodwinc 104 2,787 1:13? 1S9G Celoso T. Sloan.. 100 Typhoon II 125 George Rose ..114 3,050 1:14 1 1897 Plaudit It. Williams.. 123 Handball 12G Mont dOr 103 3.S50 1:13 1S9S Ethelbert Cunningham. .117 Kentucky Colonel US Himtlne Il l 3.S55 1:121 , 1899 Kings Courier Jenkins.. 10S Killashandra 115 The .Scotchman. 105 G,5G0 1:101 1900 Bellario nenrv . .123 Water Color US Beau Gallant. ...129 5,920 1:101 1 1901 King Hanover N. Turner. .114 Whiskey King US Chilton 113 6,735 1:11 1902 Eugenia Btirch .. .Spencer. .115 Hurstbourne 110 Merry Acrobat. .100 6,000 1:125 1903 Race King Gannon.. 114 Grenade 115 Divination 10S 7,125 1:10s 1904 Pasadena J. Martin.. 10S Gloriller 121 Von Tromp .....10S 4,825 1:12 1905 Perverse Shaw.. 109 Tiptoe 112 Whimsical 123 6,950 1:12? 100G W. II. Daniel J. Jones.. 120 Tourenue 10S Altuda 107 5.S75 1:11 i 1907 Dorante Sumter.. 90 Falcada Ill Fair Piny 122 8,200 1:132 j Run at Morris Park prior to 1905. Dead heat for second place. -f-Reduccd from 1 mile to 3-4 mile. Previously run at Jerome Park. MUNICIPAL HANDICAP. 1 Year. First. Age. Jockeys. Wt. Second. Age. Wt. Third. Age. Wt. Val. Time. 1 1S95 nen. of Navarre 4... Griffin.. 130 Rcy el Santa Anita 4 12G Clifford 5 ...12S $ 2,400 3:02 1S9G Sir Walter G Doggett..H4 Dutch Skater 5 112 Ramiro 3 .-...85 1.950 3:05 1S97 Ben Holladay 4.. A. Clayton.. 11S Dutch Skater 0 102 Semp. Ego 4. 100 2,250 2:593 1S9S Ben Holladay 5 T. Burns. .130 Jefferson 5 .... S7 Thomas Cat 4 99 2,750 3:01 1899 Ben Holladay G Spencer.. 130 Laverock 4 ...I 10G Warrenton 4.. 110 3,325 3:00 1900 Ethelbert 4 Odom..l2G Imp G 12G M. of Harlem 4 100 3,125 2:58; 1901 Latson G Wonderly.. 95 Maid of Harlem 5.. 100 Hernando 3 ..10G 3,495 2:5SJ 1902 Advance Guard 5 Odom..l27 Hunter Raiue 3 95 A. Williams 3102 2,730 3:00 1903 Major Daingerfield 4..Odom..l20 Caugbnowaga 4 113 Warranted 5. S3 2,805 2:57 1901 Gunfire 5 Shaw.. 113 Ostrich 3 05 Outcome 3 ..9" 2,850 2:59i 1905 St. Bellane 3 W. Knapp..l02 Right Royal 3 107 Outcome 4 ...105 2,820 2:59J 190G Dishabille 4 W. Knapp..ll5 Ironsides 3 11G Miss Grawfd5112 3.230 2:57 1907 Ncalou 4 W. Ktiapp..l2G Good Luck 4 ..10G ironsides 4 . .lhl 3,015 2:5SJ BROOK CUP STEEPLECHASE. Tear. First. Age. Jockevs. Wt. Second. Age. Wt. Third. Age. Wt. Val. Time. 1905 Grandpa Gj E. Helder..l45 Pagan Boy 5 MS D. Roberts 51.147 ,250 5:34 190G Alfar 4 Finnegan . .144 Coligny G 145 Jimmy Lane 6158 2.825 G:07 1907 Coligny 7 i...Donohue.ilK! Gus Straus 0 150 Navajo 5 ....137 3,100 0:15 1,1 the M : ,f. J. . hi in ni , 11 tl 1 t, j " i e n 1 n 1 r L