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FRANK ONEILL AGAIN IN THE SADDLE. i.iw York. June 16. — American turfmen were ngr* ■ ablv surprised to learn that Frank ONeill had xfddeii W K. Vauderbilts Negofol to victory in the I reach Derby at Chantilly Sunday. ONeill, once u crack jockev on the American turf, gave up the Bddle several years ago because he could not make the required weights in this country without seriously injuring his health. Ho went into partnership witli the well-known trainer. Fred Burlew. and together thev operated what was known as the B. A. O Stable, both here and at New Orleans. They wen- successful from the start and beaded the list .of winning owners at the Crescent City during two winter campaigns. As soon as the Hart-Agnew law wis passed though. Burlew and O Neill sold their Morses and were the first Americans to leave for il-Vance. But on the other side they encountered so mam obstacles that they soon parted company and ONiill. able to make the prevailing high scale of wights, began riding again.