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JACKSONVILLE MEETING TO RUN 120 DAYS. Buffalo. N. Y.. July 19. ,11. D. Brown, manager of the Florida State -Fair and Racing Association, was a visitor at Fort Erie Saturday. Mr. Brown had -just arrived from the south. He brought glowing accounts of the improvements made at Moncrief Park since the close of the meeting there last spring. Ho said: "We contemplate giving a high-class meeting next winter one thlat will rank with anv in the country. Moncrief Park is being beautified and laid out on the plan of the Sheepshead Bay course. We are increasing the capacity of the grandstand, and it will be twice the size that it was last winter, which means that it will measure over 300 feet in length. We are adding 000 stalls to the .100 that were built last spring, which will enable us to provide accommodations for over 1,000 horses. The now stables are being built on the plan of those at Los Angeles. Each stablo will he separated by an avenue over ninety feet wide. There will be fine roads between each stable. The lawns have all been leveled and sown in grass and palms, and shrubs have lecn set out aliout the grounds. A top dressing of loam has been placed on the track and u good horse should run a mile over it In better than 1:40 now. "We have decided to begin our racing on Thanksgiving Day and run for 120 days. We will be liberal iu our offerings of stakes and purses, and Im sure that the horsemen will be satisfied with them. A list of the stakes will be announced later on." Mr. Brown left for Jacksonville last night, but will return north during the Saratoga meeting.