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EASTERN SITUATION ENCOURAGING. Saturdays Paid Attendance at Empire City Was Greatest in the History of That Track. New York. July 19. The mid-season of the eastern1 turf lias been reached and ollicers of the Jockey Club are well satisfied with the results so far attained. The turf is making steady progress towards Its old-time popularity." It is said that the associations have made money on the daily attendance at the races, their only losses being on the large stake events which were a heritage of the old regime. Announcement Is expected shortly that races will be held daily at all the tracks the coming fall. Early in the season tin? track authorities directed that the anti-betting law. which prohibits any but oral wagers, must be lived up to, and there have been no infractions of the statute. The police, therefore, witli lew exceptions, have been withdrawn form the courses. Schuvler L. Parsons, president of the Coney Island Jockey Club, announces that the recent , meeting at Sheepshead Bay was run without financial loss. We did not make a dollar." said President Parsons, "but we didnt lose anything, which was particularly gratifying. We ran olT several rich stakes, including the Realization and the Tidal; and were agreeably surprised that they did not entail a deficit. The publics patronage exceeded our expectations and was excellent proof that racing is in a healthy condition." Saturdays paid attendance at Empire City Is said to have been the largest since James Butler obtained his license from the New York State Racing Commission.