Favorites Make Fair Showing: Going at Windsor of Sort Calling for Sturdiest Kind of Racers, Daily Racing Form, 1909-08-18


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FAVORITES MAKE FAIR SHOWING. Going at Windsor of Sort CallinB for Sturdiest Kind of Racers. Detroit, Mich.. August 17. Raping over a track such as prevailed here this afternoon was not conducive to stirring finishes, and, in consequence, the sport was listless and aroused little enthusiasm. Threatening weather did not materially affect the attendance or speculation. Twenty-nine layers held forth during the afternoon. It required a sturdy horse to run in the difficult going, and horses whose mud-ruuning proclivities had beeii well established were heavily backed. .Favorites fared well, the majority of them disposing of their opposition in handy style. The steeplechase, which featured the card, was above the average of similar contests decided recently, as none of the starters met with mishaps. The quintette went over- the course fairly well bunched, four of them taking many of the jumps simultaneously and evoking" the only enthusiasm manifested during the afternoon. The result of the race furnished an upset in the victory of Class Leader over John. Dillon, with the favorite. Bonnie Kate, in third place. Class Leaders improvement over liis recent efforts was decided but probably was due to the eh-ange in the going. Bonnie Kate would have been more formidable but for blundering at several of the obstacles during tho latter part of the journey. Another form reversal came in the fifth race, which resulted in an easy victory for Sewcll. In recent starts this horse has been beaten oft and the sharp kicking accorded him today was not considered seriously by the layers, to their chagrin. He went into a long lead with the barrier rise and. proceeding to spreadeagle his opponents, won in a romp from Charlie Eastman and Edgely. After the finish the halter brigade became active and put in numerous claims. Charlie Eastman and Edgely being the coveted ones. The former went to S. Davidson for ,200. and Edgely was secured by P. Gallagher, his former owner, for . Threo other claims were made for Edgely. Wooleasta. Banlves and Lillle Turner were a trio of favorites that rewarded form followers. Sewell, Gilvedear and Golconda were winners at longer odds. Tho last named showed such improvement over his race of yesterday that unpleasant comment followed. Lillle Turners victory enabled T. P. Hayes to take his first purse since bis arrival in Canada. Giles, which was beaten in the sixth race, was claimed after the race by Guy Gray, owner of Steel, for ,100. Jockey Nelson was suspended by the starter for the remainder of the meeting for misbehavior at the iost. For similar offenses Jockeys J. Lee and Ganz were each given three days on the ground. J. C. Ferriss said after the steeplechase that Bonnie Kates poor showing was due to an Injury to her knee, sustained in striking the ninth jump. 1j. B. Sire was among todays arrivals from Chicago. He will remain here for the remainder ot the meeting. J. W. Carmack. William Shields and L. O. Lee will send their strings to iMontreal at the close of the racing here. K. E. Watkins will ship Ida D. and Orphan Lad to Sheepshead Bay on Sunday next.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1909081801/drf1909081801_1_20
Local Identifier: drf1909081801_1_20
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800