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THE TRANSVAALS RACING LAW. Tlio most Important racing in South Africa is that which takes place from time to time near Johannesburg. It has pleased the Transvaal legislature to pass a law regulating this racing and its adjuncts minutely. The text of the new law was published in the Johannesburg Sunday Times of July 11: "The act is cited as "The Horse Racing and letting Restriction Act of 1!0!, and will come . into force on a date to be lixed by proclamation of the governor in the Gazette. The act has been duly passed by both houses, and is not subject to any further amendment unless by legislation at future sessions. The most important delinitions are: Hace day means, in a radius of twenty-live miles from the general post-otlice; Johannesburg, any Saturday and public holiday between 10 a. m. and li p. m., excepting Christinas day. Good Friday, or Ascension day. If Christinas day falls on a Saturday, or where unforeseen circumstances interfere with the holding of the meeting, the commissioner of police has it in his absolute discretion to appoint a fresh date. Iieyond the twenty-live mile radius. Wednesday is included in the number of race days. Ilet means to stake any money or valuable thing ou anv event or contingency of any race, foot race, cycle race, shooting, running, or loxing contests, or prize light; but the staking of money forming part of the prize for any race, etc., etc.. not being a prize light, does not amount to a bet. Foot races, cycle races. shooting, running, or boxing contests, are only affected by the act when the place where they are held is open to the public or members of a club and where the date has been lixed beforehand; which has the effect of permitting friendly wagers on private sitorts. Punishable with a line of $:t7o or six months hard labor for the lirst olTense, and 50 or twelve months hard labor for the second offense, are the following acts: "Taking part in or organizing any race meeting other than on a licensed race course upon an authorized race day: "Selling, or offering for sale, or circulating, race cards, except upon a race course on a race day, and the card must refer to the races actually held upon that day; "Itetting upon the result of any race, unless the bet is made upon a race course on a race day. at sites specially approved of by the commissioner of police or at the totalizator, which must also be duly licensed. The bet must refer to the races actually run upon that date and at that place: "Itetting at any time or place upon the result of any foot, cycle, motor, or boat race, or of any shooting, boxing, or running contest or prize light, unless held at a private place ou a date which has not been lixed beforehand, to which place neither public nor members of a club have access: "Iletting with a person under twenty-one years of age: "Printing any newspaper in this colony or publishing any newspaper In this colony containing information of betting odds relating to any kind of race or contest, unless the result has been decided: "Selling or circulating any newspaper or other publication, printed or published ill South Africa, which has been declared by the governor-in-councii to habitually contain information of betting odds relating to any kind of race or contest held in or outside this colony, unless the result has been determined. From this is will be seen that English and foreign mail papers have been duly excluded from the operation of the act: "Failing to make proper totalizator returns within twenty-one days of any meeting renders the licensee liable to pay treble the amount of the duty, amounting to 2 per cent, ou the net takings, plus 2 per cent, on tlx; net remains after paying out dividends, and a further 2 per cent, on unpaid dividends after three months. The commission and duty chargeable by the totalizator may not exceed 10 per cent.: "Refusing to produce totalizator account book for inspection: "Hindering any police officer in the execution of his duties concludes the long list of offenses created by this statute. The attorney-general may license race courses and issue the license in the name of a secretary of an association or any person lawfully occunying ground, which must be properly fenced. "The license holds good for twelve months, but Is withdrawn if the holder be convicted: "The licensee, after submitting his rules and regulations to the attorney-genera. 1. may exclude any person or persons, subject to such rules, from his race course: "As mentioned above, private foot or cycle races, or shooting, running, or loxing contests may be held and private bets be made, subject to the restrictions enumerated: "Mail papers containing betting news may be imported anil purchased: "The attorney-general may authorize the keeping upon of certain premises Tattersalls for live hours on the two week days succeeding a race meeting to settle bets, but not to make any bets; "The -premises must be approved by the commissioner of police; "Prosecutions must be instituted one mouth after the offense has been committed: "Nothing in the ,act makes bets recoverable by law."