Sun Again Shines at Spa: Return of Fine Weather Restores Interest in Saratoga Racing, Daily Racing Form, 1909-08-20


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SUN AGAIN SHINES AT SPA RETURN OF FINE WEATHER RESTORES INTEREST IN SARATOGA RACING. Beaucoup Finds It Easy to Win the Catskill Stakes Crystal Maid Takes Another Purse Far West Shows Return of Good Form. Saratoga, X. Y., August 10. There was a revival of interest in the races today with the return of exquisite weather conditions, and approximately li.OOO were in attendance. Tint continuous rainfall of the preceding three days had exercised a depressing effect on the sNrt and the change in the weather was welcomed with enthusiasm hy everybody concerned. The card as originally sent out overnight was surprisingly good, considering the rough and uncertain going in prospect for the morrow, and good fields were anticipated. This, however, was not to he, withdrawals being unusually numerous. The lirst race alone lost ,ten of its fifteen entrants, while the fields for the Catskill and the mile handicap were respectively reduced to live and three contestants. The stake feature was contested hy a quintet of mud runners in I.eaucoup. Great Heavens. Dr. llolz-berg, Uosiiuiro and .May Amelia. The first named was the liest-hacked horse in the race and went to the post favorite. Though led in the running by three horses for half of the distance, it was apparent that he had the measure of his opponents at all stages and that jockey Creevy was merely hiding his time. When his impatiently awaited move materialized, Beaucoup went- into the lead in a twinkling and won oil in a canter. .May Amelia, the near favorite, collapsed almost immediately after turning for home. The uniquely named Sreat Heavens thrilled spectators with a sensational closing Vprint. T. .1. Iloalev has trained three winners of the Cats-kill for It. T. Wilson, Jr. Carbuncle, Highland and lteaucoup. The tabled history of the Catskill is given he-low: Year. Winner. A. Wt. Jockey. Val. Time 190lCarbuncle ...4 1 IS MeCue .,7.10 l:le 1902 Swiftmas 0 120 Idem 2.2ST. 1:27 190:: Highlander ..1 111 Kedfern ... J.Ji 1::K! 1901 Ascension 5 10.1 Hildehrand.. 2.0.V, l:2u l!!r. Geranium ....4 IOC I.vne Z."0." 1:27s VMM Merry Lark... I 10i Miller"". :.. . l.o:!0 l:2g 1!M7 Dreamer .r 10S W. Knann. 1.015 1:2." 190S Angelas :t 10:: C. II. Shilg 003 1:27 1909fBeaucoup 4 111 Creevy OTTi l::il At three-quarters of a mile. -Handicap previous to 1!0!. Injudicious pacemaking tactics contributed chiefiy to Firestones defeat by the lightly-handicapped Far West in tlie opening dash at seven-eighths of a mile. Tin; stiff going was also a contributing factor. The winner seemed an eliminated trailer for the lirst half-mile, but proceeded to astonish the spectators with a lhrillingly fast closing sprint. He swept by Firestone so suddenly that jockey Powers was rattled. At the end Firestone was going fully as well as Far West. Crystal Maid, the crack western filly, winner of the I.atonia Oaks, conceded chunks of weight to three lightlv-weighted opponents and defeated them in the mile race in brilliant fashion. P.oth Danoscara and Rose Queen dodged the issue and the result showed that it was probably as well that they did. The lioautiful Pirate of Penzance filly is in a class by lierself when running over a muddy course. Donald Macdonald. on the strength of his third in this years .Belmont and a good showing on the Canadian circuit, was played at odds-on to win the 1ifth from moderate opposition. Chinns three-year-old was entered to be sold for the insignificant sum of $."ilit. and. under Davenports conspicuously had -ride, just got up to save second place in the last stride. The winner turned up in Spcllliound. brother to an Illustrious trio of turf stars in Mesmerist, llatasoo and Jinks. Favorites had been successful down the line until the Donald Macdonald fiasco. Another short-priced horse. Ten Paces, was found wanting in the last race. The Forsvthe colt ran like; a pronounced sulker and as the letting indicated lie would. His odds constantly lengthened. .locUev Dugan rode Royal Onyx directly contrary to stable orders, and it is rumored that the owners will complain to the stewards alout it. Instead of riding a waiting race, as instructed. Dugan sent his mount along to force the pace from the The Champion Steeplechase will have Sn.OOO in added money this year. This sum will be subscribed in whole or" part by men interested in steepleehasing. Olambala and May Kiver worked a mile together between races today in IMS. The first named went on alone for another quarter, doiug a mile and a quarter trial for the Champlain Handicap next Saturday in 2:10 easily. Olamhalas impost In that race will in; IIS pounds. A stable boy crossed the field witli a monkey between the third and fourth races and turned it loose In the grandstand. The monkeys presence created :i panic among the occupants and before its capture was affected it bit a little girl on the arm. W. 0. Dalv was fined by the stewards for failing to report the scratching of Killiecraukie to the clerk of the scales. , , The weather tonight is clear and warm and the track will be in improved condition tomorrow.

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