James Butler May Get Reward, Daily Racing Form, 1909-08-20


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JAMES BUTLER MAY GET REWARD. New York, August 19. So far James: Butlers Empire City track is the only one in the Jockey Clubs circuit to make any money this year. There from the Belmont Park was a slight deficit resulting meeting, while Gravcseud and Sheepshead Day broke even. Hut Umpire City, it is said, showed an unex-nccled balance on the right side of the lodger. It b; believed that Saratoga will be fortunate to get out of the present long meeting without loss, but it is confidently predicted that all of the autumn meetings at the metropolitan tracks will more than cover expenses. Mr. Itutlers assistance in the light to keep racing aljve shows that the Jockey Club has valued a powerful ally and if hi? decides to race a big stable of his own he will meet with encouragement all along the line. As a reward for his liberal support of the turf .Mr. P.utler. it is said, is soon to be elected a member of the Jockey Club. It Is learned that if Pat Dunne does not become connected witli .Mr. P.utler as trainer of his prospective. racing establishment, P.ob Tucker will get the place.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1909082001/drf1909082001_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1909082001_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800