Future Stake Dates, Daily Racing Form, 1909-08-20

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FUTURE STAKE DATES. Catskill Stakes, Saratoga. N. Y Aug. 19 North American Steeplechase. Saratoga. N.Y.Aug. 21 United States Hotel Stakes. Saratoga. N. Y..Aug. 21 Ohamplain Handicap, Saratoga, N. Y Aug. "1 Inauguration Handicap, Vancouver, B. C....Aug. 21 Ferry Company. Windsor, Ont Aiig. 21 Kentucky Stakes, Saratoga, N. Y ...Aug. 23 Amsterdam Stakes, Saratoga, N. Y Aug. 24 Adirondack Stakes, Saratoga. N. Y.. Aug. 25 Juvenile Stakes, Vancouver, B. C Aug. 25 Saranac Stakes, Saratoga. N. Y , . .Aug. 25 Beverwyck Steeplechase. Saratoga, N. Y....Aug. 28 Grand Union Hotel Handicap, Saratoga. N.Y.Aug. 28 Saratoga Cup, Saratoga, N. Y "...Aug. 28 Vancouver Derby. Vancouver, B. C Aug. 28 Futurity Stakes. Sheepshead Bay. N. Y.....Aug. ..0 Fall Handicap. Sheepshead Bay. X. Y Aug. 30 Turf Selling Stakes. Sheepshead Bay. N. Y. .Aug. 31 Inaugural Steeplechase. Sheepshead Bay, N. Y Aug. 31

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1909082001/drf1909082001_6_2
Local Identifier: drf1909082001_6_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800