untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1909-08-20


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PARLAY LOST. It gave POINT LACE. 4-1. WON. a third and a loser. All who had it will get three Canada Occasional as well as our wires tomorrow free. Yesterdays Two-ITorse Wire gave A WINNER and a loser. Yesterdays Form Special scratched. Yesterdays Canada Occasional lost. FRED AYS FORM SPECIAL: Gray Sunday 83-99-8S-95-83-99-50-58r93-87. NEW BOOK ON SALE TODAY. NOTE. Chicago subscribers can get book at office or Princess Cigar Store. 259 S. Clark St. THE TURF REPORTER Room 312 :: 59 Dearborn St. :: Chicago, 111. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW. Room 37 :: 71 Dearborn St. :: Chicago. III. Yesterdays Special: New York, Magnet, Matinee, Canary. Yesterdays Wire lost. Tomorrow IS THE DAY. We expect to get enough money to last us for the season. WELL GET 30-1 AND MAY GET 50-1 so secretly have all avenues been covered. Ill show, you the value of information which has made it possible for my clients to show a Profit of ,450 on 5 Flat Bets This horso starts positively Rain or Shine and runs just as true in heavy coinr, as on a fast track, being bred that way. Twenty-Five Dollars Should Net ,000. THE LAST "GUARANTEED HORSE war. LITTLE KING 3-1 WON Same won by six lengths. This horse tomorrow will win just as easily at odds ten times as biir. Read yesterdays Form concerning guarantee. SARATOGA ADDRESS No. 109 Circular St.. Saratoga Springs, N. Y., where all subscriptions should be sent either by telegraph, special delivery or ordinary mail. Anything posted before 2 oclock today, will reach mo in time to have telegram in your hand 12 oclock Chicago time: if too late to mail your subscription, telegraph same. Terms: Ten Dollars. Do not suggest other terms; they are impossible on account of the enormous expense involved. Here is your chance to recover any losses youve had, and recover same with interest. Nothing surer in racing is possible. It is the best betting proposition thai ever came to my notice. Act promptly. AL. FOREMAN, Temple Court Building, 6th Floor, Nassau and Beekman Streets, New York City. Special GOES U TOMORROW iOR SPECIAL OFFER SEE BOOK 13. Mew Book Out Today For sale at all leading news-stands in the U. S. and Canada. Yesterdays Form Specjal ran third. FRIDAYS FORM SPECIAL: April Grape 50-49-G1-32-4S-3G. Yesterdays Canada Wire ran second. Yesterdays Two-Horse Wire lost. The Standard Turf Guide Room 212 :: 59 Dearborn St. :: Chicago. 111. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. The American Racing Manual for 1909 X An Excellent and Cheap Book of 370 Pages t . It holds information for people interested in racing contained in no other publication. It is simply a mine of records 6 1 AMONG OTHER FEATURES IT HAS: t t The Great Sales of 1908 in America and Europe. : : English Racing Records to Date. f T Three Handicap Systems with Examples. Twenty Leading Sires of 1908. The English Betting Rules. T Records at All Distances of the Tracks of the United The Bookmaking Percentage Table. The First, Second and Third Horses, Jockeys, 4 States and Canada. 9 A Table of Comparative Speed of tho Tracks at All 9 Weights, Value and Time of American Stakes. T X American Racing Records at All Distances, Distances. Winners of All Stakes of 1S08. J I Australian Racing Records. - The Scales of Weights of the Jockey Club, American Racing Statistics of 1908. 2 Z The Great Money Winners of the American and Ens- Turf Association, Western Jockey Club, Pacific Horses Disqualified in 1908. lish Turf. Jockey Club and of England. - Dead Heats in 1903. . T The Leading Winning Two-Year-Olds Since 1870. A Table of the Mile Speed of All Tracks. Horses Which Died in 1908. T T List of Horses That Have Sold for Great Prices. Tho Winners of tho Two Thousand, One Thousand, Horses Bid Up in 1908. Y X Remarkable Feats of Jockeyship. q Epsom Derby, Oaks and St. Leger from Their q What the Running Horses Did in 1908. X X Leading American Sires Since 1870. Foundation. Record of Miles Run in 1:39 or Better, Etc., Etc. X : I 1 PAPER BOUND 50 CENTS t V 1 T H THIS EMINENTLY handy book in PRICES LEATHER BOUND 75 CENTS lliS pocket any admirer of racing can readily X Y T answer almost any query that may come up con- x .... . X cernin? facts of racing in the past. Its equal x t Single copies by mall will positively only be sent as registered t hag consilerin, the it never een printed andj topics coverS X mall, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. X it is an extremely cheap book of 370 pages. MMMtMM MMtjtottc, OMMnOtMmOM.MMCOMMM0MOtntMMIt0tlMimHtf t Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. -y o

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1909082001/drf1909082001_6_3
Local Identifier: drf1909082001_6_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800