Seek Revocation of Charter: Movement of Toronto Against Metropolitan Racing Association of Canada, Daily Racing Form, 1909-08-20

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SEEK REVOCATION OF CHARTER. Movement at Toronto Against Metropolitan Racing Association of Canada. Toronto. Out.. August 1!. The federal authorities are being subjected to severe criticism for having granted a charter to the Metropolitan Racing Association of Canada, composed of the interests which backed the recent outlaw race meetings at Dufferin Park in this city and Delorimicr Park in Montreal. Efforts are being put forth to secure its revocation. Thomas Mulvey, under secretary of state, who issued the charter, declares that in granting it the federal department of state merely carried out the provisions of the Dominion companies act. and that there was no legal reason why the charter should not have been granted. Speaking of the complaints that the granting of the charter was in opposition to the policy of the Provincial authorities, he said: "I am not aware that the Province has any policv, or that the Dominion has any policy, with regard to such matters, and if the Province did have a policy it would not enter into a question of whether a charter applied for should be granted. The charter that was issued at Ottawa gives the applicants the right to hold race meets, and it supplies other powers. The Toronto Hunt Club and other organizations have secured Dominion charters carrying with them wider powers than are being exercised by the holders. "The federal charter does not permit the incorporator to carry on the business of bookmaking. Those who issued the charter have absolutely nothing to do with that. The applicants -were granted a charter to hold race meets and do other things. Having granted the charter, the federal government lias nothing further to do with the case." It was pointed out to Mr. Mulvey that the Dominion charter would enable the Dullerin Park bookmakers to carry on their business again in face of the fact that the Dufferin Park Associations charter had been revoked by the Ontario government. To that Mr. Mulvey replied: "The Provincial government cancelled the charter because those, who held it did not live up to their stated obligations. The federal government has no right to scrutinize the personnel of applicants for charters, because if it started that it would lie usurping the functions of many other bodies. The application having been made, and as there was no legal reason why tho charter should not be granted, it was granted: that is ail there is" Asked whether the charter having been issued it could be revoked by the federal authorities, Mr. Mulvey declined to express an opinion, saying that it was too wide a question, as was also the question as to whether or not the Ontario government could take steps to annul the charter. He said: "Bear in mind that there is np question of bookmaking or betting in the charter just issued. The laying of bets on an incorporated race track is not an illegal matter. If it were made illegal, or if those interested think it" may be declared illegal, the courts are open in a variety of ways for a test to be made." It is, understood that the question lias been laid before the department of justice as to the right of the Dominion to grant a charter in violation of the approved policy of a province or city.

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