Saratoga Stake Fund Growing Apace, Daily Racing Form, 1909-08-20


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SARATOGA STAKE FUND GROWING APACE. Saratoga, X. Y., August 10. The Schwartz brothers. Lowisohn brothers. John Sanfoni and a Captain P.ache are recent additional subscribers to the 00,000 fund for two-year-old stakes, started by .lames It. Kcene last Saturday. Andrew Miller said todav that $."0,000 had already been subscribed, witli Aigust Belmont. Har- Payne Whitney, Herman P.. Durvca. J. K. Wideirfr and Clarence II. Mackay yet to be heard from. Tliese last-named gentlemen are at present in Europe and all are expected to sub-strbe liberally to the fund. "We could raise twice .the sum contemplated, if necessary." said Mr. Miller. "There may be another fund started to be used in founding big stakes on the metropolitan race courses or to increase the future values of a number of famous stakes that have been reduced since the Hart-Agnew law went into effect. The fund is an assured fact and is a big tiling, so you can give it all the prominence you wish."

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Local Identifier: drf1909082001_1_4
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