The near-at-Hand Futurity and Horses That May Contest It, Daily Racing Form, 1909-08-20

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THE WEAR -AT-HAND FUTURITY AND HORSES THAT MAY CONTEST IT ; . 4, The decision of the Futurity of 1009 is but a brief space away, one week from next Monday. The big race appears to le an open affair. There is no great blazing star of the It rack among the two-year-olds of this year no Colin. Sysonby or Artful. It may lie that Waldo is the best of tbe year, but that has no bearing on the Futurity, because Waldo is not among its nominations. So far as recent public form goes. Sweep, Rocky OBrien and P.arleythorpe seem the liest of the eligibles, but their credentials are not such as to preclude the idea that some "dark" one entitled to allowances may not prove good enough to garner the richest two-year-old race of the year. It is not to be inferred that the best two-yiar-olds of this year are especially bad race horses. They simply seem to be of average goodness. It may lie that the racing of the future will demonstrate that more than one is to develop Into a crack racer of high class. One disappointment growing mit of Saratoga racing is that W. Clays fine filly. Ocean Bound, has been so injured that it is improbable she can start in the Futurity. This removes one of the main attractions of the race. Fit and sound, she would have a chance of winning second to none. A marked feature of the race is the iiuiiiIkt of maiden eligibles of whose possible merits little is known. The Philadelphia turfman, M. Murphy, has thirteen, none of which lias started. It may have been through negligence that they were not declared out. but. however that may lie, the fact remains that he lias more eligibles than any other owner. They are by his own stallions. Tammany and Richard J., from well-bred mares. T. C. McDowell has in Star Actor. Prlncelike and Ecstacy three richly-bred ones that have never started. In the early spring at least two of them were reported to be extremely promising. In Star Blue. W. B. Jennings owns a half-brother to I!li;es that may have been reserved expressly for the Futurity. Jennings liad him in training at Oakland last spring and reports of great speed shown by him in work were rife. Paul J. Uainey lias in Itosseaux a brother to Rosehcn and in Voltaire a half-brother to the fast, hut non-staying Strike Out, for which II. B. Dnryca gave Slo.COO as a yearling on being shown a half-inile trial in 4i. II. I. Whitneys single eligible is Rumpus, a brown filly by Hamburg Hnrly Burly and consequently a sister to the grand colt. Burgomaster. How good she may be is a stable secret, but rumor lias it that she is gifted with great speed. John E. Maddens list also contains the names of several which have never been started. Altogether, there is good ground for curiosity as to what this division may have in reserve for the Futurity. It can he seen that it could easily product; a half-dozen or more starters. .As to the developed ones deemed sure to start. Sweeps victory in the National Stallion Race and Itockv OBriens in the Hopeful Stakes brought each of these colts the major penalty and both will have" 130 pounds to carry. Starliotlle, Colinet, Grasmere and Barleythorpe have lost their maiden allowances, but have incurred no penalties. Candleberry and Don Antonio are both still n-afilens and Candleberry seems an exceptionally promising one. Viewing these in the light of the Hopeful Stakes running, it apnears that Sweep is master of those that have raced and won, hut on a fast track only. On two occasions he has shown clearly that mud affects him unfavorably. Bockv OBrien defeated him in the Hopeful, hut had eight pounds advantage in the weights and did liot give Sweep an eight-pound beating. Here they run on even" terms and, considering that Sweep was unlucky in the Hopeful running, while Rocky OBrien was lucky. Sweep should reverse placings without much trouble when it comes to the Futurity running. On their respective showings in the Hopeful, Sweep should also bold Barleythorpe safe. He gave the latter fifteen pounds and a lien ting in that race and only has to concede eight iounds in the Futurity. It is hard to get invar from the conclusion that so far an public form is accepted as a guide. Sweep is the most probable Futuritv winner and that if lie is to lie overthrown it will be by some one of the as yet unknown quantities referred to. A brother to Roseben would be received with great acclamation as a Futuritv winner by a New York crowd. Apparently ten starters may lie counted upon with confidence and if no more than this hand goes to the post, there should still be a rousing good race. The names, owners, pedigrees and weights are given here, as also the same particulars concerning the others from which reinforcements may come: Owner, Sex, Color, Horse and Pedigree. Weight. .1. It. Kcenes br. c. Sweep, by Ben Brush Pink Domino ... ... ...... .ISO James McManus ch, c. Rocky OBrien, by Meddler Suisun . . .. ir.0 j. K. Kcenes ch. c. Grasmere, by Meddler Rothn II 122 A. Belmonts ch. c, Starhottle, by Hastings Sunfish 122 K It. Bradleys b. c, Colinet. by Star Shoot Kentucky Belie II 122 J K. Gaffnevs ch. c, Barleythorpe, by Woolsthorpe Frederica 122 T W. OBriens b. g, Perry Johnson, by Meddler Belle Iloyt 110 George J. Longs ch. c, Don Antonio, by Alvescot Variora 117 Montpelier Stables b. c. Candleberry. by Ben Brush Candle 117 II. P. Whitneys br. f. Rumpus, by Hamburg Hurly Burly 114 Those from which additional starters may come are the following: Woodford Clays b. or br. f. Ocean Bound, by Star Shoot Flying Ship 123 August Belmonts b. c. Bullcare. by Hastings Dulcibella 1-- Chelsca Stables b. c, Lothario, by Orlando Elopement 122 S J. Doggctts b. f, Angerona, by Sir Dixon Faiaska 110 11 J Mackenzies b. c. The General Armstrong, by Ben Strome Privateer 119 SC." iiildreths ch. c. Sporting Life, by Meddler Vacation w 11 J. E. Maddens br. c. Naughty Boy, by Ogden Imp i J E. Maddens b. c. Hampton Court, by Galore Dorothy Hampton 11 J E. Maddens ch. c. Bishop, by Handspring Musette 117 T. C. McDowells b. c, Star Actor, by Star Ruby Peg otlington 11. T. O. .McDowells ch. c. Princelike, by Hastings Queenlike II.. 117 W B. Jennings ch. c. Star Bine, by Star Ruby Bonnie Blue II 117 Oneck Stables blk. c. Anavri, by Ben Strome Irvana . . . 11 1 P J Raineys b. c, Itosseaux, by Ben Strome Rose Leaf 117 p" J Itainevs blk. c. Voltaire, by Watercress Pillowdex 11 1 T H Maddens b. f. Sticker, bv Yankee Courtplastcr 114 j" i:. Maddens br. or blk. f. Holly Bush, by Yankee TrIIlette 114 T. C. McDowells ch. f, Eestacy, by Ben Strome Bracegirdle 114 : :

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