Work-Outs of Eastern Horses, Daily Racing Form, 1909-08-20

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WORK-OUTS OF EASTERN HORSES. Saratoga. X. Y., August 19. Recent work-outs of horses iu training pu. Horse Haven track hero were: Weather cloudy: track slow Angelus Three-eighths. In 40. Nice work for him.. Apache Mile in 1:51. Has all. his fine turn of speed ami never looked better. Bouquet--tMlle in 1:50. Looks good: shows all hT early speed. Al Kenneth Throeruunrters in 1:23. St. Regis Three-eighths in 40. Fit and ready to raee. . Saltan naif mile in 52. Has plenty of speed. Ainyl Three-quarters lu 1:23. Works aloiig nicely at all times. Bon Hommo Five-eightiis in 1:00. Has been going slowly and is now coining to hand nicely. Bob R. Three-quarters In 1:21. Shows plenty of early speed. Braggadocio Mile and an .eighth In 2:13. Bandello rThree-quarters in 1:218. Works: along nicely at all times and shows a good turn of speed. Byzantine Five-eighths in 1:12. . Baron- Dieskaii Three-eighths In 39. Works along nicely at all times. . Billiard Hull Half mile in 52. Nice work. Cohort Three-quarters In 1:232. Has been resting up for soinu time and Is now doing regular training. Dixie Dixon Three-quarters in 1:21.. De Burgo Half mile Iu 55J.. Works well at all times. Shows plenty of speed. Dalhousie Three-quarters iu 1:25. Good looker and mover, with, a nice turn of speed. Dreamer Mile In 1:501. Nice work for him. Economy Mile and a quarter in 2:24. Works along in a nice way for a jumper. Shows all her. speed. Fighting Bob Half mile In 52s. Holds all his good tjim of speed and never was iu better condition. Footpad Mile In 1:49. Seems to work better than he race. Siuras a good turn of speed. Gliding Belle Half mile in 55. Shows all her . early speed ami Is In good racing condition. Gold Dust Half mile in 50. Henderson Half mile In 551. Shows plenty of speed in his work. Hfi-pes Three-quarters In 1:23. This one works like a nict colt with plenty of speed. Intervenivr-Tlirce-qiuirters In l:23i.- Coming around to racing- form after, a long let-up. Joe GaltcnsTT-IIaif mile in 51. Good work for him. KrikinaMile in 1:535.. Louise Welles Half mile In 52?. Has a grand turn of speed and will race well when she starts Main. H Marathon Half mile iu 57. Just breezing along afler a long let-up. Miitcliticld Half mile in 55. Doesnt seem to improve much: shows speed at times. Miss Kearney Three-quarters in 1:21. Speedy and should raee better next time out. Ontario Mile in 1:502. Works along like a nice horse and shows plenty of early speed. Oxer Three-quarters in 1:21. Coming around to good racing form fast; has shown plenty "of speed. Plnilieo Three-quarters in 1:20. A fine, big colt, witli a good turn of speed. Prince Hampton Mile and a quarter in 2:24. Worked along with Economy and shows good speed. Placidi! Half mile in 54. Nice even work for this, one. Roland Five-eighths In 1:05. Nice work and one that shows speed and staying qualities. Rocky OBrien Three-quarters in 1:23. Uoekstone Mile in 1:53. Looks good and works well at all times. Sir Cloges Three-quarters in ,l:lSi.- At his best. Seymour Beutler Three-eighths in 411. Coming around after a long rest.. Shannon Five-eighths in 1:12. Fit and ready to race well. Terah Five-eighths in 1:07J. Was going slowly for some time: now doing nice work. Toniata Three-eighths in 40. Works along nicely at all times: shows fine turn ot speed. Blackford Half mile in 50. eased up. Has all his speed and likes the mud. Cordova Five-eighths in 1:12. Shows speed and should race well. Fitz Herbert Mile in 2:00. Fighting for his head all the way. At his best. Far West Mile In 1:50. Excellent work for hlra. Foursome Half mile in 55. Showed good speed In the" heavy going. Harrigan Five-eighths In 1:0S. Coming around to his best racing form-. High Private Half mile in 54. lias all his speed. King James Mile in 2:00. Worked along with Fitz Herbert. Both are in good condition-Dalmatian Three-quarters at a two-minute gait. Naughty Boy Three-quarters in 1:188. Nice even work. . Noon Three-quarters in 1:182. Good work and should Improve on it. Mellowmlnt Three-eighths in 41s. Has all his speed. Sticker Three-quarters in 1:19. Worked along in an easy manner; shows speed. Silk Hosl Five-eighths in 1:00. Showed speed in the heavy going. Tony Bonero Mile In 1:49. Never was in better condition.

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