Jockeys Handicapped, Daily Racing Form, 1909-08-20

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JOCKEYS HANDICAPPED. From time to time Dally Racing Form will publish a table of the comparative rating of those jockeys whose skill in the saddle has already been well demonstrated and of those who have not arrived but give promise of coming excellence. The handicap will divide these riders into four classifications, of which those admittedly In the front rank of their calling will be indicated by 100,. thence downward through 95 and 90 to SO, the. lowest classification, from which advancement upward will come when justified by good riding. The table will also show the number of mounts, wins, seconds, thirds and unplaced from January 1, 1908. will be corrected from week to week, and. up to and including the racing of August 10, is as follows: Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp.Han. Archibald, G S90 151 135 119 4S5 90 Aubuchon 1S5 32 18 25 110 85 Bergen, J 4S2 50 54 03 309 80 Roland, D 290 30 44 38 184 90 Borel 415 41 42 44 2S8 80 Brady,. C 90 0 5 7 72 SO Brannon 381 19 IS 38 300 80 Brooks. J 251 4S 48 33 122 85 Burns. G 1,005 144 179 155 587 90 Burns, T. 100 17 22 20 107 00 Burton, F. 570 47 GO 62 407 85 Butler, J 1,193 10S 132 170 717 95 Butwell 508 88 88 79 313 90 Buxton 050 03 S4 82 421 95 Carroll, John 99 6 9 13 71 85 Charboneau 161 12 14 10 119 SO Clark, E 351 20 32 39 251 85 Coburn 442 73 73 60 230 85 Creevy 260 37 25 34 164 80 Crowley 129 7 7 12 103 S5 Cullen 241 20 22 31 108 SO Davenport 170 48 24 24 80 90 Davis. ,R 142 S 17 25 92 SO Dearborn 77 5 0 S 58 80 Delaby 175 16 10 16 127 85 everich 898 S3 89 100 520 85 Doyle, W 101 9 0 13 73 80 Dugan, E. 1,138 248 213 142 535 100 Englander 8! 10 13 10 56 90 Fairbrother 329 39 42 51 195 85 Fischer, W 258 26 30 32 164 85 Flyini. S 570 OS -73 60 375 85 Fogarty 158 11 4 14 129 80 Foley. J 174 11 13 15 133 SO Francis 105 14 12 20 119 SO Franklin 225 12 19 24 170 SO Fulton 02 6 6 9 41 SO Gargan 140 11 16 15 97 80 Garner 410 39 53 01 257 85 Gaugel 10 16 35 20 19 80 Gilbert 948 115 133 124 576 95 Glasner 512 47 51 66 34S 85 fjlass j 205 28 30 31 117 SO Goldstein 858 100 129 120 497 95 Grillin 1S5 10 12 17 140 SO Gross ::4 8 4 5 17 80 Harris. A 66-1 S6 73 St 410 90 Hai-t-V 400 57 51 63 289 85 Hayes. J 554 61 69 61 303 85 Heatlicrton 1S9 13 13 14 149 SO Hc-iM 029 03 93 67 405 85 Henry. C 489 40 58 51 340 85 Herbert 200 24 24 28 18i 80 Hilrlebrand 117 0 3 14 91 80 Hogg. James 471 48 45 45 332 85 Howard. J 771 101 110 91 469 90 Hufnagel 213 19 23 22 149 80 Jensen 77 5 5 9 58 80 Kelly. W 529 105 SS 72 264 90 Kennedy 1,018 137 145 147 5S9 95 Keogh 718 104 99 91 424 90 J-"K,J- :K0 :a 36 2S6 80 Kirselilmum 733 73 78 81 501 80 Koerncr, C 498 81 77 63 273 95 Ivoerner. T. ILl 11 11 11 8S 80 Lang. A 257 10 13 32 196 80 I!,- J; 1.254 172 152 101 759 95 Lita;rt 277 29 20 41 181 85 Lloyd 201 8 18 12 226 SO Lycurgus 457 74 63 70 250 85 Lynch, E. 201 17 30 IS 136 -85 Martin. A 229 13 13 20 1S3 SO Martin. K 1,215 215 16S 186 040 05 .ri. " ,c lr2 20 J7 12 103 85 Mo ahey 071 131 125 129 580 90 McCarthy. D 950 104 152 127 513 95 J!,!1"!1 , V. 100 0 17 17 120 80 McDanieL R 072 78 102 77 415 95 MeFadden. J. A S3 9 5 6 53 80 MeGee. M. 1,078 161 -163 100 594 100 Mclntyre. J 454 81 71 07 235 90 -Melntyre. W 487 45 40 53 343 85 Jhv.,,ry m- n; "1 57 -Miller, Ov 101 i; 22 27 102 85 MIIV- W 900 199 101 125 421 100 Minder 305 38 32 42 193 90 Moreland 254 26 31 28 169 85 Morgan 340 39 35 39 227 85 Mulcahy 103 6 9 7 81 80 .Murphy. J. W 419 49 37 50 2S3 90 Musgrave 1,110 172 174 144 020 95 Mcol 491 87 85 68 253 100 hotter 938 270 187 145 330 100 tt. W 335 41 24 25 253 85 JaKft 981 160 173 137 482 90 J iekens 723 SO 89 9 t 400 85 Iohanka 57 . 5 9 . 3 40 80 Powers. V 2,005 491 334 305 875 100 Preston. M 412 73 71 H4 214 95 Ouarrlngton 116 6 13 0 87 SO J 257 53 41 35 125 85 Bettig 067 79 87 92 409 90 Bice. T 1,000 85 120 130 725 85 Koss. U 1.128 120 137 130 735 90 Russell 497 59 46 64 32S S5 Sandy 003 03 05 64 411 85 Shilling. C. II 1,197 357 200 180 460 100 .Schlessinger. 114 8 5 11 89 SO Scovllle 830 120 110 105 495 100 Shaw 89 15 12 14 48 SO Shrove 200 10 23 21 140 80 Shriner 301 30 24 30 274 85 Skirvin 299 13 19 23 244 SO Smith. II 101 21 26 14 99 SO Steele. T. 258 12 19 28 199 SO ;.rt 132 8 5 0 113 SO Sullivan. E 325 35 29 49 212 90 Slimier 359 33 38 13 243 85 Swain. G 231 13 24 14 ISO SO Sweet 352 45 40 45 221 90 JalJlli 961 15S 133 143 527 95 .vlor 258 21 21 15 IBS S3 Ireuliel 103 20 15 11 57 95 Troxlor 5Sl 50 SO 51 391 90 Tnieman 71 5 4 4 5S SO Upton 584 72 53 72 377 S3 Ural 157 12 14 19 122 SO Viindusen 423 53 69 03 23R SO Walker. W. R 95 12 14 12 57 85 Walsh. A 1,538 204 208 1SS 938 95 Walsh. E. 94 17 12 11 54 85

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