Windsor Entries and Past Performances for Friday, August 20, Daily Racing Form, 1909-08-20

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Windsor Entries and Past Performances for Friday, August 20. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. WINDSOR ENTRIES. Ind Horse. WKKS; A- Yf 84221 St. Jeanne 104 1:124 5..104..X7OO ... . , . . S41728 Blackshecp 100 1:134 4..108..XWi Racing starts at 0 2:45 p. m. S4140 Mozart 101 l:i::4 3.. 103 00.". XRuus well in mud. Superior mud runner. S4073J Soli 07 1:144 3. .107. . . .185 First Race 3-4 Milo. S:!57i Ada 6! "Wiiikcr 4. .100. . X08T, 2-year-olds. Colts and Geldings. Selling. 82839s Billy Klalr 3. .105 Gi Track record: 83908 1:121 5 110. Fifth Race 5-8 Mile. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A. Wt. Hdcp. 2-vear-olds. Fillies. Allowances. 84170 Banives 112 1:104 112.. 725 Track record: W490 1:004 2 105. ,iJi!!n JrCk StraW trr v7tr S4201 ENGLISH ESTHER10S 1:012 10S....70O ,2t,i" Morman ?SJ"X??ri Ta Toupee 10S..XIKJ5 Sfn-M ?SriZi- 1nV""-n- 1127 Daisy Garth 112 1:03 113... -I0 S,nElaln ,., Vinn 41!K Tortuous 10S..X0S5 il-ri p?"1, VV ,m 7"5AS2 S4167S Kyle 107 1:08 10S....0S0 84130J Colonel Jot 100 1:184 105..X095, 5?vlnh 113 ISO 2f?3? nr"raVsUt " Jolika 103 1:014 10S....075 ltr inkar,1 10411:18s 104..X6S5 840::0 BcUe Clem 108. .. .575 840SG c Dorando D 107.... CS0 i,ady Melton 104.... G70 Second Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Deerfoot. ch. f. by 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Alvescot Illus- Track record: S3984 1:004 2 107. trious 10S S1032 Lawrence P. Dalcy.113 1:0C 4. .113. .750 Sixth Race 1 Milo. .StlU1 Al Muller ...lOS 1:004 4. .113. .745 a-year-olds and upward. Fillies and Mares. Selling. S112:: Arlonette 104 1:074 3. .105. . X710 - Track record: 70000 1:3S4 5 OH. cV,l- Tm,JLB?C1-?n- T.: Vl S.W. Anne McGee 3.. 02... .700 , S1ieo0k J ! S1202 Many Colors 1011:454 ::..10i..xo:i5 T!?iM?5iV i?S S41IH Vanen 103 1:42 4..102..X090 y..V Ji1,"1008,32 Jand H?! and1034 Boema 90 1:42 4. .107. .. .000 Dam 107 1:074 4. .103. . X720 mS? ?rAlld?r 8.".0tl! Gwendolyn F 97 1:414 3.. 97..X0-S5 John Marrs 4..113..70o S4110 Alice George 3..101..X0S5 ?C,kIa Rieta 3.. S7..X0S0 S4110 cmia Sight im 109 1.114 1:114 3.. 00....0S0 84031 -C-2 Fair Annie 3.. 97.... 080 Teinaho 110 KtSra Lu,ihiana D2..XOSO Tliird Race 1 1-8 Miles. S301K! Occidental 3.. 92..XandSO 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. 84142 Sister Pliyllis .. !7. .X075 Track record: 83S-10 1:524 5 105. KMl May Lutz 3.. 07 075 81125 Woolwinder ... 95 1:528 3..100..X750 S40S0 Sensible 101 1:144 3. . 97. . X 65 S1200 Emperor William.. 3. .100.. 745 8:1755 Melange 110 1:414 4. .100. . X!00 S 11174s Old Honesty 103 1:52 5..115..X745 81072 Keiimare Queen 3.. 02..X000 s.ll.If !il,amou . 4..100..X735 Seventh Race 1 1-8 Milos. 8112;.- Vox Populi .-. 110 1:50 5..100..X725 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. A:ra KiIty 4 101 72 Track record: S3S49 1:524 5 105. vifa U ii"V s200 desperado 103 1:534 3. .101..X725 MO.;i!s Howard Shean .... 5.. S....715 812fMls Trflniargo 3. . I OB. .X720 M12u Monsignor 10 1:524 5.. 05. ...710 S4173 Golconda 10S 1:55 4..105..X715 Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. ts:!!f!0 Flora Riley 4.. 112.. 715 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 84129s Beau Brummel 108 1:52? 5. .109. . X715 Track record: 8390S 1:124 5 110. 841C9 Lillie Turner Ill 1:534 5.. 107.. 710 81029s Hyperion II 113 1:12 0..11S..X725 S4005 Ceremonius 3.. 97..X700 S.USr Wa;D- !5 4. .108.. 720 The figures under "Rec." in above entries show NtS.O Strike Out . ...107 1:194 3..109..X715 the best time made by the horse at the distance. 840.:.: Johnnie Blake 104 1:124 4..109..X710 with weight carried, since January 1. 100S. This JrJ0:.? King Avondale 113 1:13 4.. 112 705 time is not necessarily made bv a winner. It may Slid3 Ldgely 107 1:13s 7.. 111.. 700 be the estimated time of a losing performance. LATEST PERFORMANCES OF HORSES ENTERED TODAY. FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Colts and Geldings. Selling. S300S 1:12 5 110. T Index Course DlstTimeTckOdda Wt St M StrFin Jockeys Best Company BANIVES, b, c, 2, by Bannockburn Nora Ivos J. W. Schorr. Weight today 112. g J170 Windsor 51 f 1:124 hvy 13-10 113 1 111 l10 G Burns Judge Walton. Slewfoot. G. Dixon lin-r n5sor Ji J"u.d,n 1J.2 3 11 Is Is T Rice Ixtta Creed. Pinkard. Inflection. iandS S nJsor 51 f 1:07 fast 13-10 109 9 9 7 71 7 J Reid Iiedmlnster. Forez. Laveno. S!n5sor fast 5 107 4 4 3 3s 3s Warren Galvesea. Inflection. Laveno. 3y.,ns?r rH i:9i ias go 30o 4 4 4 3i m Warren Star Wave. Eye White. Lord Elam ?.?J-o EJ- Sr e 5I i VB, fast L ivi 5 3 5J 5i Warren Jack Dcnnerlen. Bob It.. Whim. and!Go9 Ft. Erie 5-S 1:064 hvy 20 108 7 5 3 41 25 Warren Gal.PIrate. D.Maddls. HickoryStlek JACK STRAW, br. g. 2. by Pirate of Penzance Aquila W. H. Fizer. Weight todav 107. S22 lYrl.n1sor ul ? s, I 107 8 C 5 3 3J T Rice Merman. Kid. Inferno QueenT 110 W-in?sor r inu.d ?;10 i?J 2 .I.7 7,0 7U3Mentry Robert Powell. Tortuous. PollyLee. voctS SinJsor l I las$ 32 H1,?! J2 10 9" 9"iJ Mclntyrcltedmlnsfer. Forez. Laveno. Windsor 5 f 1:074 fast 10 103110 9 9 11 113 J Mclntyrelnflection. Lotta Creed. Scruples. cS,1? faj011!11 51 I Y-Wi hvy 4 111 4 6 6 4 3s Mountain Donau. Prlneelmperlal. LdClInton. 5?io J-aJona t2 y, f Iow 4"5 10,1 1 3 2 2 21 Heidel F.Lancaster, LouLanler. Row.Otls. o?ion a HJ:S2 Jast 5 ? G 5 3 2l Mountain Maellenley. D.Tanguay. Aman.Lef. 82290 Latonia 5-S 1:03 hvy 3 110 4 4 3 3 2s Mountain Cherryola. Billiard Ball. ShortOrder MERMAN, ch. g. 2. by Fatherless Mermaid Prospect Stablo. Weight todav 107. o11?2 iX!nsor H I -l9i slow 1 107 - 3 2 2 1 J Howard Kid. Jack Straw, Inferno Queen. Windsor 5-S 1:018 good lo 100 8 6 5 3s 34 T Rice Galvesea. Eva Tanguay. Forez. !nJsor 5I i ,1:S,7 Jast 5 106 7 S 9 Si 8 C Ross Bedminster. Forez. Laveno. S1006 Windsor 5-8 1:01 fast 5 103 8 S S 5and 41 T Rice Forez. Lotta Creed Eva Tanuav 83929 Windsor 51 f 1:07s fast 7 110 11 11 9 s 3 G Burns L. Creed. Ml UenleV. Feariiaughtn. S32CC Ft. Erie 5-S 1:004 fast 20 100 13 13 13 12 12"3Phair Galvesea Detroit. Pulka. T.V.i on.treaJ ,H p00d 1 109 5 5 5 5 51 D McCthyOompton. Dalliousie. DressParadell S2I9. Montreal 41 f 5a fast 9-10 10a 4 2 2s Is J McIntyreJackDennerlen. Adonia. PnritanLad FOREZ, b. o. 2. by Solitaire II. Bohemian Lass J. Burttschell. Weight today 10G. Sir:I , n,!sor 5-S 1:018 good G 109 5 5 4 4s 451 Rettlg Galvesea. Eva Taiiguav. Merman. Windsor t,l f 1:07 fast 7 109 1 1 1 li 2 Jackson Bedminster, laveno. Judge Walton S4006 Windsor 5-S 1:01 fast S 103 6 3 2 11 ll J Reid LottaCreed, EvaTanguay. Merman. 2102 Latonia 41 f 53? fast 3 111 6 6 3 5S,V Powers O. A. Lciraan. Clierryola. Gllpv. 81687 Louisville 41 f 544 fast 6-5 109 4 3 ll Ink V Powers Redeem. Betty Lester. Black Boy. S1B90 Lou svllio 41 f 544 fast 11-5 118 1 6 4h V Powers Ilallack. Starport. John McClure. JJ"U!SV! a ll f M slow 23 112 3 S 4 3 T Rico Tooland. Oaptaln Glore. Gilpv. 1317 Louis vl e j-2 49fijt 2i-f us 1 ... 2 Ji ps c H SWlRDuqijesijc, fClt?dy Lee, Short Order, J!S5mLAM ?"T-or4 sterling Kalo Elam J. Nixon. Weight today 07. ! ww l"l-or J :S K JasJ 2;5 wz fi 5 4 lnklh KoilKers .Tolika. Chtirmlan. Louis Reil. v!Si- w " r ri J" 97 3 G 4 2" 21 Rodgers IWf. Motzic. Omicion. . "clsor 5-S 1:01 fast G-5 lot 4 4 2 2 2 Rodgers Rodniinster. Ladv Ktna. Louis Hell. MS4i AAindsor. 5-S 1:01 fast 75 102 9 5 7 5h 43 Rodgers Banives. Star Wave. Eye White. iiYv wV111 c .b7,??ini Lux 0- Trck. Weight today 107. 5i "V sor E?-J :s ?vy 3 103 3 11 ll ll Mentry Royal Report. Colonel .lot. Rounder S-nn7- w ." iltor 5H:andHast i 1076 08 y"iDrejer Amanda Lee. Iolh- Lee. Belle Clem. iV"l?r r5 JS1 ast 7 lor 1 0 5 3i Dreyer Paul Davis. Broadsword. J. .Miller. Kri i4" r H I VII, fast 25 38 3 3 4 "i 4 Herbert .Tack Denncrlcn. Rob It.. Whim. S,-io 0 H 1:0G ,lvv 15 10fii 3 6 G 7l 6J Mentry Gal.Pirate. Banives. DollyMaddis. n i , , H. 1:9r,? fast 15 110 5 3 G 81 5i Mentry- Brevite. RoynlRcport. Broadsword. 8 ani H , 2? fast 20 112 4 5 41 50i J MBrMe Waldo, Harry Grothe. Gclico. SGM2 Oakland 5-8 1:01 good 15 93 7 15 15 15 15" Deverich Fly. Squirrel. Glennadeane. Waldo. and?andw?L. J0T b 6 2- tv Macy Manottio P. J. Malono. Weight today 105. l-oiV r!n . or r3"4 1:17 1,vv Li 10G 5 7 4 35 3" J Howard Lumen. .Royal Report. Bounder. cSHw!m sor 51 r 1:072 fast 6 107 S 10 9 S 7 J Howanl Amanda Lee. Pollv Leo. Belle Clem. v7 !,u Hl,r 5- 1:00 fast G 10S 1 3 4 4 3 J Howard T.G. Armstrong. A.theGreat.II.Stlck 5-S 1:01 fast 100 102 6 G c 7 61 J Howard Banives. Siar Wave. Kyo White. c-Jo T-.iniil5,r k-.!3 I-t. Erie -S l:00i fast GO 103 5 fi G 6 fi" J Howard Turf Star. Penn. Kvo Wliite. fmwAGHT n- D- 2. 1" Scintillant II. Sona Eoyal P. M. Walker. Weight today 103. "wn,sor 51 f 1:07 fast 15 109 3 5 G G3 51 F Burton Bedminster. Forez. Laveno. Io w" sor 5"s 1:01 fast "1 110 5 7 S 9 G3 Harty Dclf. Lord Elam. Metzlc. Mi "isor 51 f 1:072 fast 8 101 1 3 5 3 4!JS. Davis Lotta Creed. Mae Henley. Merman. c-oS ,!s?r 5J f 1:07 fast 10 10S 7 6 6 10 105J Troxler Inflection. Lotta Creed. Scruples. i; i rjo 3-4 1:14 fast 5 105 4 3 1 11 "nt Mentry Brevite. Lotta Creed. Rounder. Er!Q S"4 1:15 F00d 60 103 5 4 4 31 2at F Burton Laveno. Brevite. Bob R. Si404 i- 5re 51 f lillg hvy 40 10S 6 3 3 4! 4J F Burton Laveno. Scruples. Gallant Pirate. S3..GG Ft. Erlo 5-S l:0OJ fast 30 10S 9 7 8 8l llJKennedy Galvesca. Detroit. Pulka. MFandS-1, K 2 Pink Coat Lorna Doono H. Oots. Weicht today 101. I Aii wjntlsor 5i 1 1:V-and hyy 20 108 7 7 7 5 5iWarrcn Banives. .Tudce Walton. SItnvfoot. vJ,!n,sor 3-4 1:1C4 mud 21 1011 4 4 4 3 3 Warren Banives, Lotta Creed. Inflection. Vns?r 5 f 1:07i fast 15 103 11 11 11 Gh 51 Warner Inflection. Lotta Creed. Scruples. K Eio 3-4 1:15 KOOd 20 107 8 8 8 6 64i Warren Laveno. Foarnaucht II.. Brevite. c?-, t Vaionl.a 51 f l:07i fast 16 103 9 7 5 4 4J T Rice Banives. Redeem. Mae Henley. 3., aton 3-4 1:144 sood 10 103 S 6 5 8 S D Austin My Gal. Salian. Eva Tamruay. iSirT !onia 5-8 .1:02 pood 12 104 8 5 5 51 5 M McGee Princelmperlal. Clierrj-ola.Duquesne S.310 Latonia 5-S l:00j fast 15 107 3 11 7 61 453 Taplin Topland. Fereno. Tbe Fad. ?.9SA??P0 D- ch- c- 2- SUverdale Salosa G. W. Belknap. Weight today 107. MUbG Windsor 3-4 1:10 mud 30 1061 5 5 5 5 5" Harty Banives. Lotta Creed. PInkard. SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Allowances. S39S41:0G ,2107. XAWRENCE P. DALEY, blk. f-. 4, by Lissak Eva Dinsmore F. Leppert. Weight today 113. 5i23H !n,1,s;Vr . 5i f l:07f. fast 30 108 G 8 9 51 3S Paul Colloquy. Toy Bov. .Melissa. tiatJ Lisville 1 1-1G l:4Gy fast - 114 2 1 1 2 21 It M McGec Czar. Zienap. Terali .1SS Lsville lmlOOy 1:464 fast 3-2 110 2 2 3 1 ll 13 M McGee Polly Prim. Czar. Old Honesty. AZi MULLER. b. k. 4, by Sorcerer Discard W. H. Flier. Weight today 113. M12G Windsor 3-4 l:14g Rood 7-5 106 2 1 1 ll 3 J JReid Merrick, Ida D., Sowell. 5S!S 1- Sl!e 3-4 1:13 fast 5 10S 3 1111 1. Davenpt Hanbrse. Dr.W.Briccs. F.Premlum - Sn.e 3 1:128 fast c 101 2 1 1 Is 14 Davenpt Fnlford. Sal Volatile. Stromeland. WSl Ei- Sr e VMi hyy 3 106 5 4 3 3 3 Kennedy. SirEdward. LittleOsasc. Clienontuc Sr e 3-4 1:13 fast 10 111 5 5 5 4h 4 Musgrve CentreShot. Roy.Onvx. Uncle.T.Grav S3152 Ft. Erie 51 t l:07i fast 20 111 2 11 2 21 J Lee Red River. Personal. Dainty Dame. ARIOKETTE. b. f. 3. by Cesarion Fonsolotte M. C. Pritchard. Weight today 105. SJDJ? Wintlsor 3-4 1:14? ROodll-20 105 3 1 1 1 1 S Davis St.Jeanne. G.Kimball. Nisut Mist. 4002 Windsor 3-4 l:12g fast 6-5 9S 2 1112 l1! S Davis Rasman. Uncle Jim. Gray. Casque. SJMO W indsor 3-4 1:12 fast 7-10 102 1 1 1 l5 ll S Davis Injury. Darelnzton. Mrs. Sewall. Wu72 Ft. Erie 3-4 l:12g fast 7-5 100 2 1 1 11 2 C Ross Hyperion IL. Tom Holland. Pedro. S31C0 Ft. Erie 3-4 1:12 fast 7 95 3 1 1 1 l3 C Ross AnneMcGee. Osorine. Mexican Girl S2705 latonia 51 f l:06g fast 1 96 4 1 1 31 61 E Martin Billy Bodemer. Ethelda. Colmo. S2501 Latonia 51 f 1:0C1 fast 7 S3 1 1 1 21 3 Brannon Rich.Reed. .M.Crittenden. A.Georce S11G0 Lexington 51 f 1 :07 fast 23-10 103 3 1 2 31 571 Warren Jolly. Earls Court. Heine. TOY BOY. b. g, 5. by Gorman Dolly J. V. Fuller. Weight today 105. SJJiS XJmJsor 51 f 1:031 hvy 30 101 3 5 7 G 4 Averitt Sir Edward. Hasty. Acnes. Merrick S4Jand; Windsor 5?. f 1:07 fast 10 108 3 3 2 1 21 Rettig Colloquy. La wrenceP. Daley. Melissa 5135i Ok.City Ab41 f 57R fast 1-2 111 In Louder Dr. .Mack. Ko-Ko-Kq-Ho. Glenroller SJ4o7 Ft. AVorth 5-S 1:024 slow 4-5 11G 25 Louder Marcbinonet. Dr. Mack. THEO COOK. b. c, 3. by Ben Brush Ciimax A. Turney. Weight today 110. S4032 Windsor 51 f 1:074 fast 15 107 7 7 8 7" Gsl Harty Colloquy. TovBov. Law. 1. Ialey. 71S4 Toronto 3 1:132 fast 4 115 5 4 5 31 4 3 Howard Simcoe. Sir Alvescot. Waponoca. .7126 Toronto 3-4 1:14 fast S-5 110 5 3 2 21 2 .T Howard Arondack. Simcoe. Alice. i69SS Montreal 51 f 1:072 fast 9-20 103 3 3 3 3 1 J Howard Personal. Hurlock. Red MItnlc. 7G791 Montreal 5-S 1:00J fast 4-5 112 7 G 6 61! 3i Pickens Stromeland. Marse Abe. Ouantlco. 76376 Fort Erie .64 1:092 hvy 3 103 5 1 1 l1! li J Butler Alice. T. M. Green. Gloriole. IDA MAY. ch. f, 4, by Charade Forelock F. Gering, Sr.. Weight today 103- SIC0S Windsor 1 1:40R fast 4 .99 7 G G G 51 G3 Ganz Roseboro, Orphan Lad. Carew. S3330 Windsor 3-4 1:12 fast S 102 7 8 7 8" 5i Ganz Ariopettc. Injury. Dareinstori. S32S0 Ft. Erie lm70y 1:43J fast 10 100 2 4 5 5 55 5 Ganz Ton. Robinson. AnnetMcGee. Hooray S321G Ft. Erie 1 1:39? fast 8 99 3 4 5 4 4 41 Ganz Creel. Pedro. Mazuma. S3109 Hamilton 1 1-1G l:4Sg slow 5 93 7 5 4 1 2 2 Ganz Zipango. Dredger. Hlacko. S3001 Hamilton 1 1:40 fast 8-5 102 9 7 9 8 81 7". Ganz Cruche dOr. Belle Scott. Aralia. S2S42 Hamilton 1 1-16 1:48 slow 10 96 4 2 2 1 31 31 Ganz Thomas Calhoun. Creel. Giles. ilTTLE OSAGE, ch. c, 4, by Oriroar Louise Wood J. W. Bauer. Weight today 111. S413S Windsor 51 f 1:094 hvy 30 107 4 3 6 710 7" Sullivan Sir Edward. Hasty Agnes. Merrick S10SS Windsor 3-4 1:154 mud 12 106 4 3 4 5" 5" Crowley Merrick. SirEdward. Char.Eastman 81032 Windsor 51 f 1:074 fast 41 111 9 4 5 6 5 S Davis Colloquy, Toy Boy. Law. P. Daley. 83535 Ft. Erie 3-4 1:12 fast 7-5 104 3 1 1 l1! Is Davenpt T.Robinson. RoyalOnyx. SirEdward S3496 Ft. Eric 3-4 1:13 fast 5 107 4 2 1 2H 3 Davenpt Roy.Onyx. Hanbridge. Dr.W.Briggs S3I07 Ft. Erie 3-4 1:161 hvy 6 102 2 2 2 2 2 Dreyer Sir Edward. Al Muller, Chepontuc. 83211 Ft. Erie 51 f 1:07 fast S-5 113 2 5 6 71 75i J Howard Personal. UncleJ.Gray. Uncle Toby 83094 Hamilton 51 f 1:06? fast 21 112 3 2 1 1 1 J Howard Golly Ding. St. Jeanne. Osorine. GRANDE DAME. ch. f. 4. by Ths Commoner Noblesse St. James Btable. Weight today 103. S39G2 Windsor 1 1:40 fast 4 102 2 4 4 3 5J 53 Welply Cerernonlus. Uncle Tobv. Posing. S3S51 Windsor 7-8 1:278 fast 10 100 7 4 3 1 2s 2l Ganz Den.Stafford. D.Hamilton. Orlando! S32.0 Ft. Erie lm70y 1:43 fast 31 95 10 9 11 10 71 7" J Reid .TohnCarroll. MaryTalbott. Oemmell S3162 Ft. Eric 3-4 1:133 fast 13-5 105 9 8 G 41 3 J Howard Posing. Maycella. Merry Gift. S3027 Hamilton 11-16 1:472 fast 4 100 13 11 10 8 9 9"JGanz Grania. King Avondale. Cerernonlus S29SI Hamilton 7-8 1:264 fast 15 105 1 5 4 4 3" 21 Musgrve Simcoe. Posing. St. Jeanne. S2235 Toronto 1 1:424 fast 7 97 6 6 5 5 5s 5" Ganz BobbleKean. Zlpango. Den. Staffor-1 JOHN MARRS. ch. g; 4, by Jack Point Lizzie Gilmah R. L. Welsh. Weight today 113. SI10G Windsor 3-4 1:1G slow 12 103 6 G 7 73 S2lCrowlcy Cooney K.. Edgely. Gemmell. S3050 Hamilton 3-4 1:132 fast 15 119 4 2 2 2J 34J Davenpt Patriot.. Posing. Lady Orlmar. X2507 Montreal 3-4 1:172 slop 12 116 4 2 2 3 7" Gilbert Cloisteress. Steel. Treniargo. S2437 Montreal 3-4 1:134 fast 10 106 9 7 4 7 71 J Reld Smoker. Youthful. Many Colors. S20o5 Jamestown 3-4 1:152 fast 31 107 6 3 3 2 33 J Reld Cloisteress. Escutcheon. BahvWillie 81728 Jamestown 3-4 1:14 fast 21 114 3 2 1 1 11 C Grand R.Beaumont. D.dcNoyles. Blackshn LUCKOLA. br. g. 3. by Luckett Losiola J. Nixon. Weight today 107. 5SJ.S Windsor 51 f 1:0GJ fast 75 971 S 10 11 11 llJRodgers Strike Out. Security. Woodlands. bo602 Ft. Eric 51 f 1:07 fast 50 97 5 4 7 7 713 Rodgers B.Double. SistcrPhyllis. Cooney K. SIGHT, b. g, 3, by Gorolstein Optic Mrs. G. Little. Weight today 99. S1140 AVimlsor 3-1 1:164 hvy 50 101 3 5 5 41 44 J DonnisnAn.L.Dalcv. MerryGift. Stromeland M0S7 Windsor 7-S 1:31 mud GO 104 1 2 3 9 9 9" Herbert Elder. Pedro. Hlacko. :;S77 Windsor 51 1:062 fast 60 96 G 5 5 10 10 Tcllott oi.nev K.. Sclwik. Edgelv. ,6087 Windsor 51 f 1:10 hvy 4-5 103 2 2 2 3J 35 G Swain Ind.Hunter. Sir Cannon. Admonitor 7591S Windsor 5-S 1:02 fast 11-5 106 3 4 4 5 21 Moreland GladysLouise, Mlsslmogene, Trappe 75S24 Windsor 5-8 1:014 fast 21 107 2 5 3 In 11 Moreland Gladys Louise, Deviser, Lurid. 75433 Montreal 1-2 49 slow 5 107 3 2 2 21! Moreland Takahlra. Pearl Point. Ragman. TEMAIIO. Weight today 110. lirst start. THIRD RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. S3919 l:52lf, 5 105. WOOLWINDER. b. o. 8. by WooUthorpo Tha Henrietta St. James Stable. Weight today 100. SJ12S Windsor 1 1-S 1:532 good 3 92 4 3 3 3 25 1 C Ross All Rod. Vox Popidi, The Minks. S1005 Windsor 1 1-4 2:05g fast 10 95 112 2 2" 2 Ganz Old Honesty. Creel. Malediction. S39M Windsor 11-16 1:46 fast D 100 2 2 5 5 41 3 Ganz Lady Esther. Giles. Gretna Green. 83537 Ft.. Krio lm70y 1:44 fast 2 105 4 4 4 4 3 331 Ganz Stolypln. Dispute. Fair Annie. S3I47 Ft. Erie lm70y 1:442 good 11-5 97 3 6 4 4 ll 1 Ganz Ceremonius. Giles. Thos. Calhoun. 83284 Ft. Erlo 1 1-4 2:06 fast 2 97 5 5 5 4 2 21 Ganz Reldmoorc. Red Hussar. Console. S3157 Ft. Erie 1 1-8 l:52g fast 13-5 95 3 3 3 2 Ink In Ganz Grania. ZInaugo. Jack Baker. 83032 Hamilton 1 1-S 1:53 fast 6-5 97 2 1 1 1 2 H Ganz WIIt.Lackaye. JohnCarrolI. HenryO EMPEROR WILLIAM, b. c. 3. by Sain La Rella B. Schrciber. Weight today 100. S1200 Windsor 1 1:45 slow 1 105 5 2 2 2 11 ll G Burns Trcmargo. Alice. Desperado. 84133 Windsor 1 1:41 hvy 6-5 101 2 11 1 1" 1 T Rico Mar.Dovlo. MicliaelAngelo. Lazarus SU07 Windsor 1 1-1G 1:51s slow 30 101 6 1 1 1 2 2 J Howard Alice. Palamon. .Martin Doyle. SI055 Windsor 7-8 1:262 fast 100 90 9 9 9 9 9 Sl63Hufnagel CentreShot. AURed. HowardShean. S1C01 Windsor 1 1:39 fast 50 100 5 6 8 8 8 SHerbert T.Hayward. FstPrcmium. Meadow S3932 Windsor 3-4 1:124 fast 30 97 10 10 10 10 10" Hufnagcl Centre Shot, Colloquy. Merrick. 79246 S. Anita 51 f 1:06 fast 7-10 117 1 4 4 3s 4i V Powers Ybor. Woolwinder. Jane Laurel. 79073 S. Anita 51 f 1:052 fast 10 109J 2 2 4 4 31 V Powers LoeRose. Law.Wigeins. Woolwinder OLD HONESTY, b. h. 6, by Previous Mamie Doyle A. J. Gorey. Weight today 115. 84074 Windsor 1 1-1G 1:46 fast 1 11G 2 1 1 1 2 2 Rettig Grania. The Minks. Meadow. 81005 AVindsor 1 1-4 2:052 fast 5 11G 5 3 1 1 1 1 S Davis Woolwinder. Creel. Malediction. S395S Windsor 1 1:3S fast 5 10G 1 5 3 2 Ink ink Rettig Hanbridge. John A.. Tom Havward. S2S13 AVindsor 1 1-8 1:524 fast G 103 G 5 4 3 3J 3i J Leo Green Seal, Hanbridge. Tourenne. S3714 Fi. Erie lm70y 1:43? good 13-5 106 2 2 1 1 U 2 J Lee Wool Sandals. Grania. Dispute. 83499 Ft. Erie 1 1-16 1:44 fast 7 107 3 4 5 6 5 53 J Lee Tourenne. Green Seal. Grania. S3I5S Ft. Erie 1 1-16 1:46 fast 3 113 1 5 G 5 41 431 Kennedy W. A. Leach. John A., The Minks. PALAMON. b. c. 4. by Falsetto Rainfall C. D. Ray. AVeight today 100. 84107 Windh-oi- 1 1-1G 1:512 slow 9-5 107 7 G 4 4 3 3 Rottig Alice. Bmper.AVIlliam. MartlhDovIo 83S74 Windsor 1 1:332 fast 30 107 G G 4 3 3 33 Kennedy F. Premium. John A.. Dr.W.Briggs. 82932 Iitonia lm70y 1:432 good 3 100 3 3 3 2 In 11 A Walsh Zlcnap. Rnra Avis. Ethel Carr. S2U21 Latonia 1 1-8 1:55 slow 10 100 4 6 3 4 5! 5J A AValsh Keep Moving. The. Peer. Alice. 82130 litonla lm70y 1:45 good 5 100 8 G 5 2 l1 l1 A Walsh MaidMUitanr. GvpsvKlng. L.Tumer S23M "Latoula lm70y 1:414 fast 6 110 9 9 6 5 5s 3l A Walsh Gitvcdear. WanieiGriswell. Rustle. 81924 Iatonla 3-4 1:162 mud 20 110 7 8 8 8 8" F Burton Enfield. Jacobite. Tom McGrath. VOX POPULI. oh. h. 6. by Voter Dorset Flower T. S. Childs. Weight today 106. 81125 AVindsor 1 1-8 1:532 good 10 105 Gil 2 3 3 D Dcnnisn Woolwinder. All Red, The Minks. S1031 AVindsor 1 1:332 fast 7-5 107 3 4 3 3 2 2h D DcnnisnDr.W.Briggs. Mar.Doylc. M.Angclo 81001 AVindsor 1 1:33 fast 15 104 8 5 3 3 3l 45 D DennisnT.Hayward. FirstPremium. Meadow S::05 AVindsor 1 1-1G 1:454 fast 4 100 5 5 5 5 5 55J G Burns Green Seal. AV. A. Leach. Grania. 83711 Ft. Erie lm70y 1:432 good 13-5 101 6 5 4 5 5s 51G Burns Wool Sandals. Old Honesty. Grania 83689 Ft. Erie 1 1-S 2:004 hvy 6 100 3 2 2 2 11 2 Davenpt The Minks. All Red. 83601 Ft. Erie 1 1:392 fast 12 107 6 5 4 5 6 6 J Brooks Moquette. Tourenne. Green Seal. 8315S Ft. Erie 1 1-16 1:4G fast 12 105 7 6 3 6 5h 51 Davenpt W. A. Leach. John A.. The Minks. FLORA RILEY, b. f, 4. by RUev Flora Lee W. H. Fizer. Weight today 101. 83360 AVindsor 1 3-16 1:59 fast 3 101 2 4 4 3 2n In j Rcid Reldmoorc. Malediction. R. liussar. S3S7S AAlndsor 1 1-2 2:33 fast 3-2 107 5 5 4 2 l1 1" J Mclntyrc Doubt. Malediction. Azo. 3755 Ft. Erie 1 3-16 1:592 fast 3 101 9 7 3 3 Is ll Kennedy Doubt. Beau Brummel. Boema. S33S3 Ft. Erie 1 1-4 2:172 hvy 11-5 96 4 6 6 5 5" 5J Reid Roseboro. Malediction. AutumnKIng S326S Ft. Erie 1 1:392 fast 100 102 4 4 4 5 6 5"JMusgrve John A.. Simcoe. Steel. 74097 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:474 fast 12 109 2 12 10 9 10 9 Nlcol Lady Almy, Al. Star. Buck.Brigade 73738. CityPark 1 1-16 1:46 fast 8 107 1 12 9 9 7 7" J Lee Water Cooler. Lady Almy, Czar. ALICE, ch. f. 3, by Fatherless Eostre M. Burton. Weight today 89. 84200 AVindsor 1 1:454 slow 3 100 4 6 3 3 3 3s A Burton Em. William. Tromnrgo. Desperado. 81125 AVindsor 1 1-S 1:522 good 15 91 5 5 5 5 6h 715JA Button AVoolwinder. All Red. Arox Popull. S4107 AVindsor 1 1-16 1:512 slow 51 92 2 4 3 2 11 1 A Burton Emp. William. Palamon, Mar.Doyle. S1O04 AVindsor 1 1:39 fast 30 92 7 8 7 7 T 73A Burton T.Hayward. FstPrcmium. Meadow SS3S1 Ft. Erie lm70y 1:532 hvy 41 94 1 4 4 4 4 3 J Reid All Red. Centre Shot. Darknight. 83226 Ft. Erie 3-4 1:123 fast 50 95 7 7 7 7 7" A Burton Rose Queen, Hanbridge. Bellwether 82973 Latonia 1 1:3SJ fast 25 105 5 6 5 5 6 63 F Burton Zienap, OldHonesty. T.Hayward. 82921 Latonia 1 1-S 1:55 slow 31 1021 5 4 4 2 3 33 F Burton KeepMovIng. ThePecr. OldHonesty. HOWARD SHEAN. b. h, 5, by Hermence Itinerant J. O. Nally. Weight today 98. 81035 AVindsor 7-8 1:262 fast 30 101 4 7 8 7 5 3i T Rice Centre Shot. All Red, Hasty Agnes 82388 AVindsor 1 1-4 2:064 fast fi 107 2 1 1 1 l4 1 J Lou K. of .Mist. Dunvegan. B.Brummel. 83903 AVindsor 1 1-16 1:16 last 40 107 4 5 4 4 53 5i J Lee Ladv Esther. Giles. AVoolwinder. S3633 Ft. Erie 1 1-S 1:54? good 12 102 5 G 4 4 4J 41 E Hayncs The Peer. Belle Scott. Mvstilier. 83110 Ft. Eric 1 3-16 2:052 hvy 21 107 2 4 3 4 4 5 Rcttig Console. Steel, Lanigan. 83228 Ft. Eric 1 1-S 1:52 fast 4 113 1 4 Fell. Rettig Hooray. Reldmoorc. Giles. 83111 Hamilton 1 1-16 1:16 slow 11-5 112 9 6 5 5 5 3"! I.eibert Reidmoore. Green Dale. Minot. S23.S2 Hamilton 1 1-1G 1:15? fast 10 107 S 5 5 5 4 33 Leibert LadyEstbcr. K.of.Mlst. Neoskalecta MONSIGNOR, b; h, 5. bv Prime Minister Sarah Kirabro P. H. Jones. Weight today 96. 84125 Windsor 1 1-S 1:533 good GO 100 7 6 7 7 5 5"3J Reid Woolwinder. All Red. Aox Popull. 84074 AVindsor 1 1-16 1:46 fast SO 103 5 4 5 5 5 5HD DennisnOrania, Old Honesty. The Minks. S10S9 Jacksonville 1 1:13 good 3 114 43 Franklin H.ofHyacinth. RosohglL. R.Double 80933 Jacksonville 1 1:47 good 12 110 4 6 6 8 9 9" Pengast Hooray. Bollc Scott. Alice. 77331 Lsville lm70y 1:46 pood 61 107 5 5 5 5 4 4 A Walsh Lady Martha. Cymbal. Zlcnan. 76786 Fort Erie 1 1-16 1:432 fast 4 105 2 2 2 3 4 4 Kennedy Polly Prim. The Minks. Servile. 76315 Fort Erie 1 1-S 1:524 fast 11-5 107 5 4 6 6 6 6 V Powers CaveAdsum, PolIyPrim. Reldmoore 76173 Windsor 1 1-16 1:464 fast 3-2 113 7 C 6 5 4l 4s V Powers CaveAdsum. MIn.Adams. Bcldmoore FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Sr.flOS 1 :12f. 5 110. HYPERION II.. h. g. 6, by Mazagan Vah-a-Clar L. Johnson. AVeight today 118. S4029 AVindsor 3-4 1:13 fast 9-5 113 G 5 3 5 3"3 G Burns Ida D.. Treniargo. Golly Ding. S3S85 AVindsor 3-4 1:13 fast 4 115 5 3 2 2 3 G Burns .Merrick. Ben Double. Marchmouet. S3S74 AVindsor 1 1:392 fast 13-5 105 5 3 5 6 G Pull.iip.G BurnsFirst Premium. John A.. Palamon. S3S4G AVindsor 3-4 1:13 fast 1 105 3 2 2 11 1 G Burns Marchmt, Dr.AV.Briggs. S.Edward. 83572 Ft. Erie S-4 1:122 fast 3 117 3 2 2 21 ll G Burns Arionette. Tom Holland. Pedro. S3279 Ft. Erie 3-4 1:131 fast. 6-5 107 1 1 1 2i In. J Reld Apache, Tom Holland.. Osorliie. 83154 Ft. Erie 3-4 1:14 fast 13-5 111 5 8 4 41 51 J Lee SalVoliitlle. Apache. Topsr livhlhson 2570 JUUonla 3-4 l;l2i lasf 3-f 112 6 ? 4 4 3I Leo AUa Meade, RJghtcaBy, Enfiell. IDA D b. f. 4. by His Highness Carrio C. R. E. Watkms. . Weight today 103. 84126 Windsor 3-4 1:142 good G 103 1 2 3 3 2nk .1 Howard Merrick. Al Muller. Sowell. ... S 1029 Windsor 3-11:13 fast S 105 1 11 ll IJ T Rico Trcmargo. Hyperion I L. Golly Ding S3S05 Empire 3-4 1:114 fast 7 ICS 2 4 4 5 5" E Dugan Besom, Spooner, Panlnufle. 83625 Empire 3-4 1:12? fast 15 105 3 2 2 2l lh C Grand It. Mary. O. .Marguerile. C Fair. 83526 Empire 2-4 1:14 slow G 111 5 7 7 7 7a3 V Powers Halket, BobbleKean. O.Mnrgucrile. 83217 Sheepshead 7-8 1:28 fast 15 109 3 4 3 4 2" 13 V Powers Adrluchc. Imitator. TwilightQiiccn. 8307S Sheepshead 1 1:39 fast 15 9G 5 5 5 6 8 8i Ural Black .Mate. 11111 Top, Arasee.- S3014 Sheepshead 61 f 1:20 fast 10 98 8 11 11 10 99 Glass Waponoca. G.AV.Lobolt. Scy.Bcutler STRIKE OUT. b. g. 3. by Griffon Pillowdex J. 0. Holder. Weight today 109. S3S76 AVindsor 61 f 1:061 fast S-5 101 G 3 3 3l lh G Ross Security. AVoodlands. Protagonist. S3C63 Kt. Erie 3-4 1:188 hvy 4 107 3 1 2 2J 2 C Ross LighlBlue. T.Holland. I, of Milan. S2734 Salt Lake 5-8 1:012 fast 1-2 113 l1 Morgan Med.Hannah. DickB.B.. Pt.Miihonc. S2G50 Salt Lake 1-2 4S4 fast 1 101 3s Manders Booger Red, Sam F.. Sevenfull. JOHNNIE BLAKE, ch. g. 4. by The Commoner Salaire F. Leppert. Weight today 109. S1033 AVindsor 3-4 1:12 fast 6 101 5 G 3 In 11 Kennedy Fulford. Many Colors. Steel. 83331 AVindsor 3-4 1:132 fast 3 103 6 4 3 4 33 Troxler Aoutliful. .Minot. .Alanv Colors. 83022 Latonia 3-4 1:114 fast 15 109 S 8 6 41 43 Hatchett Rlacksheep. Hiram. Cablegram. S2705 Latonia 51 r 1:062 fast 50 103 8 10 8 71 S4i Hatchett Billy Bodemer. Ethelda. Colmo. 82501 Latonia r.J f 1:002 fast 60 102 10 10 10 10 10" Hatchett Rich.Reed. M.Crittenden. Arionette S1001 Oakland F C 1:114 fast 20 104 .7 8 6 7 75lCotton Blagg. Sewell. Tony Faust. KING AVONDALE. br. c. 4. by Isaac Walton Vcnctia II. H. Penny. Weight today 112 S105S AVindsor 3-4 1:134 fast 16-5 10S 3 11 1 ll J Reid Edgely. Minot. Caltlia. S34G1 Ft. Erie 3-4 1:13 fast 1 111 9 7 6 6 5 J Reid Mozart. Monlciair. Alta McDonald. S3214 Ft. Erie 3-4 1:13 fast 6 113 2 111 l4 Musgrve Trcmargo. Den. Stafford. LlglitBlue S3047 Hamilton 3-4 1:13? fast 5 117 5 3 2 l1 Is J MclntyreBrownTony. TheEarl. ColorcdLadr. S3027 Hamilton 1 1-16 1:472 fast 20 115 5 1 1 1 2 2ll Musgrve Grania. Cerernonlus. Arrow Swift. S21G2 Toronto 1 1:44 fast 8-5 114 7 5 5 1 7 7" Goldstein Protagonist. Sensible. Nasturtla. EDGELY. ch. r. 7. by Jonah White Marguerite n. P. Gallagher. Weight today 111. S4171 AAindsor 3-4 1:16 hvy 9-5 101 4 3 3 35 311 Kennedy Sewell. Charlie Eastman. Blagg. 84106 AAindsor 3-4 1:16 slow 7 124 3 2 1 1 2" T Rice Cooney K.. Gemmell. Boscrrian. 54058 Windsor 3-4 1:131 fast 4 115 4 2 2 2and 21 T Rice King Avondale. Minot. Calthn. S39S5 AVindsor 3-4 1:13 fast 20 111 3 4 3 6 6 T Rice Merrick. Ben Double. Hyperion II. SSS77 Windsor 51 f 1:063 fast 11-C 104 2 3 3 3 321 T Rice Cooney K.. Selwik. Billy Bodemer. S37SS Ft. Erie 3-4 1:13 fast 21 112 2 7 4 2 in Kennedy St. Jeanne. Argonaut. Black Haws S36SG Ft. Erie 3-4 1:19 hvy 2 106 1 1 1 l1 1 Kennedy Refined. Ragman, Busy Man. 83571 Ft. Erie 3-4 1:132 fast 8 110 4 3 3 2nk 313 j Lee Carthage. Min.Bright. Bitter Hand.- ST. JEANNE, ch. m, 5. by St. Mark Junaetta C. Meister. Jr.. Weight today 101. S4221 AAindsor 7-8 1:292 good 15 107 3 4 5 4 5 553 Hammd Melissa, AnnaL.Daloy. MartiuDoyle S4123 Windsor 3-4 1:142 good 5 107 4 2 2 22 2- Jackson Arionette. G.Kimball. NightMisl. 837SS Ft. Erie 3-4 1:13 fast 21 115 4 11 ll 2h G Burns Edgely, Argonaut. Black Hawk. 83752 Ft. Erie 3-4 1:13 fast 10 103 2 2 3 6" 61 G Burns AlMuller. Hanbridge. Dr.W.Briggs. 83603 Ft. Erie" 3-4 1:132 fast 10 103 5 3 5 6 43 G Burns AHRed. FirstPremium. Crystal.Mald S309J Hamilton 5 f 1:062 fast 21 106 5 4 5 55 3" Deverich Little Osage.; Golly Ding. Osorine. 82981 Hamilton 7-8 1:264 fast 2 111 6 2 2 2 21 41 Davenpt Simcoe. Grande Dame. Posing. S2S45 Hamilton 7-8 1:27 slow 20 105 4 2 2 2 2 4 Deverich R.Quecn. Superstition. CentreShot. BLACKSHEEP, ch. c. 4. by Sir Hampton Gladeyes L. Blume. Weight today 108. 81172 AVindsor 1 l:46g hvy 20 93 3 1 1 1 1J 21 Ganz Gilvedear. Elder. Steel. 84076 Windsor 1 1:404 fast 40 110 2 3 4 4 6 6al C Ross TopsyRobinson. Quagga. Cloisteress 836S6 Ft. Erie 3-4 1:19 hvy 15 10S 2 4 5 7 7"jrevcrich Edgely. Refined. Ragman. S3607 Ft. Erie lm70y 1:45 fast 20 106 2 1 2 4 51 73 Ganz Quagga. Mary TallKtt. Cruche dOr 83336 Ft. Erie 1 1:39 fast 100 110 5 3 3 3 6J 6 Murray Apache. The. Minks. Gretna Green. 83022 Latonia 3-4 1:144 fast 30 112 4 2 2 U lh Coburn Hiram. Cablegram. Johnnie Blake. 82840 Latonia 1 1-16 1:464 fast GO 105 Left at the post. Glasner Ketchcmlke. LaFayette. Alma Bov. MOZART, br. 0. 3. by Belvidere Lucasta A. Koenigsherg. Woieht today 103. SU40 AAindsor 3-1 1:164 hvy 7 107 5 4 4 5 55 Booth An.L.Daley. MerrvGift. Stromeland 84072 AVindsor 51 f 1:07 fast 15 105 1 3 5 2 1 Booth LoyalMaid, Gcn.Marehmont. Selwiu S330S Windsor 3-4 1:124 fast 15 100 4 3 4 6J 7s J Reid Ben Double. Ozann. Fulford. S3461 Ft. Erie 3-4 1:13 fast 12 101 2 2 2 2 Ink Davenpt Montclnir. Al.McDonald. P.RuInart 83331 Ft. Erie 1 1-16 1:57 hvy 8 100 6 4 5 5 6 5" Deverich Hooray. Lanigan. Usury. S3108 Hamilton 3-4 1:142 slow 12 10S S 8 2 Gl 63 Mentry Cooney K.. Fnlford. John A. Hamilton 3-4 1:134 fast GO 97 G 4 4 3 3S1 Davenpt Sal Volatile. Osorine. Patriot. 82737 Hamilton 5 f 1:08 good 15 107 6 6 8 7i 7!JE Clark Osorine. Smoker. Sir Edward. SOIL. i. g; 3. by Ben Strome Earth G. E. Dudley. AVeight today 107. S4073 Windsor 3-4 1:14 fast 10 107 3 5 4 41 2 S Flynn Lady Hill. Kyronda, AVineberry. SJ307 AAindsor 3-4 1:132 fast 25 . 10G 8 8 8 8 8" Murray Montclalr. Silverine. Min. Bright. S37D0 Ft. Erie 1 1:382 fast 100 97 5 5 7 7 7 7" Brannon Grct.Green. F.Premium. GrecnSeal. S3031 Hamilton 3-4 1:14 fast 8 112 6 1 2 6 4" Leibert K. Commoner. May Lufz. GoldFront 81493 Pimllco 3-4 1:16 slow 20 103 12 11 12 124 llojHcllffe Racquet. Goodheart. King Sol. . 81336 PImlIco 3-4 1:14 fast 12 97 7 3 2 2h 2J H!cliffe GoldenCastle. Apologize. FarandOr 81240 Pimllco 3-4 1:144 fast 8 107 9 8 4 3 3 Llebert El Oro. Tim Pippin. Wild Willow. ADA O. WALKER, blk. f. 4, by Handsome Screech J. C. Ferriss. Weight today 106. S3372 Ft. Erie 3-4 1:122 fast GO 103 1 S S 8 8" Gilbert Hyperion II.. Arionette. T.Ilollaml. " S1372 Louisville 3-4 1:144 fast 21 110 14 13 13 12 11 Lloyd Merriflehl. Tackle. Ralbert. 7416S F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:50 slow 20 105 3 9 9 9 9 9" W Ott Milford. Albert.AI.. Bucket Brigade. 74037 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:474 fast 20 101110 9 8 8 71 1151R Fisher LadyAlmy. Alb.Star. Buck.Brigade. BILLY KLAIR. br. g, 3. by Orlando Amaranth P. J. Millett. Weight today 105. S:sn9 Latonia lm70y 1:452 fast 6 103 1 1 1 1 1 2 E Martin Floreal. Procla. Zarape. 82573 Latonia 51 f l:07g fast 30 108 7 4 4 4H 5 Kennedy Fireball, Toison dOr. Chalice. 82152 Latonia 3-4 1:16 mud 60 96 6 5 6 7B 7" R Willms AU Red. Marbles. Righteasy. FIFTH RACE 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. C-149G 1:00-; 2 105. ENGLISH ESTHER, ch. f. 2. by Lord Esterling Lizzie English Valley Farm Stable AVeight today 108. 84201 AVindsor 5-S 1:03? slow 15 9S 3 4 4 4! I1 J Reid Princelmperlal. EyeWhito. Donau. S1075 Windsor 51 f 1:06 fast 3-2 96 5 3 3 21 3J J Reid P.Imperial. E.Tanguny. LndySyhil. S3931 Windsor 5-8 1:002 fast 13-10 96 6 5 4 Gh 4 J Rcid Lady Sybil. Patsalaga. Turf Star. 83S75 Windsor 5-8 1:012 fast 10 108 2 3 4 2h 2" J Reid Patsalaga.Grace Dixon. Kyle. 83627 Ft. Erie 5-8 1:012 good 15 112 10 8 7 7 63 Rodgers F. Louise.Polly Lee. Amanda Lee. 82924 Hamilton 5-8 1:014 fast 8 104 4 2 3 3 41 Musgrve B.Kingston. CastSteel. nickyStlck LA TOUPEE, b. f. 2. by Sempronlus La Poupoe Laurel Farm Stable. Weight today 103. S1167 AVindsor 5-S 1:04 hvy 7 107 12 10 10 5 4 J Leo Wooleasta. Miss Sly. Kyle. S4030 AAindsor 51 f 1:07 fast 20 97 9 8 5 3 2 S Davis Paul Davis. Sociable. Sir Ormonde. 839S2 AVindsor 51 f 1:072 fast 50 10 1 7 9 9 6 331 S Davis GraceDixon. S.Ornionde. F.Ceeillan. S223G Latonia 41 f 58g hvy 40 110 8 G 6h 5 Slmms Cambronnc. Gllpian Kokcbv. 81935 Latonia 1-2 492 mud 50 105 10 9 10 94lSimms Cherryola. Inferno Queen. Banrivevj DAISY GARTH, ch. f. 2. by Hawks wick Tabitha Mrs. J. McLaughlin, Jr.. Weight today 113. 84127 Windsor 5-8 1:012 good 60 100 7 S S S 82 G Ross Galvesca. Eva Tangnay. Merman. S3356 AVindsor 5-S l:00g fast 30 103 G 6 6 5h 5i G Burns Galvesca. Inflection. Banives: 83743 Ft. Erie 51 f 1:08 fast 15 100 11 1 1 S3 9 G Burns Jack Dennerlen. Bob R.. Whim. 83711 Ft. Erie 5-S 1:012 good 20 112 2 8 S 8 S" G Burns Joe Morris. Polly Lee. 83374 Ft. Erie 51 1:08 fast 10 102 1 11 11 In G Burns Lotta Creed. Rounder. D. Maddis. 83091 Hamilton 5-8 1:012 fast 10 110 5 2 3 4 43 G Burns LadySybil. FalrLoutsc. AVInterDnV. S292S Hamilton 41 f 542 fast 8 10S 7 2 31 6 Rettig T.G.Butterfly. Fair Louise. Scruples TORTUOUS, br. f. 2. by1 Sandringham Tormcnna F. McKenna. Weight today 103. 81193 AVindsor 51 f 1:10 slow 10 107 11 11 11 73 6" Mentry Merman. Kid. Jack .Straw. S40S5 Windsor 3-4 1:17 mud 13 101 6 5 5 4h 2 T Rice Rob. Powell. PolIyLoc. JudgeAValton S39S2 AVindsor 51 f 1:072 fast S 107 S 8 8 8 7 J Lee GraceDixon. SirOrmondc. LaToupoe. S3S75 Windsor 5-8 1:012 fast 15 10S 7 9 8 71 731 .1 Leo Patsalaga. Eng.Estber. GraceDixon. 82748 Latonia 51 f 1:092 hvy 20 101 10 9 8 8 75 D Austin Zephyr. Redeem. Lotta Creed. S2551 Latonia 5-8 1:01 fast 20 105 8 14 12 111 93 J Lee Placide. OllviaMioklc. BcnK.Slcer. S2443 Latonia 5-8 1:042 hvy 20 100 G 9 7 71 6"JA Walsh Cherryola. King Solomon. Banives. KYLE. br. f, 2. by Kilkerran Big Filly A. Turney. Weight today 108. 8UG7 AVindsor 5-8 1:04 hvy 15 107 4 3 3 3 3 Harty AVoolcasta. Miss Sly. La Toupee. S110S AVindsor 5-8 1:034 slow 4 99 5 5 4 4J 4"JS Davis AAhim. AVoolcasta. Acolin. 8SS75 AVindsor 5-8 1:012 fast 15 108 4 4 2 3h 43 Harty Patsalaga. Eng.Esthcr. GraceDixon. 83223 Ft. Erie 5-S 1:012 fast 60 107 10 G G 103 ll3 OMahny Scruples. FairLouise. OIIviaMlckle. SYLPH, b. f. 2. by Scintillant II. Puritania P. M. Walker. Weight today 113. S4199 AVindsor 51 f 1:10 slow 30 102 10 9 7 G3 52 A Burton Mermau. Kid. Jack Straw. 81108 AVindsor 5-S 1:034 slow 100 101 G 7 8 G GlHammd Whim. Wooleasta. Acolin. S2928 Hamilton 41 f 512 fast GO 106 8 8 83 8" J Rcid T.G.Butterfly. Fair Louise. Scrnnlri 80919 .Tacksville 31 f 44 good 15 110 1 3 43 43 Harty LouLanier. D.Nicholson. John.Wlsc. KOSGt .Tacksville 31 f 43 good 6 110 5 5 4 4J Harty D.Nicholson. LouLanier. John.WUW JOLIKA. ch. f. 2, by Nasturtium Columbia Rivcrdale Stable. Weight today 103. S1167 AVindsor 5-S 1:01? hvy 15 107 10 11 8 G3 S J Reid AVoolcasta. Miss Sly. Kvle. 81033 Windsor 5-8 1:012 fast 15 103 2 1 1 23 2 T Rico Lord Elam. Charmisiit. Louis Reil. 83711 Ft. Erie 5-8 1:012 good 150 100 9 9 9 9 93lPhair Joe .Morris. Polly Leo. Melzie. 83570 Ft. Erie 5-S 1:012 fast 100 100 4 5 5 8 8"lPhair AVestern Ladv. AVIilm. Mae llenlev. 83091 Hamilton 5-S 1:012 fast 30 110 10 10 10 9 9jphalr LadySybil. FairLouise. WInterDnv. BELLE CLEM. ch. f. 2. by Contcs tor Hide and Seek J. C. Milam. Weight today 108. 81030 Windsor 51 f 1:07 fast 20 97 1 7 8 72 783 G Burns Paul Davis. La Toupee. Sociable. S39S7 Windsor 51 f 1:072 fast 5 104 5 3 3 33 3S1 Kennedy AmandaLee. Dang.March. S3S47 AVindsor 5-S 1:01 fast 60 102 7 8 8 83 83iHcrbcrt Banives. Star AVave. Eye White,. LADY MELTON, br. f. 2. by Meltonian Lady Hawkstono H. Oots. Weight today 101. R39S7 AVindsor 51 f 1:072 fast 30 10G 9 5 -4 4h rJ AVarrcn Amanda Lee. Polly Lee. Belle Clem. 83S75 AVindsor 5-S l:01g fast 23 10S 10 8 9 8 S. AVarner Patsalaga. Eng. Esther. GraceDixon. 82901 Latonia 5-8 1:014 hvy 40- 110 1 G G G 58i Troxler Whim. Olivia Miekle. BcttvLcstcr. S1719 Louisville 41 f 514 fast SO 104 2 8 93 12 Warren CoIlisOrmsby. Cherryola, Iiveno. S1493 Louisville 1-2 47 fast 12 110 2 9 7 7"1E Martin Fereno, Patsalaga, Chanticlor. S1435 Louisville 1-2 474 fast 10 107 5 5 , 43 4" Troxler Turf Star. Zahra. Granny Dismal. DEERFOOT. ch, f. 2, by Alvescot Illustrious G. J. Long. Weight today 103. First start. SIXTH RACE 1 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Fillies and Marcs. Selling. 70000 1:38. J Oli. f ANNE MGEE. b. f. 3. by Marta Santa California W. H. Fizer. Weight today 92, 833SG Windsor 1 1-16 1:46 fast 4-6 95 2 1 1 2 3s 3 .1 Reid Desperado. Ouagga. Oberon. 83373 Ft. Erie lm70y 1:44 fast 8-5 100 1 1 1 1 1 V Kennedy Occidental. Pert. The Karl. 83409 Ft. Erie 3-4 1:16 hvy 4-5 93 3 4 6 8 51J Reld Cloisteress. Occidental. Min.Bright. 832S0 Ft. Erie lm70y 1:43 fast 10 93 5 1 1 1 2J 2s Hufnagel Topsy Robinson. Hooray. Pedro. S31G0 Ft. Erie 3-4 1:12 fast 31 100 2 3 3 2 22 J McIntyreArionotte. Osorine. Mexican Girl. S2637 Latonia 7-8 1:30 hvy 12-5 94 1 1 1 1 2a 3 E Martin Meadowgrass. Usury. LIsterlne. MANY COLORS, ch. f. 3. by Knight of The Thistle Sweet Pea3 M. Nicoll. Weight today 104. S4202 AVindsor 51 f 1:10 slow 2 100 4 1116 1" AVhitintr Rieta. Claiborne. Confessor. 84033 AVindsor 3-1 1:12 fast 12 94 1 3 2 3 331 Whiting Johnnie Blake. Fulford. Seel. SS934 Windsor 3-4 1:13? fast 15 99 2 8 9 7s 43 Whiting Aoutliful. Minot. Johnnie Blake. 83753 Ft. Erie lm70y 1:454 fast 5 100 4 11 7 10 Hi 123lKennedy F-Messenger. GwemlolvnF.. F.Annie 83712 Ft. Erie 51 f 1:07 good 31 105 2 3 3 31 33 G Burns Alice George. Chalice. Zcola. 83001 Hamilton 1 1:40 fast 6 .98 2 3 3 2 41 4J Whiting Cruche dOr. Belle Scott. Aralln. 82557 Montreal 1 1:452 slow 5 101 7 1 3 3 3 23 Whiting Piute. Spanish Prince. ColouelZeb. VANEN. b. f. 4. by Wadsworth Modjeska T. H. Stevens. Weight today 102. 84169 AVindsor 1 1-8 2:00 hvy 3 101 1 3 3 2 23 2 Kennedy LillioTurner. Tackle. Ilar.nicheson 54059 AVindsor 7-8 1:304 mud 15 110 Left at tho post. Mentry Minot. Youthful. Darelngtou. S30S9 Latonia 1 1-S 1:52 fast 12 101 6 4 4 2 3 33 Coburn Hans, Belleview. Mamie Algol. 82972 Latonia 1 1-8 1:53 good 12 97 4 S G 4 21 21 Coburn Point Lace. Quagga. Albert Star. 82820 Latonia 1 1-S 1:562 slow 50 101 3 5 6 3 3 2 Coburn Belleview. Deacon. Carew. 82627 Latonia 1 1-16 1:518 mud 12 103 .6 6 6 4 6 GlPage Console. McXally. Plume. BOEMA. ch. f. 4, by Alvescot Espanola J. C. Ferriss. AVeight today 107. S4034 Windsor 1 1-16 1:47 fast 3 104 3 5 5 7 6" Gl T Rice B.Brummel. BaronEsiicr. UncieTobv 83933 Windsor 1 1-1G 1:47 fast 5 101 6 2 1 1 21 2 J Howard CountyClerk. B.Scott. SistcrPhyllis. SS755 Ft. Erie 1 3-16 1:592 fast 3 101 1 1 1 2 42 41 G Burns Flora Rilev. Doubt, Beau Brummel S33S8 Ft. Erie 1 1-16 1:452 fast 2 103 6 4 4 3 31 31 Davenpt Roseboro. UncieTobv. BeauBrummel 83161 Ft.. Erie 1 1-8 1:33? fast 15 1021 6 11 1 Ink 31 Musgrve Vesme. Dispute. King of Mist. 82905 Latonia lm70y 1:47 hvy 25 102 2 1 2 2 31 4 T Rice Grenade. Sorrowful, Pink Wings. 82553 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 10 107 13 11 10 10 91 M McGee Ethelda. Busy Man. Plume. S20S2 Latonia 51 f 1:072 good 20 107 8 9 7 51 38 Franklin SorrclTop, StoncrHIll. LlllianRay GAVENDOLYN F.. b. f. 3. by Bon Brush Nautch Girl D. Cornell. Weight todav 97. 83361 AVindsor 1 1:112 fast 4 97 4 2 2 2 2 33 Fodon LuckvFord. M.Candlenfas. T.Thorn. S3753 Ft. Erie lm70y 1:454 fast 6 100 3 4 5 5 21 2- C Ross F.Messengcr.FairAnnie, S.Phylll--. SS6S7 Ft. Erie 1 1:46 hvy 25 93 4 G 7 8 S- S" C Ross Wool Sandals. Treniargo. Dispute. S34C0 Ft. Eric lm70y 1:46 fast 12 102 1 5 2 1 1 l3 C Ross Gold Front. Mav Lutz. Elgin. S31G2 Ft. Erie 3-4 1:132 fast 20 93 6 7 8 71 Sl A Lang Posing. Maycella. Grande Dame. S3017 Hamilton 3-4 1:132 fast 25 97 4 6 6 6 63 Deverich K.Avondale. BrownTonv. The Karl. 82S41 Hamilton 3-4 1:17 slow 15 99 2 3 3 3 2 S Davis Sllvcrlnc. Firebug. Morocco. 82020 Toronto 3-4 1:162 hvy R 103 1 2 E 4 B" E Clam Shore Lark. Croydon. Dcvanyott ALICE GEORGE, br. f, 3. by Sain Yokohama J. R. Wainwright. Weight today 101. 84110 AVindsor 1 1:43 slow 13 S3 2 1 4 3 51. 55A II Jones Trcmargo. Malediction. Golcomla. 84072 Windsor 51 f 1:07 fast 8 100 2 5 4 51 53 II Jones Mozart. LOyal.Maid, Geii.Mareluuoiit SP9f AVindsor 3-4 1:124 fast 12 102 G G G 5" 5s Kennedy Ben Double. Ozana. Fulford. 83712 Ft. Erie 51 f 1:07 good 4 10S 3 2 2 23 ll Kennedy Chalice. Manv Colors. Zeola. 8362S Ft. Erie 3-4 1:142 good 12 102 6 5 6 73 5 Kennedy Argonaut. Cloisteress. Min. Bright. S3371 Ft. Erie 3-4 1:132 fast 6 101 5 2 2 7 11s Kennedy Carthage. Minnie Bright. Edge! v. S2S22 Hamilton 3-4 1:1G slop 3 100 7 2 3 31 34 Kennedy Blue Coat. Edgelr. Serenade. S2G25 Latonia 3-4 1:15 good 4 SSI 3 3 3 31 35i E ilartin Merrick. Wool Sandals. Mystlfler,. RIETA. b. f, 3, by Sir Dixon Donna Rica L. J. Ward. Weight today 97. S4202 AVindsor 5J f 1:10 slow S 95 S 5 5 3 2" J Reid Manv Colors. Claiborne. Vmfes-W. SW72 AVindsor 5 f 1:07 fast 50 101 5 7 9 1010 A Burton Mozart. Loval.Mald. len,Maro..m.nt S06UI S. Anita Gl f 1:194 fast 9 105 4 2 4 5 5 Kennedy Med. Hannah. Bell or Brass. Port. S034S S. Anita 3-11:13 fast 7 106 2 . 5 5 5 5 C II ShilgDaruma. Chilla. Kntiv Nous. FAIR ANNIE, br. f. 3. by Hawkswick Fair Annct J. J. Walsh. AVeight Way 57. SI031 AVindsor 1 1:39a fast S 95 1 G G G 6 G1J Reid Dr.W.Briggs. VoxPnpuIi. M.Dovle. S3733 Ft. Erie lm70y 1:154 fast 11-5 100 1 9 9 8 7h 33 G Burns F.Mesiiger. GwendolvnF.. SiPhyllis 83G06 Ft. Erie 1 1:414 fast 30 102 G 5 4 5 4" 4 J Howard W. A. Leach. John A.. Siskin. WZ El- Er!e lm70y 1:454 fast 40 102 3 3 3 2 4 41 J Howard Stolypln. Dispute. Woolwinder. 83227 Ft. Erie 1 1-16 1:45 fast 30 93 2 12 Pulled up. C Ross Grania. Desperado. Dispute. 83160 Ft. Erie 3-4 1:12 fast 12 93 7 10 10 10, 10"HJ Reld Arlnuctte. AnneMcGee. Osorine..., S1S53 Toronto i 1-15 upi fst, 4Q p.i i 13 13 3 j3 ipjc R053 pacadaajd, ymr, Wmw andS??,If?A1V1, b" f 3; ?y Hyphen Performance H. OotsL Weight toilav 02. IS Vi.nds.or H?Sfast, 20 8J n 7 7 c cs 0,5 c Brown Rahman. Mrs. Sowall. Irocla. SrSfHf0 ,a , , ,1 eood c s7 9 5 7 C CJ 51 Hufnagel Hans. Joe Rose. Skyo. foo ion a 1 fast, 7 102 9 10 8 11 9J ll-3Coburn W. A. Leach. Floreal, Harkaway. 2 fatona 7-S l:27g good C 103 12 1112 11 12 lliHufnaSel Komp. Busy Man. Roseburs II. Ia- oni.a lmy ast 20 90 4 3 1 1 lh 2i Hufnagel Komn. Gerrymander. Colonel Bine 8210a Latonia 3-4 1:1 fast 7 100 7 6 G 5h lh T Rice Cliallce. Xarco. Tony B. 9SS??IMNTAL, ch -,3,.nby, Montana Lisanne A. J. Small. Weieht today 92. I Windsor 11:401 fast 4 92 1 1 2 4 L.rider.Mhouse Ccremnnins. Unl-le Toby. 1osins. W r e Jmi2y ast 10 90 2 3 4 7 6" Phair T.Itobinson. T.Oalhonn.MarvTalbott f n.e lml0i; ast 20 100 4 2 2 2 2H 2 Phair Anne McGee. Pert. The Earl. M, ,?1 JUSi vy 10 95 4 2 3 2J 2 Phair Cloisteress. MIn. Brisht. AuntKate fSOSJ Ham ton 63 f 1:063 fast 10 92 1 5 G 6 6i Phair Little Osase. Golly Din St.Jeanne 8299? Ham ton 3-4 1:13J fast 10 SS 8 7 6 101 10"JPhalr Sal Volatile. Osorine. Mozart 82754 Hamilton Ei f l:07i sood G 92 6 3 2 1 l5 Phair Minor. Brown Tony. Posing. ??S,P7Wil?f,5,fiJ?thy Handsel Evalirie W. H. Seeman. Weifrfit todav 97. slnww SrtSS 1"1-1V??iihvy, Si 94 5 6 G 4 7 7"JTellott El Dorado. San lrimo. Sabado. wwls2r , -,,"?,1:iJnud 4i 97 3 5 4 5 5 5JTellott Minot. Youthful, Dareinston. Windfcor 1 1-1C 1:47 fast 20 92 9 3 3 4 31 44 Tellott County Clerk. Eoema. Belle. Scott. otandS iSif JasJ L 93 G 5 2 2 3H 41 Tellott F.Messencer. GwcndolynF.. F.Annie l?Snr E 5 5H HZ ast ?2 94 G 6 4 4 2 Tellott B.Double. CooneyK.. Lady Orimar. ffSS E1 3?fIe t4. V-lln h?y CO 93 5 5 4 3 1" Tellott Ida Heck. Zeola. Sensible. loir, 2 ton r?"i H3! slow 100 93 7 7 7 7 7i Tellott Cooney K., Fulford. John A. 82754 Hamilton 51 f l:07g good 20 97 8 9 8 10 9" Deverlch Occidental. Jtfinot. Brown Tony. randT ?J?iZch f i3; Jh! 9nione-Great Annie J. D. White. Weight todav 97. Vmsor , ,X i:1J2 ast 15 92 1 a 9 S i CWhitney L.Ford. M.Candlemas. GwendolvnF. SnmmSnlm74,3J:?5 JasJ 21 1U" 7 3 3 4 3 35 J HeiQ Gwendolyn F.. Gold Front. Eluin. cwT 2ani on 2i J:H fast 15 102 5 G 4 4 31 Kennedy Personal. Piute. Steel. Imriio011 fH:!4 Jasi 32 110,7 c c r,S 21 Kennedy Kins Commoner. Gold Front. Soil. ?t2 JftS" a ?"1 SasS 88 10 10 10 9U 10"JW AndressHyperion II.. Colloquy. CrvstalMald ??aJona rS5 J:0$ I181 100 99 7 G 7 9i 8lBrannon Sea Swell. Jolly. Romp. 77975 Latonia El f l:0Si fast 30 107112 12 12 12 12lFoy Zarane. iMrs.MarionMoore. Kllvany. ?FJISI,mL- ch f 3. hy Serpent May Beach F. T. Wood. Weight todav 97. 19 Windsor 7-8 1:30J mud 7 102 2 8 8 7 C G,s .T Howard Minot, Youthful. Dareinston. fwl 1 r!ie i1 VJandl:5Hast t2 j01 58 8 s 911 J Reid Uamnan. Eicin. Gerrymander. T- f,T e lmi0y l:5lg livy 15 102 1 2 2 2 21 3JJ Howard LaniKan. Gerrymander. Sp. Prince. HfJ fer e lln!y VH iast 30 12 5 5 1 1 3 9" J Howard Anne McGee. Occidental. Pert. 1.2, SJ- ir 0 , -,3 Y-IL hvy 12 96 G G 5 5 4 J Reid Sister Phyllis. Ida Keck. Zeola. ?rie. 11;ln:1fast 3U 304 H 4 4 8 81 9So J Howard Grania. Desperado. Dispute. ?ionFca! 3-4 1:178 slow 10 107 9 9 7 8 9 T Rice ColonelZeb. LadyOrimar. SilkHose. Montreal 1 l:40g fast 20 95 4 9 10 10 101 11" Deverich Jeanette M.. Bobbie Kean. Petulant Mt4?GI-h K4: hy What-er-lou Tea Gown M. E. McHenry. Weight todav 10G. 1- r-le ?iS i-i ias 10 lu4 8 8 9 9 PuI.up.SFlynn Flora Itiley. Doubt. Beau Brumml Si- Sr-e 1,1;1S Vtl tast 8 103 8 7 7 5 5 5" Herbert Koseboro. Uncle Toby. Boema. swni wliJL 1 1f f5S Jasi 52 102 ,C 1 7, ,7 7 7J"is Fynn Rcidmoore. Woolwinder. Itedllussar ???q Sol J fast, 52 Pulled up. S Flynn Crnclie dOr. Belle Scott. Aralla. 827o9 Hamilton 11:40 Rood 30 10G111 11 11 11 10 11" S Flynn T.Robinson. St.Elmwood. J.Carroll. IP?,11? QUEEN, ch. f. 3. by Royal Flush III. Finalis P. J. Miles. Weight today 92. Windsor 5 f l-ffT fast 40 97i 7 4 7 SJ 8 Moss ..Arozart. LoyalMaid, GciuMarchmont Wl,nas.or J J:07 fast 200 100 12 11 11 10 9" Moss Colloquy. ToyBoy. Law. P. Daley. SsT?2 Latonia 51 f l:06g fast 40 90 14 14 13 13 13 Hufnasel Bill? Bodemer, .Ethelda. Colmo. 2u5 Jamestown 3-4 1:15 fast 12 100 7 7 7 7 7"iWelply Hose Beaumont. Gay Kins, Font. S1S71 Jamestown 3-4 1:18 Kood 21 102 7 7 4 1 l3 J Reid Red Doe. Skyline. Lady Chilton. SEVENTH RACE 1-1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 83849 1:5214 5 105. DESPERADO, b. c. 3, "by Loyalist Amerigo G. Hendrie. Weight todav 104. f4,20, W,!nsor ll:45Jslow 7 103 2 4 r, 4 4 4 Mentry EmperorWilliam, Tremargo. Alice. !ndsor , IVH Z00? H2. 5 C 7 2 1" 25 J Howard Quagga. BeauBrummel. SanPrimo. vS Sm -sor 1 last. I i S 5 2 2?, 2i J MclntyreCounty Clerk. Vesme. ArrowSwift. ?!n,sor i JHSMS 8 19 1 2 2 1 Ill J Howard Onagga. Anno McGee. Oberon. c SJ933 VindKor 1 1-1G 1:47 fast 7 100 12 1111 11 101 85lDeverich County Clerk, Boema. Belle Scott. S1;n :r,,e 1 :, fast 30. 102 4 4 7 7 7 79 Gilbert W. A. Leach. John A.. The Minks. B? r,-e i JiS lvy 9-5 100 3 2 2 2 2 21 Herbert Steel. Orlandot. I,ois Cavanagh. 83227 Ft. Kne 1 1-1G l:4aj fast 8 108 8 2 2 2 2s 25 Herbert Grania. Dispute. Floreal. THEMARGO. ch. c. 3. by Handsome Florence W. J. R. Wainwright. Weight today 106. S4J0O Windsor 1 1:43J slow G 105 111 1 2 2J Kennedy EmperorWilliam. Alice, Desperado 84!?,.. !nrtEOr 1 1:4iJ 5Iow 8r5 14 5 5 2 1 l2 H J Howard Malediction, Golconda. D.Hamilton X,nilsor 3"4 I:12 tast 52 J?S 2 3 5 4i 2J Kennedy Ida D., Hyperion II.. Golly Ding. SI S.L r?e , J:4SI ?V3C I5 222 J 3 3 3 2 21 Kennedy Wool Sandals. Dispute. Dareington. bttlk T We H iaRt 3 102 7 G 5 51 51 J Howard Carthage. Minnie Bright. Edgely. U ivl-e 5i ?ist L 103 3 1 1 lh 2nk J Howard Mystifier. Light Bine. Pnnkv. Em4 fi1, JM.le ?i J:J2, JasJ 42 23 ,c 4 4 21 2 J Howard K.Avondale. D.Stafford. LightBlae 82995 Hamilton 3-4 1:13J fast 100 9S 12 9 8 7 7l: C Ross Sal Volatile. Osorine. Mozart. 9.92zCS" h. r- 4 hv Goldcrest Fond Recollection Kenwood Stable. Weight todav 105. S1!i? J !nsr 1 1;R 2:01 hvy 4i 9S 5 2 2 2 1 1 J Reid .Malediction. Doubt. King of Mist, ollil K!r"!sor 1 l-1? h,vi 8- I01 5 5 5 4 3 212 S Davis Net. Traver. Xlenver Girl. Procla. 81a?2 !m2sor , , ,H:42, 5low 1 101 11 11 10 7 8 3! S Davis Tremargo. Malediction. D.Hamilton i40M AVindsor 1 1-1G l:47g fast 3 101 3 2 3 2 31 2 S Davis Gilvedear. DenvrGirl Gerrrmande? Windsor 1 1:403 fast 20 97 3 11 9 8 7 .-51 S Davis lloXro OrSn S. andw. SJ2-, J5mp re JHSJ:4Z ast 22 322 5 3 3 3 3V 8iCreevy Q.of thcHills. Rye. MissCrittenden. SI lVnp!re 1 I7I6 J:53, h,vy 10 ,98 4 4 G G G 7" F H KingSt. Joseph. KeepMoving. Gold.Shore S2C54 Kmpire 1 1-8 l:58g slop 4 10a 2 1 1 1 1J 2J1 K Dugan Nadzu. M.Crittenden, KingofBashan FLORA RILEY, b. f, 4. by Riley Flora Lee W. H.Fizer. Weight todav 112 ??i52 JX.mdsor WS VJf- last 3 104 2 4 4 3 2" 1" J Reid Reidmoorc. Malediction. R. Hussar! 8-878 Wlnils?r ,1 1;2 2:3M fast 3-2 107 5 5 4 2 1 ln J McIntyreDoubt. Malediction. Azo. ??,io E- Eri-e 1,37lli :i:U fast 3, I01 9 7 3 3 l2 VI Kennedy Doubt. Boau Rrmiimel. Boema. Ft- gr!e 1 I"? 2:178 livy 11-5 96 4 C C 5 5 5J Reid Koseboro. Malediction, Aut. King. S? El- Erie 1 1:39s fast 100 102 4 4 4 5 C r.iMusgr ve John A.. Simcoe. Steel. 74097 P.Grnds 1 1-10 l:47i fast 12 109 2 12 10 9 10 9" Nicol LadvAlmy. Al. Star, Buck.Brigade 7373S CityPark 1 1-1G 1:46 fast S 107 1 12 9 9 72 7,s J Lee Water Cooler, Lady Alm Czai" ?.1Tlrr?R,UMMEI" h. 5. by Stur Shoot Dixoletta John Marklein. Weight today 109. Ifnl? W-!ndKOr , , ,1 P01 8 116 i 5 1 3 21 31 Kennedy Ouagga. Desperado. San Primo. W,!nd,sor 11-11; l:, fast 7 107 Gil 1 l lh Kennedy BarouKsher, IncleToby. Grenesiiue. X;nd,sor 2 H 2:0t.i Tast 21 101 4 4 3 3 3n 41 Kennedy How. Shea n. K. of Mist. Dunvegan. Vnd-S?r A1:? 2:?3 ast ? 303 I32 4 5 5J F Burton Flora Riley. Doubt. Malediction. 3755 Jt 1 3;1S J:"?,S fast 4 104 7 4 2 1 2" 31 Hufnagel Flora Riley. Doubt. Boema. 3714 Ft. Kne 1 1-b l:5Jg good 30 115 4 1 1 1 2 21 F Burton Mystifier, Red Hussar. .Malediction. Sf- vl-Z V,V, is15- Jast 20 105 9 12 12 J 9 Snilufnagel Ouagga. Mary Talbott. Crucl.e dOr 83a3S Ft. Erie 1 1-1G 1:4a? fast 5 106 4 G 5 4 4 48J Hufnage! Roseboro. Uncle lby. Boema. L,HS- TJJRNER. ch. m. 6. by Stur Shoot Lizzie Dixon T. P. Hayes. Weight todav 107. I Sl1 X!nsor 1 2"8 2:22i !vy 2 102 2 2 1 1 I"- is J Howard Vanen. Tackle. Harry Rieheson. liSAl W,!nt2s?r 1 Xi y-fj, Jt 25 101 4 5 S 8 0 G3Kennedy County Clerk. Desperado. Vesme. 8!22 ,ndsor , , J 1:42? Jast 10 9S 10 10 11 11 12 123J Reid Roseboro. Orphan Lad. Carew. S??i; TV,.mls-0r 2 l 2:5?J fast, 7 0S1 9 9 10 71 G11 Rettig Pedro. Lanisran. Procla. - v31,5.i latonia 11-8 1:55 goods lb 2 G G G 3u 11 M McGee Belleview. WarnerGriswell. E.Carr. Jtonia 11-8 1:;2 fast 31 1041 3 7 7 7 G 5J M McGee Hans. Belleview. Vanen. faton a 1 I"16 2:45? fast 7"10 10G 2 7 7 8 C 21 E Martin M. Algol. Gilvedear. Rebel Queen. S-490 Latonia lm70y l:4o good 1G-5 lOo 7 8 8 7 51 45 J Lee Palamon. MaidMilitant, GypsyKing S3??15P1?n,S i,0, 3 by Sempronius Cefeta Valley Farm Stable. "Weight today 97. SiS X!nsor 1 1"? 2:0-5 fast 25 96 4 4 7 G 5 5i Kodgers Old Honesty. Woolwinder. Creel. Sr X!ndsor H:124fast 8-5 97 4 3 5 5 3 lh Rodgers Uncle Tobv. Posing. Col. Zeb. o?? Kin-Ss?r . -a1 VfA fast, 775 104 5 r 4 5 5,2 Rodgers Ragman. Mrs. Sewall. Procla. WM EJ- Te 111,0y ?ood 1 9d 1 3 3 1 21 2 Rodgera Woolwinder. Giles. Thomas Calhoun r e tVrf 2;0Tk fast 4 95 7 2 2 1 Ink 21 Rodgers Zipango. Doubt. Arrow Swift. 15Et-1?r e H6 2:021 Jast 7 94 2 1 1 1 2 2n Rodgers Ar.Swift. .RedHussar. Malediction. !S Sami Kton 111f 2:4IMast 23 99 7 2 2 3 3 301 Rodgers Grania. King Avondale. ArrowSwift 8J906 Hamilton 3-4 1:14 fast 20 109 9 10 9 71 71 RettiE Plaudmore. Patriot. Joe Gaitens.

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