Montreal Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1909-09-12

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MONTREAL FORM CHART. BLUE BONNETS. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 1909. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK HEAVY. J Seventh day. Montreal Jockey Club. Autumn Meeting of 13 days. 33 looks on. . Presiding Judge, J. J. Burke. Starter. A. B. Dade. Clerk of Course. F. W Gerhardy. J Racing starts at 2:45 p. in. Chicago time 1:45 p. in.. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Fig- ; ures In parentheses following the distance of each race indicate Index number, track record, age of horse and weight carried. 1 QITQI FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. S23G9 1:12 1120. 5400 added. 2-year-olds. O jl i. O JL Allowances. Net value to winner 40. Ind Horses AWtPPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II G P S i ALP-D TJ1E GREAT W 10S 4 C 25 22 15 Is Ganz St James Stable 10 15 15 4 1 S4650CHIEF KEE us 10S G 5 6 55 4 2 J Lee P M Civill 10 15 15 4 7-5 S4590BANIVES w 10S 11 3! 31 35 32 Musgrve J W Schorr 7-107-107-101-4 out 84607KID W 10S 5 3 I3 l2 2J 4 J Wilson S Louis 21 16-513-53-5 1-4 . 2310 C. A. LEI MAN w 10S 2 4 S" 4 5 5s Taplin J L Beesoh S 12 12 4 1 84560 GRANDISSIMO W 104 3 2 4 C 6 C C Garner P T Chinn 30 CO 50 15 7 Time, 25, 51,A, 1:18. j Winner B. c, by Cesarion Anecdote trained by L. Marion. I Went to post at 2:40. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving. Alfred the Great, favored by the going, wore Kid down after going a half and held the race safe through the stretch. Chief Kee began slowly and was far back In the lirst half, but closed a big gap in the stretch and , was going fastest at the end. Banives, poorly ridden, was kept in tin; worst going for, the first quarter , v.nA allowed to get pinched off on the turn and swerved to the inner rail. Kid set the pace to the stretch and tired fast In the last furlong. C. A. Lehnan ran fairly well for a first out In a long time. Scratched 843772Amelia Jenks. 105; 83S97Kiugshlp, 108; S4084 Amanda Lee, 105. Overweights Grandlsslmo. 2 ponnds. Ql 790 SECOND RACE 1 Mile. 77023 1:38 3 100. 00 added. 3-year-olds. Selling. Ot I Jal Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses" AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S S46S93JOE ROSE wb 106 2 C 62 35 2 23 In Taplin J W Schorr 2 2 8-5 7-101-3 84649 CHEPONTUG WB 104 1 1 1 1 l2 la 2 T Rice G E Hall 8 10 9 3 0-5 84648 POCOMOKE W 101 3 2 25 2h 35 3 3 Goldstein T Clyde 8-5 35 35 7-5 7-10 S4649 GLORIOLE W 103 7 7 7 4 4" 4" 4 Musgrve T G Molinelll 4 4 31 1 1-2 S4091 GREAT JUBILEE "WB 10.! 4 3 5" 65 6 5 512 J Wilson MrsJMcLaughlin 50 CO CO 20 10 84649 ALICE GEORGE w lOt 5 4 45 5l 55 6 G Kennedy J R Wainwright 8 10 7 21 1 S4362 MINNIE BRIGHT w 91 C 5 3and 7 7 7 7 Paul J W Flynn 40 50 40 10 4 Time, 25, 51, 1:19, 1:46. Winner Blk. c, by Bannockburn Amcliana trained by A. Simons. Went to post at 3:17. At post 4 minutes. Start poor. Won driving: second and third the same. .Toe Rose moved up steadily from a slow beginning and, standing the final drive gamely, outstayed Chepontue in the last few strides. Chepontue had the best of the start and, taking a long lead in the first half, appeared to have the race safe, hut tired badly in the last quarter. Pocomoke was well up in the early running, but fell back after going a half and swerved in the stretch, then finished gamely. Gloriole moved up with a rush after going a half, but tired badly near the end. Alice George ran poorly. The wlnuer, entered for 1909.sh00, was bid up to 00 and bought in. Scratched S40123Stromoland, 102; S3977 Descomnets, 09; 843593Maximum, 104; 84123 Lady Hill, 101; S4048 Otogo, 104; 84591 Sehvik. 90. QlffOQ THIRD RACE 7-8 Mile. 82438 1:20 C9G. 00 added. 4-year-olds and upward. Orfc 4 OO Selling. Net value to winner 05. Ind Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H G P S S4608 BLUE COAT. WB 7 110 8 8 3h VI 1 l2 lJ Hammd R Boswell 5 10 10 3 8-5 77S603COSMOPOLITAN W 4 117 1 5 8 8 4 25 2 Cummgs L J Wells 30 30 20 8 3 S4489 POSING "WB C 112 3 4 In 2n 2 3 3 Kennedy J R Wainwright 3 3 25 9-102-5 84223 BE THANKFUL "WB 4 112 2 7 71 45 6 C5 41 T Rice O Turek 8 10 10 4 2 84142EL DORADO W 5 110 C 2 4 35 5h 55 55 J Wilson E J Glldersleeve 4 4 3 G-5 3-5 S4612 BLACK HAWK "WB 4 113 5 3 2 5 35 4 05 Taplin H G Bedwell 3 C C 25 C-5 S46S63SABADO WB 4 107 4 6 5s 72 71 7 7J Paul J W Flynn 8 8 6 25 1 S2782 BIRDSLAYER W 9 107 7 1 6 C 8 S S Ganz Mrs L M Holmes 30 40 40 12 5 Time, 26, 52, 1:19, 1:34. Winner B. h, by Ben Strome Blue Jacket trained by A. Bulcroft. Went to post at 3:53. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving. Blue Coat was close up for the first half and, after taking the lead when a quarter out, held the race safe and won going away. Cosmopolitan began slowly, but saved much ground and closed a big gap In the last half. Posing had no mishaps and tired after going three-quarters. Be Thankful showed speed for a half. El Dorado quit In the final drive. Black Hawk had a rough trip for the first half. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched 84375 Mazuma, 112; 84500 Topsy Robinson, 110; 84710 Carthage, 114; 83900 Montclalr, 113; 84049 King Avondale. 11C; 84648 Whisk Broom. 113. FOURTH RACE 1 1-4 Miles. 824942:051112. Earl Grey Cup. ,500 added. CJtat 4 O 3-year-oldstand upward. Handicap. Net value to winner ,500. Ind Horses AWtPPSt St Vt 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S S4592TERAH w 4 111 3 5 5 5 5 5 l1 14 Rettig E A Brennan 2 12-511-57-101-4 84592STANLEY PAY "w 4 122 1 1 2 2 35 3 25 25 Mentry W Walker 5 6 5 8-5 3-5 846532JEANETTE M. "W 3 93 4 3 4 4 i 45 4 3s Taplin H G Bedwell 6 6 5 8-5 1-2 81083 PINKOLA TVB 4 107 5 4 3n 3" 24 l2 35 4s T Rice E Alvey 3 35 3 6-5 3-5 S4651PLAUDMORE tvb 3 109 2 2 l1 lh in 2J 5 5 Musgrve J H Doane 3 4 4 C-5 1-2 Time, 25, 50, 1:17, l:45i, 2:14. Winner B. c, by Abe Frank Charm, by Faustus trained by R. Boyle. Went to post at 4:22. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily: second and third driving. Terah trailed distantly for the first three-quarters, then moved up and, saving much ground when turning into the stretch, dashed Into the lead and won going away. Stanley Fay was restrained for. three-quarters and, when called on, wore Plnkola down with ease, but was not good enough to concede the weight to the winner. Jeanette M. went well throughout. Pinkola was hard held for the first half, then went Into a long lead, but quit after going a mile as if short and was not persevered with near the end. Plaudmore set the pace, but quit In the last quarter. Scratched 84051 3 Old Honesty, 109; 84259Bouquet. 112; 34051 Cave Adsum, 104; 84503 Woolwlnder. 102; S42C0 Green Seal. Ill; S4709 Jack Parker. 107: 845C5Lady Esther. 105. OyffTOpr FIFTH RACE About 2 1-2 Miles. Steeplechase. 753795:10 4143. 1909.sh00 added., Ojfc g OO 4-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 05. Ind Horses AWtPPSt 5 10 15 19 Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S S45942BRAGGADOCIO W 4 145 2 2 3l 3 23 230 2 Is Ray N Ray 2 25 8-5 3-5 1-4 S4687 BERGOO W 4 155 C C 2 23 14 Is 14 2 S McClaln G E Hall 2 25 25 7-101-3 S4611 IMPERTINENCE W 5 140 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 Pollock C Donohue 6 7 7 2 1 84594 HARRINGTON w 4 145 5 5 l5 l10 Lost rider. Slater W Gerst 2 3 3 1 2-5 77530 DULCIAN w 6 140 1 1 Ran out. G Palmer C J Murray 10 12 12 4 3-2 S4DG43ZAGG TV 4 134 4 3 Ran out. Sobell G II Holle 2 3 3 1 2-5 Coupled In betting; no separate place or show betting. Time, 5:25. Went to post at 4:49. At post 1 hiinute. Start good. Won easily: second the same. Braggadocio followed Bergoo. closely to the last jump, where he drew into the lead and won going away. Bergoo fenced well and showed the most speed for the first eighteen jumps, hut tired thereafter. Impertinence was close up for the first twelve jumps, then began blundering and finally stumbled at the eighteenth jump and unhealed her rider, but was remounted in time to save third money. Harrington showed much the most early s-pced, but stumbled and unseated his rider at the tenth jump. Zagg bolted at the first jump and carried Puloian out. Ql 7Qfi SIXTH" RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 70913 1:00 2 10S. 00 added. 2-year-olds. Oat I OO Selling. Net value to winner 35. ind Horses AWtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S S4C50 STAROVER w 107 5 3 3i 2 l3 1 Ganz St James Stable 2 11-52 7-101-3 S440DDELF w 105 3 4 l1 14 22 24 T Rice J C Ferriss S-5 3 25 1 1-2 84707 HEDGE ROSE "WS 107 1 2 6 41 32 3 J Lee G E Hall 8 12 12 4 3-2 84610 COMPTON WSB 10S 2 1 2 55 43 4 Goldstein A G Weston 4 4 16-51 1-2 S46S8 BETTY LESTER WB 1015 4 C 45 3 5 5 Jackson D T Morris 5 7 6 2 4-5 S4607 THE KING w 108 6 5 52 6 6 6 J Reid H Penny 20 20 15 5 25 Time, 25, 52, 1:03, 1:11. Winner Ch. c, bv Star Shoot Algie M. trained by L. Marion. Went to post at 5:19. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving. Star-over ran as if he outclassed the others, wore Delf down when a furlong out and won cantering through the last sixteenth. Delf showed the most early speed, but tired slightly in the stretch. Hedge Hose was going fast at the end and closed a big gap. Compton quit after going a lialf. Betty Lester moved up fast on the stretch turn, but tired badly iu the going. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched Howlet, 111; Dixie Knight, 107. Overweights Betty Lester, 14 pounds. QiTQT SEVENTH RACE 3-4 Mile. S2309 1:12 1120. Military Cup. Purse 00. Gfc 4 O 4 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Gentlemen Riders. Net value to winner 25. fud Horses AWtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 82557GOLD FIND w 3 177 1 3 14 l8 l10 1" Lt. Shirly Lt C E Shirly 4 6 5 out 77026 DR. J. P. A1TKEN W 5 177 3 1 3 3 22 28 Lt. Reid J Lowe 4-5 9-104-5 out S2090 KNOBHAMPTON w S 177 2 2 23 2 3 3 Capt. StmLt A P Thomas 1 6-5 C-5 out Went in entries as Goldfinch. Time, 1:28. Winner B. g, bv Gold Heels Eva Allen. Went to post at 5:41. At post 1 minute. Start good. AVon cantering; second driving. Gold Find moved into the lead soon after the start, disposed of Knohhampton in the first quarter and was only cantering in the stretch. Dr. J. F. Aitken wore Knohhampton down in the last furlong. Scratched 84219 Klamesha II.; 177.

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