Cracks Race at Aqueduct: High Noon Outspeeds Phosphor Again and Defeats Him with Little Trouble, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-08


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CRACKS RACE AT AQUEDUCT Se Sea HIGH NOON OUTSFEEDS PHOSPHOR AGAIN AND DEFEATS HIM WITH LITTLE TROUBLE. pr ih ihe li dit Yankee Notions Scores from Lady Rotha and Mon- si tresor in the Rotkaway Selling Stakes — linn aj Leo Skolny a Winner. . lu New. Ymtk, .inly 7.— The colors r James Batler U the whc twice carried to victory at Aqueduct today li: when Variety and High Noun won their reapcctiTe ». races. High Noona victory, which came in tin " fourth race and which was a handicap at sere*- ■ eighths, was the mhim popalar one of the afternoon hi i.i ami win n hi cante back to the atand alter leading Phosphor I1..1111 . he was heartily cheered. High ,M l»c Noon tend trom start to finish and 11* fractional a ■ time ahowed the race to hare been a fast run one. ■ Yankee N lions wou the ttockaway Selling Stakes a a at three-quarter* over Lndjr Botha and Moatresor. lie w. - a heavily backed favorite and after racing " into tiie lead held Lady Botha safe to the end. Leo Skolny, showing lime.i speed, led all the a :y sl m the in 1I1. although be was put to a hard drive in the strides to withstand the rash ol Harry f Shaw. P.iitwell. on the latter, tried to go through 111 the insid ■■ when entering the stretch, but was . ■ in off by the winner, lie tlien made ids more cm « the outside ami .just failed to get ii|i. Bntweil • lodged a claini of Foul, which was not allowed. Volant lid a band of platers home in the sith ° race and Bonny Laddie accounted for the steeple »• to chase. Harry Lee, a gentleman rider from Boston, lias been granted a trainers license and will hereafter train his own steeplechase horses. Jockeys V. J. OBrien. I". Henry ami F. Judy ■ arrived front Latonia. Henry i 1 1 ride for James XtacManus and Jody will ride for Mose Uoldhlatt. Both are appreiit 1 • Tin- atables of M. GoidMatl ami W. Perkins have P arrived at i; Inioiii Park from Latonia. l Jockey It. 1 r-iuhart. whom B. T. Cotton brought here from Kentucky, has Iteen quite ill with acnte J bronchitis and has been contiued to a hospital lor a * week. Ralph Yanke. a brother of ". ;. Yanke, i- an J n rival and states thai practically all of the horses , ■ belonging to the latter have been tamed out for J It the aninnier at Latonia. V. K. Mizell has wired for eleven stalls at the Jamaica track. His string, Incladinc Bobert Find- i lev. will .it 1 he iii a few da.vs front Latonia. f Si esr loads of horses ironi Latonia will arrive . in Ni* rk iii route to Saratoga tomorrow. They • will Include fourteen belonging to W. J. Tonng, I twenty "I J. W. Schorrs, fourteen of T. C. klcDow ells and twelve of II. II. Hewitts. The horses d Thomas Hitchcock will leave for r Saratoga Monday. .1. L. Madden v ill ship twelve horses, ioaiig Btock, to Lexington tomorr w. Aejncdacl work-outs aocr a Rood track this morn- , bag were: , Bevelry James Half mile in 51%. F11el.l1. in Mile and all eighth in 2:02. Borax Three-eighths In 3R%. , Kditli Olga Half mile in ." ». Gondw I I Ive eighths in 1 KM. Jerry Jr. Fire-eightha in 1 :"■".. Mi-s Pusxle Hall mile in 60%. Mi McGigcle Three-oaarters in 1:18%. j Maxims Choice Three eighths in 38%. i i tair Half mile in SO ■ . , Navigator Half mile ia 51%. orris Half mile in " n. Nephthys Mile and an eighth in 1:50%. perthrock live eighths in I :"!. R|i : anl Laiurdort hall mile in 50. Spur Hail mile in 50%. Si,piein:i. v Half mile in lb Tinkle Bell Im- eighths in 1:03%. Wooden Siloes -Mile and an eighth In 1:59%. Berraaat Park work outs over a fast track today v Bine Thistle Mile in 1:44. l: now Mile and an eighth in 2:00. barter Maid Mile and an eighth in 2:05. CarilaiirtK Ii 1 e eighths la 1 :"- . Chicle Five eighths in 1 :04. IH- taut Shore Mile in 1 : 11. Dawrotu h 1 lair mile in 53. j;i r.ioi! Five-eighths in IKK. Lb u.siuia Half mile In M :; .. IeninoKse Half mile in ls:;.-. . friar Rock Tine, quarters 111 1:15%. Hedge Mile in 1:43s! . Udiko Half mile in 49. I 1, 1, mid Half mile in B. Qaarta Five eighths In 1 KM%. l;. no mbranee -Kive-eigbtha in 1:02%. Stroinlioli Mile and an eighth In 1 :-"i0-:.. Scaramouch Five-eighths ia 1:02 .,. Saratoga !!alt mile in I!. Sherwood Mile in 1:31. Sir V m Ian Hall n lie In 49s! .. Thunderer Five-eighths In 1:04. Top Hat -Mile and an eighth In 1 :5G | . Vermonl Half mile ii 19.

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Local Identifier: drf1915070801_1_2
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