Some Strict Rules for New Orleans: Management of Fair Grounds Take Measures Designed to Ensure High-Class Meeting next Winter, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-08


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v " i r- n , ." I ,:1 * to I,. i,. he ie on ,n i ,. a to ,. „ ~ I i 2 SOME STRICT RULES FOR NEW ORLEANS. . Management of Fair Grounds Take Measures Designed to Ensure High-Class Meeting Next Winter. New Orleaiis. La., July 7. — Although it is a lorn: r tune before the opening of the whiter meeting at I New Orleans Janaarj l next, the Business Mens i Racing Associatl a, till «gh it- manager, Joseph A. Murphy, i- already formulating plans for what • promises to be the greatest winter race meeting . eve.- held in the I 1 1 i t - I Slates. vir. Murpb rrali/e- that to insure permanency and -in..-- the racing must be built all over from i the ground up and i- contemplating some drastic re forms that will purge the sport ol all it- objectionable feature- and leave it practically invulnerable to attack. These ref rms will be carefully thought t "Mt during the summer. The policy of the association will be to as fai .is possible bring everyone • connected with the racing directly under the surveillance of Cue ollieial- and everyone wiU be held striet-l.v to account mo only in respect i the racing but t t r personal conduct as well. As the lir-l move in carrying out tin- policy, Mr. Murphy has asked the directors for ItOtl additional : tails and a kitchen built on modern plans that will feed BOO iiersons. N -• . ue stable, j outside the grounds will in- permitted 1 te participate :n the racing nor will badges lie issued I to then,. This is .tone with a double purpose, it t is li-u-ally the poorer class of owners who stable i- outside the groaada and with illy paid help tlie • danger of an ai yance arising to the neighb I Is one thai the association is anxious to avoid. Wito II the Increased -table r n there will be 1,900 stalls s which will take care of sou horses, which is aa many . as ana necessary for all purposes ami all that ran 11 pay their way. rien. to. this plan will enable the manager to 0 select the nun who are c. race at tl" Crescent 1 City. Manager Murphy bis a book containing a Ii-; of those he considers undesirable. Those owners s who run their horses for betting purposes only, with I, pi. [room connections ami agents m other cities, will j be conspicuous by their absence. No horses will be ,. taken oil the cars by the association and no nc- counts wiil iie carried on the books. While the management 1- ha- a sod spot I". unfortunate horsemen its purpose Ut !•• bring to New Orleans only the 1« -t j of horsemen who can pay their waj and who 0 will no! be leti stranded at the close of the meeting. a menace to the community and a temptati a t" ,; -line promoter to start a cheap meeting for gambling .. purposes iiniv . All of the nurses will be pahl in cash each day. Jin key mounts niu-t be paid al tin scales. There ,. will lie do charge for -taide room and tie- public ,! fit inn will he placid iii charge of - ue- competent man without charge so that there will be no excuse ,, ior not firing the best W service to the horsemen ,, at reasonable ran-. Joekej Iteeuaei will be ten „ dollar-, aa la-t year, and trainers will be chargi I I lm dollars. This money will u Into a special fund i to provide adequate medical attention. A competent r physh-ian will be in attendance during the racing ., and in addition each week the medical department t will inalo an Inspection of the grounds to note the ,. condition- at the -table and report where they are ,. unsanitary. After tula service has been paid tor out of the kR-key ami trainers fund Hie balance, a- la-t ,t vear. will i.i donated to the Charity II -nital. Man- ,. aaer Mnrnhj already has received application for ,.. ,,o0 stalls

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