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Aqueduct Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, July 8. WEATHER CLOUDY. TRACK FAST. a — . o The R»f 1 1 1 o s under t ho heading "Ree." in the I entries below hew the best time of eaeh horse I at the distance, since .iunuary 1. 1911. no matter | I v. here it. Iniihed In c.i.-es where record was ! I made on ether than a fast or good track, abbro- i I viatiens shew track conditions. [Racing start* at 2:3o p. m. Chicage time, i:::o. Runs well in mm!. ©Superior mini runner. M maidens. "Apprentice allowance. First Race— 3-4 Mile. 3 | • :ir .- 1 1 • I upward. Selling. Trad SS351 1:12 5—120. Ind. Horse. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.Han. i21l"7i Pre -iimption I«l 111-. 8 112 ■ 7-" C2i.:2!i Palauuuin 112 1:1.1 5 ll»l 72n 2111*21 Illa l.i on I"2 1:12. 7 110X715 ItitCtO Isintse lOB 1 12 ;. 8 BO. .715 21043* Aayiade 112 1:12% r, 108x71.1 214!l2 San Vegl lit l:l;;. 1 100X715 214471 Tinkle Bell I02 1:13% :: lOtl 71". ii::i»; Plautagenet ! «• 1:13 :; 82. .710 21171* " Hi7l:12-". 5 105X710 21 171 Ik ti i too Hio 1:11% 3 in.", ■ 7lo Mis.:7 Northerner Itw 1:12% 1 102x710 21171 I cnnioiise "is 111. 3 1IMI..71II 21235 Sinai 109 1:11 :: i", 705 ;H27 Hoffman 113 1:12% ! 112. .7115 ll::21 Son- ,,l Valley 103 1:14 I 102 700 :l 117 Northlighl 110 1: IS I 110.. 700 Llliis Gainsborough li»7 1:14*4 ;: 92..4SSO 21100 I n/ v Wuzxj Mi. II" 1:15 4 102. .M0 la ini l,i n Ki7 1:14V, 3 lo:, IS o 21171 Mr Specs 113 1:12% 7 lo, UOO IViis *«hton i l i B lor,.. i. so Second Race— 5-8 Mile. 2 rear olds. AHowanei s. Track record: i;.m:,i :,!i 2 120.1 21446t Snecees 105 1:02% 112. .72.-, 2141451 Mnridiy 112 l:nv 112. .7241 21173 Mi- Pujasle llo 1:02 -.s 111 .1., | uKtumer, h. c i it gd a M is querade 103 la*. H rse. Wt Bee. Daddys Choice. l . . by 1 rap Hot k Rarth lor. tQaincy Stable entry. Third Race— 1 1-8 Miles. l-yi ir nM - ami upward, Selling. Track record: 21-. 18 1 1 r i » ■ :. MB. 211!C AMALFI Ill 1:52 7 109X723 2loiiT G. M. Miller 100 1:31% s 108x713 21.:is: lazuli him 1:54% 5 111X713 212I!M iiSnllivan 110 1:64% 3110.. 716 21410 Marsbon 1410 1:34 5 10349710 21410 Ienalty !i7 l:.".;" 1 :n 71o 2114*6- ■ !, | Ben 119 1:52% 1 10BX710 Fourth Race — 1 1-1C Miles. 3 j eat and upward. Ii indlcap. CI i ii k record: 50378 1 : 13% 3 90. 21445 r.ivi.oiTv Caadle ..100 1:45% 1 110X723 21445* l"Hin:: liiia 118 1:15 ." loo 72u 10S41 Sam .lack/on 1U7 1:46% 7 111 71.". Fifth Rare— 1 Mile. :; year olds. Setting. Track record: 50378 1:38 3 108. 21442 Doublet 131 1:13 113 725 i::i.:_,i Platan! Shore IIS 1:41 113 T-.i 21490* All Smiles 112 1:41% 110. .715 I . ; v I ad] Tc reaa 108 ■ 715 21345 s iratoga 112 111 114 71", I i. i ci„ si, rion 103 1:41 108 M0 21496 Grumpy H 7 1:42% 109 ?05 Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Selling. Track r rd: S9351 1:12 S -120. 21 1701 Done site 112X725 21240* Triholo 110. .720 21 i,i; * i.iicsu in the i i i . . 97 7i: ! 1213 11 Sea Cod 115X710 21 170 I. vnu loT ■ 7lo 21470 K.lilli ltaiiiiiinn 107 705 20997 Pussy Will .w I l . 102. .680