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, 1 I - a- . ii i h i .- .■ • i . ,i bj ij n r. -i it RACING HAS CHANGED WITH THE TIMES. Racing i- a w nderfnll] different affair lo what I il Used lo he III .he ,hus ol 1lilll. I.e.l.ll II.. 1 I Dickens, and thai wa- alter Lord George Bentiuck [ had brought afoul miracles in the .a ol refuan. no race loui-se was complete without its savagery. Wei. Ida.; ii not common, was fre |nent, while pts-kel pi. k iu; and brawling w. re practical!. a pail of the ■ pastime. Old Joe l"pp. a veteran Yorkshire pugilist, who i- -in in ii,,. Best] and a resident ul I nil la. . iikes telling h.ev h. traveled Iron, .on: ,• p. course and took .ii all ers. Kven the great Derbj has s f l .• .... ,| ,1,-al of it • hart i . I h.-re i none • .a the borse plaj and reckles n. s. thai wa on •■ i- regarde.1 a a le timate reature. w h.n people took to :, down bj train Instead of bj road, whieb 1 was formerly • nsidered the pro] iIiiul.. the e change coiumenccd. No longer did young ladles of f the academies line He- wail- and smile al the ioioe lime rude .hall of the heedless. then came the .• bicycle which help.-.i to make driving hazardous. But lb.- am bile has completed the transfisrma lion. There is till some coaching and some hilarity j en route, but the wide-open, franktj good natun .1 I Jollity has all but disappeared, in ia.i except tor r tin- bigh-class raclag ami th.- gathering of sw,n .loin. Here e little more ten iu going P. I m i nowadays ih.-*n.jjiere U iu going to some n ar-by i- Canadian lairs. — 11. P. Jo6d"n Moutfeat- Mali. -