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o o small flguro under "Str." shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race. I !The The small figure undeT "Fin." — unless the horso won — shows the number of lengths the horse waa ! behind the winner. Weight to be carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races. o o FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maiden?. Canadian-foaled. Allowances 84542 — 1*08% — 2— Ml | i. Index Tours*. Hist TimcTekOdds Wt St %% % Str Kin Jockeys Slarled Ord. r of Finish THORNCLIFFE br. c, 2 108 Bv Bolsovcr— St. Cecilia II. Thorncliffe Stable". 21330 Hamton 5-8 i .••. .ii- I :" 113 E «; E :.". 8" r Goldstn 7 M -Bride, I lee. Flame, BillyFrew on | In I f 1 :«»«n ..muti 11 ". ill :. 4 J :" . SS P Goldstn G OldPop, GoodShot, HeclaaPlame 20496 Wdldne •! i :.•;-. -!. r.:i i.i us :. :: :: t«J T Biee 10 Armlae, Mandarin. Baaanore . l -.11 ,i,.- ij 4»%Caat X. 1W 13 12 U» 11" A CUver 13 Mandarin. Arminc, Conper Kins MISS FAY, b. f, 2 105 By Stanley Fay— Kyle W. Walker. -IM I,. iii:, I: :,. 171 Iki !i 7 S 61 3 I M flarner H Billy lr.-u. Armine, Gala Day ;i4.1« Fort Eric 5-S IM hvy 14-5 164 :: L .". .".* 4"1 .1 Smyth • Hedaa Flame, Oqi. King, Aleeto •Jiim.". i"oii;;lu 4" f 38 alow J-3 Ins :. S S S " ■ I. Hartwell •" OUPop. BillyFrew. UaclasFlame i»» KlueHon. r t«.w II 109 :: I 4 S*lJL Hartwell 7 iood Shot, BillyFrew, Cop.Kiag 20400 4. t :". :■ -h.w 307 115 10 s 7 i»j n Coleman M Armine, Mandarin. Baasbore S0425 Wdbinc I : 49%faat 61 103 I 7 7l f !• Coleman 13 Mandarin, Amine. Copper Kin KATHLEEN H., br. f. 2 100 By Rotterdam— Dynasty .7. Hendricks i. - llamton • • l:C%fasl M 115 2 :: 1 l I N Kennedy 7 MeBride, Hee. Flame, BIllyFrew ; Haniton 3-8 i :»_■. -.r.-i.-1 30 MS 4 7 7 7 i." j Caiialinii 7 Taka, Uaria, Peggy OBrien WATERDOWN, ch. g. 2 100 Bv Martimas— Rushwater J. S. Hendrie. . i ■:. ii ■:.... -ii 5-8 i:.._"-.rasi s ii". 1 4 1 V ."..I 7 MeBride, Hec. Flame, BillyFrew llamton 5-8 I : ■:: r,f:ist 15 in:: ; i :. 4 4 J Miller 6 Armine, MeBride, Bnnahore W. A. WRIGHT, ch. e. 2 103 By Stanley Fay— Virginal W. Walker. I Fort Erie 5-8 l:«r%hvy IT 103 8 s n «t r « v: Ward S Bill; Frew, Armine, Mian Fay 21052 Conghl r f l.-0ft%mod 30 in:. 4 C •• v Sehusr fi OMPop, GoodSbot, [leelasFlame .i -- i:iu. -lion, r -I CC%fasl 20 10S 1 :: 4 4 5»l H Taplin 0 OdShot, Bansuore, Hecla8Flame 207XS liorval 1-2 GO fust M II".: :: S 4s R Carter J Cop. King. HecFlame. Bansbori 2U577 Wdldne 5-8 IM f.-ist 93 105 r, r. :, :.- B"F Cooper C Sweet Colleen, Armine, MeBride 20425 1 4»%Caat CI null 1 U W H Watta 13 Mandarin. AmUne. Cotaper Klax F0XLET, b. f, 2 109 Bv Red Fox II. — Baroness Pepper Brookdale Stbl.. . ; i::i. i ..iii:i i. i-SlJ hvj "l Ml r. 4 4 i1 :.".i: Gnat B Heelaa Flame, Cop. King, Aleeto GAEA DAY. b. c. 2 112 By Galatine— Court Maid II. J. E. Seagram". FortErie ■ ini.l.w 23 MS 7 E I 4 !• J Smyth S BID; Frew, Armine, Mi-~ lay GAI.ICIA. b. f, 2 109 Ey Galatine— Fail lie Head J. E. Seagram, i i.m Matt.