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I FORT ERIE FORM CHART. FORT ERIE. 0NT.. WEDNESDAY. JULY 7, 1815.— Fourth day. Niagara Facing Association. Summer Meeting .f 7 days. Weather threatening. Presiding Steward. Joseph A. Murphv. Presiding Judge, Francis Nelson. Starter. A. B. Dade. Facing Score tary. J. P.. Campbell. Racing starts at 2:45 p. m. Chicago time 1:45 p. in.. Indicates apprentice allowance. PJi0 FIFST RACE 1 Mila. 88788— 1:37% — 5— 168. Purse 88. .2 yea: olds and upward. 21 JL O an? sad Maiden-, gelling. Ret value to winner 88; ■ecoad, 8; third. $:;o. Index Horses AWtPFStU h2 -H Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Fipiiv. Odds StrT 21S88*KING COTTON w 4 187 7 S 1 1 li l«k J] i .1 Clancy S Doyle 32»O-lO0 21000 LEXAVAAL wa t IM i B I 7- *. :;- 8s C VanDunl F Stewart 2200-160 21310 -MA FOLD w 3 181 I ii 6* i.; 7* " l 3] M Garner P Johnson 280-108 21S88*SLTBJBCT wa 3 183 4 4 :.".:: :- 2 l".I CallahanW II 1rey 185-188 21300 SHREWSBURY w 3 181 2 1 «■ 4- ol $• •". U McDottR F Breska 17ih» loo 2I3IG WUHAN W 3 1881 :; - -1 :;l 4"k ;s J Metcalf P Sheridan 280-188 20548 F. M. WATSON a 1112 5 7 ::1 5» 5] 77l A Oavar W R Wardle :;. mi HMt 2165S*STAIiMOBE w ti 107 Hi* I s s g J Acton J McBurney 2200-100 lime. 24%, 50. 1:17, 1H5%. Track slow. mutuels paid. King Cotton, 1915.sh7. se stnight, 1.10 place. 1.30 uhow; Leaavaal, 1.30 place, .00 show : Harold, .50 ghow. Fipiivaleiit hooking odds— King Cotton, 3280 lo 100 stnight, 1155 to 100 place, 175 to 100 show: Lena-vaal. 005 to 100 plaee, 280 to loo show; Harold. 125 to 10O show. Winner — B. g. by PiUgmne Auguata tnlned by T. Magnfre. Weal t.. post at 2: 12. At p.*-t 2 minutes. Start good and -I-■ v . Won driving: second and third t lot same. KINC cotton need Into a quick had and. withstanding challengea from WODAN and si lUKiT, outstayed FFNAVAAI. in the final drive. I.FNAVAAF closed a l.ig cap and finished last and aaately. HAROLD began slowly and appeared to labor in the going, i,.:t eanw tosl in the stretch, SUBJECT and WOMAN showed speed, bat tired. The winner was entered for 08; no hid. i i rweiuhls --Wodan. :;t pounds. pr 6 O SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 84348 1:05%— 5— 168. Pane 8588. 2 year old:, and 2-| JL O stS O upward. Belling. Net ralae to winner 80; aecoad, S7« : third. .¥".0. Index Horses AWtPFStU 5 :;L Sir Fiu Jockeys Owners Kpuiv. odds Strt 21394 - -IKccv f. w~3 % 2 :: -• 1- 1l 14 R McDottR L Bresler ISO loo 21488:TODDLING W 6 111 B 1 :;- 1* : - 11 Watts J Smith 100-100 2 1446* LUTHER wa S MB 1 1 51 ■•- H F Cooper J A Gibsoa - H» 21384*MISS WATERS w 4 1861 1 5 6s 8* 5* 1" .1 Metcalf F J Pons 7 :■ Kmi 2111S*LOVE MAY wr. ii Mi G 8 V 7*1 8s 5» T IargtonC I Wilson 28S8-1M 21516 CADENZA wa 3 M2 7 n s s 7 " ii- C VanDunll Oota B88-M8 21698*BROOKCRESS wJ 87 4 2 P* 2* :.■ 7" .1 Acton C A Fan 1S88-M8 81583*CHUCKLES wa 0 MS 8 7 4l 8* 8 B M earner J O Byrne BB88-MB Time, 24. 40 Vs. 1:0*, 1:11. Track slow. mutuels paid. Peggy L.. 1.60 straight, .20 place. $::.5o sbow; Toddling. .00 place. $:;.oo show; I uther, s-:;. in show Fipiivahn: booking odds— Peggy I... 48$ to 160 straight. 160 to 100 plaee, 75 to M0 show; Toddling. ISO to loo plaee. so to loo show : Luther, 70 to loo show. Winner — B. f, by Y"ii Trosap Ishtai trained by A. IF Bresler. Went to pest at 3:12. At |»st 4 mlaates. Start rood ami slow. Won easily: secoad and third driving. PEGGY 1 .. close up Iruiii the start, easily need into the lead while rounding the far turn and drew sway in the stretch to win in ■ eaater. TODDLING w;.s a forward contender from the start, hut tired in the hurt sixteenth LUTHER raced gamely, hut tired and jusi lasted bag inoagh to save third place. M;ss WATERS dosed a Rap and finished fast. The winner was entered for 00; no hid. overweights -Miss Waters, lJ pounds; Cadensa, ■": Froolun-s. .".. PC O /I THIRD RACK 5-8 Mile. SF.12 - 1 :00:. — 2 101 ._.. I Pane 1915.sh00. 2 vear-idds. 21 X O ass ir Fillies. Selling. Net value t., winner 88; secoad, *7 : third. 8. index II. uses AWtPFSt V- vi Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Fipiiv. Odds Strt 21 Ifi 4-- ILARIA w 88 3 2 i1 I ": H I. McAtee W f Preagnve 183-188 21286 VOSGES w 188] 1 B B 3* !- 21 -I Metcalf J S Beadrie 338-168 21053 CLARA MORGAN WO B5 5 5 r.- -1-" S« M Garner S Newman 808-100 21290 MEDEA w Id 1 :: : •"• 5* 41 A Claver t! F Blackford 1243-168 21211 TAB HER w.lal E 1 3» T 1". .".-1 B WohoimH d Feduell 698-M0 21200CF/vKA FUOTS w s; 2 4 fk B B I T F:.rgtonF W Moore .201 10 100 Time. 23%. 00 Vs. 1:03:,. Track slow. mutuels paid. Maria. .10 straight, .7o pine. .40 sbow; Poages, $•!. 38 place. .s.ii show; Chua Hi : gan, .20 sbow. Iviuival.nt ho. king odds— Ilaria. 163 to HO straight. 33 to 100 place. 20 to 10O show; Vosges, 85 to |o0 place, in to 100 siiow; Cimn Morgan. 80 F 100 show. Winmr -Ch. I". I.y Star SIum.i Aiilumn Leaves trained by A. G. Weston. Went to pest at 2:15. At 2 minute... Start rjood and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. [LABIA was ofi forwardjy and. barins saved ground oa all turn-, came through next to t !»• • rail when entering the homestretch while the leaders went wide and won going away. VOSGES was taken up .t the star aad came wide on the turns, hut finished with a rash, CLARA MORGAN need forwardly, bat tired la the last sixteenth. TAP. HER raced law the had ou the list turn, hut aarit in the last eighth. The winner was entered for 00; no hid. ovrw.dgins- Vosges, 2 imunils: Tah Her, 3. 6 -| f!T 6 PT FOFFTIl RAFF— 3-4 Mile. 10044— 1:11%— 4— 182. Pane 8808. 3-year-old and up-__, JL O _B O ward. Caaadiaa-foaled Handicap. Net value to winner $: Kl; seoaad »: third, .s:.o. Index Horses AfftllSt U % Tt Sir Fiu Jockeys Owners F piiv. Odds Strt 21814 SEA LORD vT~ l"l 4 f. 5* 5 - li,! -I Smyth J i: Seagram 1515 166 21292 SLIPPER DAY w 4 118 1 4 V 1- 1- 4 .r Metcalf J S Memlrie 103-106 21S14*FAIR MONTAGUE w 3 MB I 7 •;• . I". I" V 11 Wans C. Millar tc_:« 1h» 20688= HEARTS OF OAK w 6 127 7 1 _ ::- XI 4"- W st.vsnil Giddiags 273-168 21S14TARTAREAN W 3 MS 5 :: :. :.■ ."• :, C Funis C Millar t 21224 AMPHION w 4 MS B 2 7 8* 8" 8" .1 Acton W Benaett 1338-168 10070 old i:i:i.i.i:i.i: wa 4 K 2 6 M 7 7 7 J Callanaa_ Mint- 2700-100 tCoupled in betting. Time. 24. 49%. 1:154.,. Track slow. mutuels paid. Sea Ford. 20 straight. .60 place, . SO show: Slipper May. .20 place. .t;u show : C. Millar entry, .80 show. Equivalent booking odds— Sea Lord 15F5 to loo straight. .220 to 100 plaee. 00 t. 100 show; Slip-l er Day. 00 t.. 100 place. 30 to KN» show C Millar eatry, 40 t" loo si„.u. Winner F. g. by -jmilanti IF -Sea Wall trained by B. T. Littlefield. ent to post .it 1:13. At post 5 minutes. start mod and slow. Won drivins: sectssd and third the same. SFA LORD moved up rapidly while i-mimling the far turn and. ftnlsbine. fast, wore SLIPPER MAY down in the bomestntch and ret up to win in the final strides. SLIPPER MAY went to the front with a rush at the start and set a last pace lor the going. I.nt tired badly right el the end. faif MONTAGUE began slowly and made up ground. HEARTS OF OAK ran a good half and tired as If short. Scratched 21314xLady Ouraoa, 1u7. Overweights Sea l.i.rd. 1 p. ind. 21 PTOi"- I""11 RACK 0 1-2 Furionus. 84348 1:05% 3—108. Parse 08. 3-year-okto aad JL •_■ __ O upward. Selling. Net value to wiunei- 68; BCCOBd, tl: third. 6. Index liases AWtPFSt V4 ■ =:, Str Fiu Jockeys Owners F.piiv. Odds Strt 2 1264* WHITE CROWN wa 3 : ! B :: l. 1- c V- M Garner .1 LiTingston 865-100 21125 LANGHORNE wa 3 188 i 4 4* 4 1 21 _- .1 Kederls s" M Henderson 288-168 21438 GOLD CAP wa 7 Ul 4 5 7." il i ]P .1 Smyth D A Ambach 510-100 21488 INQUIETA wa 5 MS 5 2 V ■■- !! I1 .1 Metcalf J Polk 1O0O-M8 2 1155* FRONTIER w 4 MS :i i 71U 7" 71U .". A Collins 1 U Strode 3800-160 2F1.-.5 *»COLORS WB 4 MM 1 1 2- 1- $» S* J A Ion Mrs .[ 1 Misick 373-166 2 14865 GORDON wn.4 MS ti 7 8* i= Gl 7» P Cooper S Bruce 535-100 26817 SHARP. KNIGHT wa 5 18B 7 B B B B t L HartweUM c Keefe 1900-108 Time. 23. 49H. 1:09-,.. Track slow. mutuels paid. While Crown, 0.20 straight. 0.50 place, .30 show; Langhorne, .20 place. .20 a h u : Gold Cap . W ubow. Equlvaleal booking odda Whit. Crown. 863 to 160 stnight. 425 to loo place, 163 to 160 show; Lang-kerne. 160 to loo place. 110 to 100 gin w: Gold ap, 12o t • 100 show. Winner -p.. g, by Peep oDaj Dividend trained by IF R. Weai :.. post al 1:43. At 1; minutes, si. 111 - ! and slow. Won easily; second and third driv- 1.-. WHITE CROWS da bed to the fronl quickly and, after racing Into an easy had. kept il jnd was ruder slight restraint at the finish. LANGHORNE moved un teamely after entering the homestretch, bat was unable to Improve bis position In the last eighth. GOLD CAP Bnl bed well anil outgamed iNt.HIFTV 1 the end. The latter ran well. COLORS unit in tin homestretch. Thi winner was entered for SIOO; no lul 21 P_ •_ 7 SIXTH RACE— 5-5 Mila, 84542 1:00% 2 161%. Purse 1915.sh06. _ year olds" Fillies. JL * J _J I Sidling. -i value to wjaaer 00; nd. .57 i-: third. $:;o. I ndex I lorses AWtPFSt .j j Str Fin Jockeys Owners F.|iiiv. Odds Strt 21434* IN VESTMENT w 05 8 :: B 8 8* l»* M Garner P M Civill BXO-lftO tUllHiREETING8 w 104 1 1 4 4- 2« 2". J Acton F .1 Coleman lfiO-100 21311 BROOM STRAW w 106 I 1 1- l1 11 SJ W Obert A B Stelh 21264 Al DFFY AUSTIN W 168 5 5 B* !■ 4 F .1 Kederis S M Henderson «i |.ii S14S4*GENTLE WOMAN wa 98 2 B :: ::■ 61 •". T Par*gtonOttawa Stable 26O-1O0 8tl»WELGA wa OS 1 2 8*5* B B E Porehd S Rosa 1KKMO0 Time, 24. 50. 1:04. Track slow. mutuels paid. Investment, 9.60 straight. .80 place, .80 slow: Greetings, .20 place. 80 show: Fi. .111 Straw. .00 sum. Equivalent I.e.. king - Investment. 880 to 160 stnight. 100 to Hhi place. 98 to 160 -how- Greetings. 00 to Km place. Fi to 100 i»bow: Broom straw, so to 100 show. Winner B. f, by Prontenac Jennie Wade trained by 1. Stockier. Wiiii t.. post al 5:13. At post 2 minutes. Start Rood and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. INVESTMENT was badly outpaced t.. the stretch turn, rrom where she .-d up rapdily and. wearing the others down, outgamed GREETINGS in a el . ..• finish. UREETINCS was sharply cut oC on the turn out i r the backatretch and knocked back to last place, the* wat taken around oa the outside and came wide when entering the homestretch, but made ■ game finish BROOM STRAW set a pace to the last eighth, then tired. FDKFY AUSTIN ran a good race. GENTLEWOMAN tired. The winmr was entered for 00; no bid. S. rat. -led 2QS22 F p - I i --1 . lot;. • "I Ftfcfc_ SEVENTH RAFF— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3470—1 :42— 5— 1 13. 1 Parse 1915.sh00 3 year- _J A 9j£jCy "Id-. Selling ,.t y;,|i;,. p. wjnner : seeomi. s7o: third. 0. Iv|. Hones A Wt PPSt H j -v, Str Fiu Jockeys Owners K.piiv .Odd . Strt 21468 »JOE FINN WB5M3 5 1 1- V I1 1- M M Garner E J McGraw v."Ti f21227HOWDV HOWDTwn 8 112 3 :: z- 2 2* _ 2* W AndrcssGallaber Bros 1:6-100 21170 WEVANOKE wa 5 111 8 •; ::. :■• : • ■■ i: Haynes W Smith 1308-188 21 FiO"/. i F- w 4 MS 7 :: pat aa ,,_• 41 n B Forehd L V Oarth I400-1OA 21470 .in1: STEIN a 7 MS 1 1 lJl 4* tt 8 r- t ParcrtonE W Moore I30O-M0 •!l too Cl IANT waSMS 877 7 77 S J Metcalf FJ Fen- MQO-MO 21158 OVATION w I M4 1 3 5» 9 : R McDottF Farrington 1 i-ji-ioo Time. «$%, Vi*:„ 1:15%. lr«%, 1:48. Track dow. inuiu.F- paid, .loe Finn. .80 tralgbt, .*::. 10 nine, s: s 1 show: Hnwdy Howdy .26 olace s° 00 1 w: Weyanoke, .20 -h m . Equivalent i oklng mid Joe Finn. Phi p. ion stnight, 55 to 100 place pi p, ipo si„,w Dowdv r___r en to mi place. 30 to 100 sbow; Weyanoke. i1n to 100 ftbow. Winner -F.Ik. g. I.y IFOi.. Mchemv tnlned by S. Judge. Went to post at 3:43. i post 1 minute. Start rued and nknr. Won easily; second and third drivhn .In. I INN went lo the front with a rush and. alter racing into a hue- lend wa* taken u der -■. 1 id rasily dl posed of HOWDY HOWDY when the latter challenged. HOWDY tIOWD raced In .1— t pur- sult, bat was tiring at the end r»nd 11 1 butted long enough t it-tav WEYANOKE. The bitter i-n--. 1 well and made a game finish. The others were always outpaced. The Winner 1U; entered tor A»: 1. bid