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4 6k , "lm — | ~ 2 t 2 2 t b n I t : i d _ J j 1 i 1 2 I i : i i : , ] , i | , j ! ; I ■ I . r I i • . i t • t . 1 I t i- • I II s . 11 0 1 s I, j ,. 3===zmizmz=zr=r=rrrrzzizzrzzrrzrrr3 AQUEDUCT FORM CHART. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY. JULY 7. 1915. Tenth day. Qaeeaa Count.v Jockey Club. Summer Meeting of 15 days. Weather cloudy. ____________ Presiding Judge. C. II. Iel lingill. Starter, Mars Ca — iily. Kaeing Secretary. I. l.ehbeiger. Bacing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1 :" p. m.i. •Indicates apprentice allowance. T PT6 0 1TKST BACK- 5-3 Mile. CS451 S* 1 12B. 08 Added. year olds. Fillies. afl_JL_*J £ly_ Selling. Xi t value to winner »"■* ": -eeoiid. 1: third, gg. " lex ilnrses AWtllSt t -. % St r Tin Jockeys Owners 0 11 C F g 21S2C*VARIETTY wiln 1 t ,"■- « | 4* !■* C Turner .1 Batler I «i S 2 4 a 2 1118 PLUMOSE wf.n:; ti I | : :. 2«1 J atcCaheyJ V. n.ivis 4 4 18 SI 5 1 S 21408*KONA KENNA WB 106 ll 1-1- ]".;; L Allen M Itirseli :; . 4 3 112 118g» LITTLE ALT A W MS 1 1 V S :•■ 1- J Metagrt.Mrs.I.Mei.aiiglilin In " SO 7 o ■;o!i77 STELLARINA w M5 7 :. tj ii1 .". 6" M Buxton Mtzpah stable 2| 2| 2| 1 Z-fi •I40H FKSSI.ikx w m s | 4*161 « H .1 Mi KWrll I. Fralt 13 31 IS C I •JFiHi SAL VANITY w Ml 17 7 7 7 7 .1 llanoverL II Baxter l» Si 21 S 4 2«1B2*SHABAN wa MS 5 Left at the post. P Lowder G Alexandra 10 IS 10 I :: Time, 1:02%. Track fast. Winner h. f. bv Voter— Bed Light trained liv B. c. Benson. Weni to post al J::;:;. At post 8 minute-. Start good and slow for all but 8HABAN. Won driving: aecond and third the same. VARIETY came wide al the elbow, but responded gamely when called on after being atraightened oal in th" atretcfa aad wore the leaders down to win in the last two atrhlos. PLUMOSE raced in close pursuit of the pacemaker and took the had in th. Una] eighth, but tired mar the end. EDNA KENNA, a rapid beginner, showed the most early aneed, but tired badly. 1. II TLB ALIA saved ground aa the turns. STBLLABINA had no mishaps. The winner wa- entered for 1700; no bid. Scratched 2l.:lt Belle of the Kitchen. 1Q7 : Indian Maiden, in::. 6-1 PTO/"- SECOND BACE About 2 Miles. 71348— 1:20— 4— 1 Id. Steeplechase. SQ6U Added. AfJtDv 8 | ear olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner ip.J.l.l; second. tflK; third, 8S0. Index Borsea AWtllSt :? i !J 12 Fin Jockeys Owners 0 It C I S rilM.ihoNNV lakiiik. w 4 145 2 i P 71 1- l«a 1* T Tockey II 11 Henry K 4-5 7-IW-a oat 20503:BLECTlON BET w 1 US s :» s s I- :- Is W Booth Shoshone Stable 3 I 18-58-5 1-3 21107 ROGER GORDON wsllio E S -- l1 :•* V P 0 Palmer K Rockwell 15 21 21 7 I 21 305 » DIXON PARK w I III 1 I V I ■■■ 1 llr !: Haynea J Collins 21 21 28 I I 21305-BRUSH wa 5 144 7 1 1- lj V E • 5" S Stev*son CaptRGAlexaar 8 bt lo :; 8-5 2111d*CLOUD ws 7 144 9 1 51 j 6 t; t;-! T Chandler A L Kramer M 12 lo I J 21442 s AND STRIPES w I 1 lo i :: 7J 5 71 7 71" A MeXulty.l M Zlmmer IS :;o 5 I I •:i! 7 SIXTY POUR wS ill I 7 l- ::- 8 8 I II Willms Mrs .1 ll Lucas 10 15 15 t :: 21119-EADBALD w s in 3 : Pett. K TarnbkeJ F Flanagan Jr 8 10 10 :; 8-5 Time. 4:28. Track fast. Winner — B. g. by Doraati — Maid of the Order trained by J. II. Lewis!. Went to post ai .".:l ." . At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won cantering: second and third diiv niu-. BONN If LASSIE, after being under stout restraint In the early running, passed the leaders at hi-rider* leisure and was only cantering at the finish. ELECTION BET closed np resolutely in the last half and made a game effort at the fences, out the v Inner alwaya held her -ate. BOGEB GOBDON shewed , oil .-pe"!!. Tlie last four were eased up. BADBALB fell al the lii-t jump. 6 Tj £T Q T THIRD RACK 3-4 Mile. eBSSl 1:12—5—120. roarteeath Kunniiig Roekav/ay £ JL »J O JL Stakes, Value ,000. :; vear olds and upward SeBhag. Net value lo winner 75; aecond, 80; third. ! ii:it. Index Horses " A~wTlTP"St H % "4 Sir Fin _ Jockeys Owners O H C P S 20995 U XKLF XO["Ns wa 5 113 ti E l1 1- 1 l| J Loftua Oneck Stable 1 t-5 4-5 1-3 owt 21347-*I.HV BOTHA w 3 M0 I 1 r,s 4 . 1" L Allen A Milhr 1 N 7 I :. 7 b 20695»MONTBESOB wn •" H 7 3 3 ;; : V ■:■■ ;• Lowder B T Wilson 3 4| 11 1 5 3 . 21441* I ILL. BABBEE wn 7 101 J 2 Is •■■■ ". I .1 BtcKverR .1 Maeki nzie 8 10 10 :; 6-5 21347 WATEBTUWN WB 3 lOI II « ; I .V .1 MeTagrtA J Stafford C 8 i 8-5 7-10 20367 GNAT w :; 103 5 I - :: 1 . C Turner .1 Butler I I i 8-5 7 lo Tins.-. 12*5. 23,, 3fA„ 48, 1:01, 1:14. Track fast. Winaer — Ch. g. by Yankee— Falrle Queen ttrai ned by W. II. Karrlek. Went to post at ::-,2. At post 5 minutes, st art good and slow. Won easily: second and third drlring. YANKEE NOTIONS rushed into an early lead and. after being rated in front, drew away in the final sixteenth after being challenged and was going away at the tinish. LAI»V ltoTHA began slow I.. . but saved ground on all the turns and made a game effort in the final eighth, but never •••ulil net np. MONTRESOR was a prominent on tender all the way ami canst wide when entering the Btretch, bat easily held HELEN BABBEK sale. The latter was shuttled back at the atari and raced wide throughout. GNAT was eased up when beaten. The winner was entered for ,360; no bid. seralehi-il --2IIQI True as Steel. IPS; 21j::.. W anda lilzcr. 10C . £ -1 fTQt FOURTH BACE 7-8 Mile. 15139 1:24% 3 lif.l. Sc.eo Added. :; year old-. l A. O O Handicap. Xet value to winner 90j second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt % % Sir Fin Jockeys Owaera i 11 C I 8 80tr94 HIGH NOON w 117 :: 1 1- f- S - 1 .1 Bntweil J Batler 4-5 f-104-5 oal 21474 PHOSPHOR w 123 z :: 2" 2* 2* 2* -"J Loftns 8 L Parsons S-S f-5 8-5 out— 20905 HARRY JUNIOR wn : : 1 Z ;; :; u :i :; .1 atcCaheyH C Hallenbeck 8 lo ." 1 out Time. 12--,. 24, 35. 47%. 1:00Y,. 1:13. 1:26%. Track fast. Winner Ch. c. by Voter Noonday drained by K. C. Benson. Went to post al 1:01. At post 1 minute. Start good and alow. Won ridden out: second and third drlring. HIGH NOON, -citing a greal pace, raced into a g 1 lead an the haekst retch and held PHOS PHOB safe iii Hi" linal drive. Th. latter was Bared behind the leader until in the final quarter, then moved np, but l«M.k a tiring swerve in the linal eighth. HARRY JUNIOB -avid ground on the turns, but was always outpaced. rQQ 1 11 r 1 1 BACE 1 Mile. 50376 -1:38 ". 108. Added. 3-year-olds ami apward. 2-1 X OOO Selling Handjcap. Nel value to winner j jgOj aecond, 00; third. 85ft Tmiox iTots AWtllSt % V2 V, Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O 11 !«_ 21474 LEO SKOi NY wa 4 ill 1 1 1- 1". |afe 1* l" .1 IfcCaheyR .1 atackenaie I :• 18-54-5 1 ! 21348HIAUKY SHAW WB 1 117 I V V- l- ■■- 2" .1 Bntweil W Parry 1 I a 7 lOou* 21327-uoia wa :: 100 j :: 2 sa z* and :■:■ M Buxton C J Qnlnn 4 4 18-51 a-sa 21406 TIIOKMIILL wn 4 116 I •: P* V :. !• 1" C Turner 1 .1 Leary ! :: 3 8-102-5 21441 CABBAGE ws 3 lot S 1 "15 S |» g» •• J p Ryu ■ B Gaaaatt 28 31 38 C i 21218 FOLLY 11. w I .5 I E I I « I F Hopkins W Cahlll 38 M JO i. 3 Time. 123/5. 23%. 35. 47 59=and, 1:12. 1:26. IM%. Track fast. Winner -Ch. c. by Star Shoot Lady Alberta trained by J. 1 . Adkins. Went to iesi at 1:7. At p«st r, minutes, start u 1 and sluw. Won drlalng; aecond and third the same. l.Ko SKoLNY raced BOLY Into defeat and. hanginf! on gamely in the linal drive, stayed long enough to withstand HARRY SHAWS challenge. The latter steadily improved bis position and was cut off in the stretch when be attempted to come through, then came to the outside ami would hare won in another atfide. Kol.Y ran a good race, but tired under punishment in the stretch. THORN HILL raced on the extreme out-ide of the leaders throughout and tired. The winner waa ea-- lered for .500; no hid. th T pr O j SIXTH LACK 1 Mile. 50376 1:38 3 106. 00 Added. 3-year-olds aad apward. and JL O fj 41: Selling. Net value to winner -S12Q: second. SlQO; third. S-Vl. Index _ Horses AWt Pi"rSt~/1. :: "-j Str Fin Jockeys Owmrs O H C P 8 21324 VOLANT wa 3 108 9 1 1- 1J 1= I1 lJ T hfcT*gtJ K Davis I I I 3 7 i 21345-IINSTKKL WB 3 102 8 8 -- 2» 2,8 2*1 2 M Mth.nsW B Mitchell L". :: 13-61 1-2 21305 DR. HI "FN N Fit w 7 1 »- M - 4l I1 l" : Sh M Baxton C K Rockwell 1". lo 38 I 1 20016 LORD MARSHALL wn u 113 7 3 3» - :: tJ 1J J ButweU J Johnston :; t 2 1 11 21309T:or, INFTTA WB I 103 1 1 7s 6 •" ■• 6 C Tunv r .1 htacManaa :t t :: i; ;, I j 21328 *KY O I.KHIT wb t 11". 3 E ■■- , 7- ;J V L Allen J H Loacherffi I. M 12 5 :". 21475 BEETHOVEN wit 5 10S I M s1 8* B« 81 7: D Steward Mrs U 1 lliller 15 15 12 ." L" 21410*c. f. GRAINGER wn 8 no 2 !» lo in in V B1 11 LaffertyJ O Gormtey 15 J 28 3 1 21345 lo F. OKI BOLD wa 6 llo s I t :." • 71 1 : Corey 1 : .1 Day 8 I I I 7". 21016 MONMOUTH wan 5 105 • 7 •* 9* : ■ N M W hfcDqttD Douglas an lo 411 15 1 Time. 13, 24. 35%, 47%, 1:00%. 1:14, 1:28. 1:41. Track fast. V. in •!• ch. g. by Canard Estimation trained by M. Brady. Weal to l».-t al 4:50. At post minute-. Start good and -low. Won easily; aecond and third driv- Ing. VOLANT, away forwardly, Bet the pace throughout and was unnecessarily bard ridden at the finish. MINSTREL raced in ctosesl pnrsnit of the leader and tired in the final eighth, but lasted bars enough to withstand DR. Ft FNM.KS rhallenge. The latter raced on the outside of the leaden all the way and tin- isheil close up. LORD MARSHALL was -aved in the early running and closed np gamely at the eighth po-i bin tired In the closing strides. The winaer was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched 21475* Republican. 103: 214S«2 Balgec, 113; 20855 Begalar, 103; 21345 Battery, 110. Drerweighta -Volant, :: noaads; Minstrel. J.