Delorimier Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-08


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i , , , 1 i • DELORIMIFR PARK FORM CHART. , M0NTRPAL, Que.. June 2S. 1915.. Second day. Monlre l Driving Club Summer Meeting of 7 ibiyi Weather . bar. Ilesidina Judge, Charles Campau. Starter, frank McGinalty. 2135P I ir t Race AIh.iii 5-8 Mile. Parse 00. 3 year-old and upward. Selling. Net value p. , in ner 25; necond, 0: thud. 5 lad. Hot* . Wt. Im. Jockey. Op. CL 2 1352 R Pi li n 117 p.: W Li i ee 30 » 21351 ■• in. ii. n 1 o i.i . nl h 20032 I ... human HS ■ C Grand " " 20803 Virginia S. 115 4 1 C Stanford ■ ■ 30032 Mar. Lov. rj HO I ! M. . ullough 3 I 20101 ol. I red 107 6 f Moor.- 0 Q 31368 John Marra 117 7] - Knight I i 21351 noil 1101 W Ro ■ u W 12 304 15 Mar ... i :. m. :, u Oo5 i. r, r, 20041 Amazement 117 Urider.JMcDowl t 7 Time, 1:04. Track fast. Winn. I Hills eh. z. s. bj Ueddler Sui-uii i Iraiaed bj D. Hill.. Start Rood. Won din in-: eroad and third the same. 213C0 S.,, ml Race Al I 5 s Mil,. Parse 8300. 3 v ir oi.p. ,iid upward. SeUIng .ei value to win ner 25; xeeond, «; tier. I. 5 Iml. Hi • Wt. fin. .I.ckey. Op Il. 20512 V.iiik. . Ladj lla I1 c Knighl 20012 Pnitj I0SJ 2"i i m . ullough s s 2 1350 I nil. i r.l 117 N lo, I, n 20543 Ill- I. Thomasin f C Stanford ". " 30101 Butaarian 112 ■"■ .1 Bobbins l 12 201 15 tin! ■ Girl ll" 6 .1 L „l,l i i 2 1087 fill all, .ii II 7 .1 fan, r I 20031 • ai i.. 117 8 i U hite i I", 20888 u • r ll". a IM. therbridge .. 7 21357 h i .1- 117 I" .1 Howard i" I 17120 I .i I i L-. tu "d.API, 1 • ii Time, 1:03 .. Track last. Winner V John- n" b. m. 7. i " ankee Lady Tarantella trained by V. Johnson i. Star! ij«iod for all i.ut Dromi. Won handily; see end and thud di i Hi;. 213C1 lliird Race Ahoai 5-8 Mil.-. Im- ,• 00. :: yeat okb lad upward. Sellhns Rel valae ta win ii, r 25: second, 0: third. 5. li.d ll : Wl. fm. |, ckey. p I 20787 Fort Monroe Hi lJ C Grand 1-2 1-2 fjMM*Paaa on 117 -z W Doyle 4 4 MM ChiltonChlef 112 31 C Peak IS Ifi 21157 Lambs Tail lie. 4J V W M. . han I it 20032 Ai.dul 11- .". " .1 Robbina 6 8 20780 Spitfire 11" Sl C Ballinger M M 20512 Clan .hums Mil T,i • Dawson M 48 20745 Juna 11" 8 C Knight S 10 Time. 1:024,- Track last. Winner--J. _. Uobtani ch. c. 4. 1V McGoo— Radiance bj II. Tansey. Start Blad. Woa --.i-ily ; SeCO—l ami tliinl driving. 21362 Race— About 5-8 Mile. Pane 86. 3-year-olds ami upward. Selling. NH rale* to winner 25: gvcond, 0; third. 3. . lad. Hone. vt. Fin. Jockey- Op. CL 17766 Curioua 115 lak A Matthews 21 21 -oTjV. lis True 115 J" A Walsh 2 1656* Jefferson lie :; C Knight 268l2sBarette 113 4*1 W V If "han S fi 20704 Bdm. Ada— -128 51 A Hullcoat 1 l 20720 Marsand MB fi J Dodd M 12 26643 Marty L.»u 113 7 N Fodea K 1- Timc. l:03as. Track fast. Winner— .1. Y. Arthurs a. g, 7. by Hastings— Cruaaaraya trained by J. V. Arthur. start good. Won till lag; aeeaai »■— thiitl he ■a ate. 2i363 Fifth Kae. --6 12 Faiioaga, Pone 80. " war-.. Ids and upward. Belling- Ne value to winner 25; second, 0: third, 5. lad. Bone. Wt. Fiu. Jockey. Op. CI. 26164 Nila 115 11 A Pickena S-66-S 2 1261 * May Baeaa 120 V C Kaight 4 i 26681* Bertha V. 115 3** L Gauge! 4 4 SlSM3Ormead nil 43 A Walsh 2068! Hapeburg II.HH •"" !• Martin I 7 28688 civil Lass 115 ." L Meripole 5 « 21S57*Massenet K7 7 W Rosen IS M Time. 1:24. Track last. Winner -J. II Moodys b. in. 8, by F:iir Order— GoMea Marreat tnlaed by J. II. Moody. Start goad, Woa driTlng; leeoad ami third tin-same. 21364 SKth Raa — 8 1-2 Par hangs. Pane 00. •".-year-old* and upward. Selling. Net alue to winner 25; second, 0; third, ¥2".. lad. Hone. Wt. Pin. Jockey. Op. CL El 11C Ma n iv 1M l»l C Peak 10 15 31S64*_ittle Jake 117 2" C Stanford - B 21264*Jessup Hum 117 P* T McCnllough I 5 215618. of Rocks 115 4"« M Simmona • ■ 26686 Pat Gannon 117 .". N Fodea 3 I 2666S*A1 Court 129 6] J J Russell 26616 Lord Wells 117 71 C Knight G I 2662SCapt.Elliott 117 8" W Daly B i" 21854 Tempest 11" 9 C ..rand fi i Time. 1:25. Track last. Winner— It. P. Dodsons eh. m. 0. by Auak— Tie-mar trained by W. Lewis. Start good Wen easily; secaad and third timing. 21365 Seventh Rat*. — • 1-2 Piliiagi Pane 66. :: year olds and upward. Selling. Net value, to winner 25; second. 0: thud. 5. lad. Hers.. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CL 21330 Cobra a. Kady M6 1 W Hinphy o j 21350 Blue .lav 117 I* B McEwen hB5 1 ■ ; »• «: The Governor— 7 31 C Grand 23 8 5 21681 Asa Heradoa— 7 41 J Howard 1j 10 S1SM Tiger Jim 112 51 C Ballinger fi 7 36638 * Phil Connor 117 8* N Foden 21856 Black Karl 105 7 F Martin 15 28 267881 An. ne 117 B« W Doyle 6 l: I7!M! Bddie Mott 117 :ia A Pickens 12 15 20«o7 Foils 117 lit W Rosen 8 M Time. l:231i. Track fast. Winner It. P. DodaoaTa btk. 1. ::. by Mexican— Midlight trained by W. Leals. Start good. Won easily; eecond **i third driving. 21366 Bghth Kan — 1-9 Mile. Farse $::tX . 3-yeaX-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; aecoad. .0; third. 5. lud. Horse. AVt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CL tgldO*Ortyx 111 1 C Knight 21 -I SlSao* Dixie 1084 2* T MeCulloogh 21 -- ••»72l Jum W. 112 : Camea B s 21SM:Faatoso 112 « C Ballinger 8 7 :i:;r 8 KingRadrrd 117 51 V Doyle 5 B 2nwM Fr. Johns. hi 11- ii1 A Pickena 4 ,. :07«»» Sir Fretful 112 V 12 McEwen 12 15 20770 ranker U2 8" C Stanford 15 iv S8NSSSxRuisseau 117 91 M Simmona fi 8 2I1M Boat 115 M1 W Boaen 2*JCM*Caranuet 112 11 A Hulhoat 15 2B Time. 1:30%. Track fast. Winner - It. A. Whites b. g. 4. hy Yankee — lart-ridge trained by K. A. White. Stan g i. d. Won easily: sec Pad and third driving. 21367 Ninth Ba« — 1 1-1"! Miles. Pane B38B. I M jrear-oMs and upward. Selling. Net aluc to wiu-fl net 8J225; secoad, $" : third, 5. ■V Ind. Hone. Wt. Fiu. Jockey. Op. -1. 209G0 V. n. Stroine 117 l1 J Howard 4 4 20628 Moonlight 183 2»1 J Hodd 15 15 2 llftg Minda 185 W Toang t 4 2tifill Mycenae 107 4l T McCullough 8 7 29583 Gallant Boy 10 . ■■_ .1 Robbins 10 12 28stSa Malik in 81 E McEwen 15 28 S1S5S Bogart l»7 71 Camea I :: 208«7 I . of Shelby li7 B W Doyle 7 B •;o«tl Mine sis KS ■ ■ N Foilii 210:il 1- Innocence ll W C Knight :; 1 20687 Ha vena I 111 Pu.up.C Grand 18 13 Time, 1:51%. Track fast. Winner Hrs. ■:. Traeaaaaa b. in. 0. by lien stronn — V-neta trained by F. Traemaa. Start giMjil. Won easily; second and third driving.

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Local Identifier: drf1915070801_2_12
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