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Se Sea pr ih ihe li dit si linn aj . lu U the li: ». " ■ hi i.i ,M l»c a ■ ■ a a " sl f . « • ° »• to ■ • P l J * J , ■ J It i . • I r , , , j , FORT ERIE GOING MUCH IMPROVED. Lord Defeats Good Band of Canadian-Brods — liana Beats Vosges — Gossip of the Track. Fort Erie. Out., July 7. — There was a decided lm- -prnveiiient in the Kdn;; at the Fort Erie track 4 6k afternoon. The footing «;iv in fairly g k! eon- ion. although still a little lumpy and alow. Some , "lm stirring linishe- were in order and the winners in — some of the races remained in doubt until in the I strides. | .1. B. Seagrams lea Lord ran a good race in the ~ feature of the day, a ha no.eap at three quarters 2 -for horses foaled la the Dominion of Canada, t Some of the best Iaiiadian-lifeds m training went to 2 lHist in this race ami it was marked by a hot 2 pace tr m the start Slipper Day held a goad lead t uniii well into the homestretch, where she began to tire, and Sea Lord, finishing fast and resolutely. wore the tiring leader down and heat her b.v a head the la-t couple of strides. King Cotton, winner of the opening race, had to b hard ridden to beat the last coming Lenavaal by n head. Peggy I... after several disappointments, I made good when she won the aecond and Maria won t lucky race when she beat Vosajea in the third. The latter was taken wide all the way and covered : mui h more ground than the winner, which slipped i through on the inside when entering the home- d stretch. . P. Bead has turned his horse- over to A. -Ewing, who will train them In the future. Swing _ formerly trained the bones owned by It. I. Carman. The string he will handle for Mr. Beed Includes J Golden Plume, Rose water, Breakers and Northern j Light. The horses Bgaaonl and the prop- 1 erty of the Ottawa Stable, has been turned oer i B. .. Salt, who will liaoi them in the future. 1 c. Boss, who i- e nnected with the Connaught Park Jim key Club, ua a visitor at the Fort Erie 2 track this afternoon. His mission here was to con-suit with Joseph McLennan in regard to the lull meeting at the Ottawa tr.-iek. George M. Hendrie, who came on to attend the I meeting of the stewards ol the Canadian Racing i Associations, returned h lletroit tonight. lie re- : ports everything In readiness for the opening of i i the meeting at Wind, r nexl week. : Dea ltres-en was an arrival from Kentucky, lie , will remain for a few days before having for Windsor. At the meeting of the steward-, which wa- held -i yesterday, train -r II. Bowers wa- denied privileges on all tracks of the Canadian Baring Associations. ] was given out that the ruling was made for the , best interest- i f the .-poll. i .1. I . St rod- reports thai a division of his stable. | including Patty Began, Minda. Trovato and Billie , Baker iias been sent to the Flue Bonnets track at j Mod teen I to, bj restal till uuiil tall. Frontier and Jabot, will ie left at Fori Erie at the conclusion of the present meeting. Al Lnsader is lure from Kentueky with jockey W. Mei han. He is making the lads engagements. ateehan is a free husce ami rides at 100 pounds. Jockey Ward was suspended for the meeting by the stewards yesterday and bis case referred to the Canadian Bacing Associations for further action. Ward, who had the mount on Toddling in the fifth ! race, Is accused of striking Jim I., over the load with In- whip ami also attempting to take hold of Jim L.s bridle during the running of the race. The steeplechaser Decathlon came out •! his race ; on Tuesday badly bowed, which accounts for his defeat. The chances of the horse starting again in I i..o near future are • light. Jockey I. Coleman, who was su-iinled by Judge ■ Murphy at the Ottawa meeting, ha- been restored I to ~ d standing. Showers followed the running of the seventh race to. lav .