First Race [1st Aqueduct, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-08

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FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 89351 1:12 " -120. Index Oaatat Dis-t TlmeTckiidds wt St % % % str Flu leekeyi Btartad order of Finish r-RFSUMPTION, h. g. 6 112 By Golden Maxim — Proud Duchesa J. MacManua. . ii r Jamaica :: 1 2 107 1 1 1 1~ IM Buxton 7 liurakan. Orotund, Coy : c. inioni 1 l::::o-.tasi s no :: 2 2 i; E S«| M Buxton 6 Bac. II. M. Miller, Astrology •,,,,. i in ,. ni :■ l l:2n%good3 IIS 2 2 2 2- 2i M Buxton 6 1 . Shore, Beethoven, A trology ,i ■. i :■ i in. ■ in GJ i: i mud : | in, 1 1 1 l" M Rnxtou 5 Thornhlll, Astrology, Speaiiiead ,. is i Inn hill 3-4 1:1 J". fast c,J ill :; 2 3 4* *.s- V l.ill. v lo Hawthorn. Maznik, Tlie Nonuan i :,i.i.H, Uxgton 3 1 1:1. .last 4J in:» 4 4 2 2* 1«| R Goose 11 Coii. Tower. TbeNonnan. Hi -cii i 1K548 l.alonia 3 4 1 : 1 1 -.Tast !l lnl 1 4 ;, 4- 4»l A Moll 0 I.e.. di.ins. Briaghrst, H.Barhee 18328 li Ionia 3 1 1:12 fast 22 10 KM l l l 1 •■ 2 .1 hte«*abe 7 Lady Mmmet, llolle, Benaaet 18101 Latonla I 1 1:12 fast i»5 189 s 2 2 S" r,"W ndresslO Lit Father, I.lurk. Morrlatowa i PALANQUIN, h. g, 5 116 By Flanudes— Oneck Queen "J. 0. Talhott. I Aqueduct :: I 1:15 fast II ". i i.i 2 1 1 1" I" 1 Hopkins H Hiker. San Vega. Losl Fori ■ .iu- in. i .; I 1 1 1 la.i E 111 2 3 3 ..■ R Troxler 7 Wanab lltaer, Ktrnsean. HeWill I «1043 Jamaica 61 f I :n7 la-i 3 n: 2 1111 lJ U Troxler 9 Vatloueep. Axyiatle. Taleearrier i::i7 ■ cnai i. n !-4 1:16 ;-. 1 IS 188 1 I ■" G 4*1 M Buxton •" Wilbite. IH posit. Sherwood li , , lei i. n 3-4 l:16%good 6 113 3 1" •-, Borel II Caugh Hill, Sherwood, Chartler I -; -»T » " 1 1 . t I ■ i » 3-4 1:13 t;..,..l ", H4M 1" M Ml 10" J i a llahaii 1 » Slnrn nod. C/a r M i, linl. Tarts |3nH I,;, r|, n 3-4 l.l...k I 20 n, 1 3 E 7* 7- V Waul : Czar Michael. P. II, -iiins. 11,1 Ben loans Saratoga 3 I 1:1 i.i-t 1. 112 . 3 4 :. 4* C Borel 7 Isimse, Boamer, Sebago 10»» Sjiral oga 7-8 1: ia-i li l 1 l 1 .. 3" k Karrick ! B.Brj on, Cenesta. BrooktteU tLIA BRYS0N, eh. m. 7 110 By Juv, »ial — Graziosa R. F. Carman. Ill Jamaica 3 ! I ll.lai 11.". IB " " " 1 I C lln Btl 7 L.llrme, M.B.Kubanks, B.DIpp»r ,. • ••. lamal a 3 I l l.i slow R US v - E 7 c" G Hu li 8 Alhena. Su|. ii.nman. Minstrel . , i a 3 I I . I : ■ . i i - t s IN S 6 i. 4 !• v i Nolan 15 Dinah Do, mi I, ..!.. Tinkle Bell 1 ..,•,: cii i C! f i .-.ill 16-5 l«8 I .". ". 3* I | II l.ui.rtv 8 llrotund. I»:st. Shore. BeetuoTen .a.:, tleli t .ill. slow M 117 3 l l l ii. .i Dreyer 7 Minstrel, Chesterton. Bromnleaf [ ,.., ii | ii ■ 3-4 1 „i i-i 13 r, 116 3 1 1 M 1" .1 Butwell 7 Joe linn. Fair Helen, Mamie K. 1SER0SF. br. m, G 95 By Isidor— Rock Rose i.T. Sanlordl. ;.., i Saraloga 3 11:13 raal 12 121 8 4 4 s" 9"4W W Tlorll Bnckhorn. Sir J. Johnson. Sprite ,. ;. i Sai Uoga 3 I I 13 fa: I l 17 1 11 ifi B*i V W l"l..r 7 A.|. hml. !.. rranbl, 1 i • d.-i i.-KI.. i to Saratoga 3 l l:l::%good 6 121 2 1 ! . :• W N" l"l,n ■ Sprite, Holiday, Progress! v lfS7 Saratoga 7 l::T.%rasl G 107 I 1 2 3 6s 7 n Muni 7 Barlj Rose. W. Witch. II.Barbee e ICo63 Si i ; : l.i t 31 hW 11 • 1 inliii; Bvnie II Star Jasmine, F.Falry, Il.Prj p !,., Saratoga 3 4 1:1 ..ia-i 7 lm E 1 1 1 I . .1 McGahe 10 S. Jasmine. Iencharea. r,,:ii,i ,i I0S68 San .a 3 i 1:1 :,i:ri 15 108 4 ill ll .1 McCahe 7 Roanier, Sebago, Pal aa niin AZYIADE. b. m, G 100 Bv Cactus II. — Miss C. H. C. Hallenbeck. , r ia . i i M i7 f.n " II". 1 : I 2 3 ; Byrne II l*al.inouin. Yad,.|„ . o. l"l. . :n ri r r .... i: Imonl r i .; i I 13-5 107 : 2 I 7 7*1 G Byrne s Or..l I. Dtst. Shore, BIlaBrysoii i i:. 11.1..11I 3 1 l:14%fn 1 1 : i" 2 2 2 2* II Byrne 3 Fenmonse, Lily Grme i-|.,i 11 ,!..; .c 3 1 l:it 1 ui Ifi |n| 4 8 8 B* E .1 1 i . • r s Kewessa, Steel. Stal.Helea •8406 ii, I. ;,■■ .", f ! "." fa 1 •; .", 1*4 5 r. r, 4- 1", it Shilling 13 Vorkville, llseelt, Irairlc pimlico 2 1 1:13 fasi si 10 112 : I 2 " 1 • ■ Turner ", | . t:ml,-. Slumber II.. Cap. Ben n i |.. i i.iii- i I 1 l:12%fa« 8-5 li" l 4 4 .:• j .1 CalUhan 5 Scallywag. Sherwood, BriarPath 1 SAN VEGA. b. c. 4 lOr. Bv Kniglit Errant — Merdm R. ,T. Mackenziei . .in In • SI •! • ...I I ii". s 8 7 71 6*3 .1 I.oitns 12 c Uerrh-k. Water Lily. Men. Park k __ i ,|ii-.iiii .: 1 i I, ia i lo us i I E I ■■■, c Borel i! I*alanqaia. Hiker, Lost Fortune ■ i -,|,i. In-i 11:40s l. ri 112 14 3 ■ i J Butwell 1« Yodel. SI bengi . Tinkle Bell I W i ,|n. .ind :: i 1:13 fa. t 41 11. 1 3. W Ulley 7 Sleuth. CHI rilge, Mamie K. W ■ ... ijouglas 3 l 1:12 fast it; |0»1 E 8 r, E 8" ■ ; I Paul 0 Cuartier. 1 seelt. So ins V Dougla i ■ i:, i 36-6 112 E s s . 8 " ; r Paul 13 Casey Jones. Clith v.. . .11.- Douglas 3 I I K.;.li .♦ 108 I s s , B»J W Median s D.Carmea. BlllyJoe, C.onDllvery 1 TINKLE BEI.L, ch. g. 3 106 By Peter Pan— Lady Gay J. Butler. tuu duel . i:i.-|..-, s - |og 4 1 |i !■■ c Turner s Hiker. Gill Ktlgc Hill Stream A. |ie .lm i 1 l:4u%fasl 1". 101 3 2 2 2 S* 3 .1 P Ryan I" V. lei . Stonehenge. Beetlmven 1 21104 Jamaica .". f I :.., tast 4 io7 •". 9 li ! , D Steward ■ I nele Jlmmte, Mamie K., Rleath I, Jamaica 3 I l:14%fasl 6-5 llo 1 I 1 8* 4- c Borel , Ahara, lirapesh t. An.l-- e7. | imai.a 3 I II i.t 41 l«2 1 4 3 ■■. .I MeTas"rll5 Dinah Do, Outlook. EL Bryson B0618 Belmont 2-4 1:13 fast 3 1 1 : 8 A E 8 5»| C Borel 7 Royal Martyr, Broom leaf, Roly 20»iO Belmonl 61 ri:20%g 1 3t li 1 2 2 11 I- .1 Uiftim 5 Dixt.SI SamSHck, Fenmouse ,. 204«n Belmonl 1 I I .noi.l In W 2 2 2 3 3* V Borel ;:. j|,.m i c-.,r. .Virile W4S7 Saratoga r.A f 1 Ml alow 13-6 188 4 1 l :■• J .1 k. ,1,-ris 7 Charter Maid, Ttuidca. Smhrmrn • 1J820 Bknplre GJ f 1:07 good 4| 1U2 1 2 2 2* 21 .1 K.-.lcris 4 Phosuhor, Mlns rr.uices, Vaza ! , PI.ANTAGENET, b. g, 3 92 Bv Oeden— Mamie Worth R. T. Wilson. 21306 Vqueduct 5-8 l:01%fasl 8 105 1 7 E 8* 8,#1J McTagrtH Gill Edge, W.Lily. M.B.EnbankS 21171 Jamaica ■" f 1 :"7 Cast 7 182 6 1 1 22 2:! W LiRey 11 Fenm nse. Minstrel, B. of Valley 21104 Jamaica 1 f 17 Cast 7 107 E 4 4 4 4*8 J McTagrt 9 Uncle Jimmie, Mamie K., sleuth 21043 Jamaica 5| 1 1:07 fasi 41 187 6 5 5 El •.■••I MeCahey . Palanquin, Yadopeep, Isyiadi 20904 Jamaica 6111:07 fast IS lo7 1 4 4 33 2- J MeCahey 6 Dist.Sbnre, KIMahd S.ofValley 20827 Belmont 2-4 1:13 fast 20 US 4 5 7 7 I" 0 Wuisoii 7 Forecast. Lily Dime, J. J. I.illis 20782 Belmont 3-4 st l:ll%fast 25 J7 6 6 7 6* 57 C Watson 10 Anawa, Suplniiiian. I.osllortuue COY, b. m. 5 105 Bv McGee— Fickle A. J, Bernhardt. 21471 Aqueduct ■ 1 I 18 slop ! lis E I I "3 3" G Corey 8 Polar! us. Chesterton, Sarsenet 21324 Aqueduct 3-4 1:15 last 7 113 18 13 13 11 li14 G Corey 14 Palanquin. Hiker, San Vega 21127 Jamaica ?, I l:13%fast 41 tea 1 1 2 2- Cjc Ki.iiirr 7 Presnmpti n, liurakan, Orotund 20992 Jamaica 3-4 1:15 slow 7 115 « 7 7 4i 4 R WaMron * Alhena, Hnjrhuman, MInstn I 20875 Jamaica 3 I l:13%fast 10 llo 4 I 5 ;" 7s W Warton 15 Dinah Do, Ontlook. Tinkle I - 1 1 ■■ : •; Pimlico 3 i,.iii 20 no i 4 4 42 r,~ m Bastaa 9 Briaxrath, MrtlnCaaea, l*aaiaak CHESTERTON, ch. c. 3 105 Bv The Scribe— Penitence TI. J. MacManua. 1471 Iqueducl 3 I 1:18 slop 4 113 3 2 2 2" 2n M Buxton 15 Polarlus, Coy, Sai eael 21345 Aquetlucl 1 1:45 hvy 1 3 •"• V»: 111 2 r,1 .".""M Buxton N Saratoga. Minstrel, Joe Delbold 21040 Jamaica 3 I 1:1!". n i 9-5 no 1 2 2 1. 1" M Buxton 8 Ethan Allen. Alhena; Yodeles 1730 Belmont l 1:41 Cast 11-5 103 ill 1 i; Is M Bastoa •• Dr.Dnenner. Jawlione, Bthorea 20590 Belmont 3 1 l:13%Cast 7 M8 1 2 2 2* 2*1 M Buxton 7 He Will, forecast, Superhuman 20487 Belmont 3-4 1:15 slow .". 105 8 E 1 2 :;-, W l.illcv 7 EllaBn on. Minstrel, BroemleaC 10387 Belmont 1-4 1:11". lop 15 0 4 I I I 3«1 W Lillsy S Uar» Perthslilre, Btaaa Allen NORTHERNER, eh. g. 4 102 By Yankee— Royal Gun f.T. H. Benwav. 19837 Bowie 3 1 l:14%tant M lol r, 1 4 G 2» W Ulley 13 T.Bu J dy, Thesiere . I.Travcrs 19407 N. Orl* as 51 f 1:08 good E lol fi 4 2 21 3*1 E Pool 8 Chartler, Viley, Linda Payne 18957 WoiTns lm:iiy l:43%good 4 109 4 2 1 1 Is 2" 11 Cbappell H HighClass, Ford Mai, T.Hanco k 18796 Charlen 3-4 l:18%mud 9-5 loa 4 1 2 1* 1" II Chanpell s Hthstone, V.Str Perth Rock P7s.. chaiifn r. f ii.i sio|i 2 mo G 7 8 4" 4ill Cbappell 9 J.H.Barr. Etbelbnrg 1 1.. Batwa fTharlen .". fl:o9 mud 30 107 2 ?. 4 4 4" II Cbappell 1 Progressive, Sherwood, OHagaa 17884 Howie 61 f l:21%fa«t 15 !fl ." 4 2 4 ", II Hammer 7 Votes, Humiliation, Batwa 17693 Bowie 3 4 l:I4%fast G 11! 2 1 E d 7", II Wolfe 10 Hmillatloa, C.CannHl, B.Qnlaee 17569 Bowie 11:42 fast 3 185 E 5 3 4 3. 4*1 J McFadn 8 Lit. England, Y. Eyes, Net maker 17518 Empire 1 1:39 fast 7 5 im 2 2 I 2* 2* C Grand I EllaBryson, Dndercover. TayPay 17513 Empire 5s in! slow lo 11s 4 G 6 4 2« C Grand c, HaPenny. LflyOrme, WaterLlly 1 7 127 Emp Ire 1 l:48%Cast 7-10 107 2 4 4 4 1* la C Grand G I.. England, TayPay, TJadereovec FENMOUSF. b. f, 3 100 By Ro, k Sand— Flittrrmouse A. Belmont. 21171 Jamaica 5111:07 fast 13 r, us 5 2 2 V I .1 MeKver 11 Plantagenet, Minstrel, S.oCVley 21068 Jamaica 3 I 1:13 fast U in; 7 7 7 7 7"M" Dugan 7 TotbMning.lIanovIa, Figioaj Belmont 11:39 raal 115 :.l 2 2 2 2 i1 3J V Lowder 1 Wooden Shoes, Bac, Ktonek S0754 Belmonl 2 t i l4%Ca«l 11 .", us 2 3 1 1" I* ! Lowder 3 Asyiade. Lily Irrme 20580 Belmonl G1 f !:■„ ■ I Kfi 5 .", !»• 4*1 C. Turner 5 TinkleB. 11. lilst.Sbore, Sam Slick 20248 Bel. Ter. Al,., E la l ", ISO I i: Dwgna IO Mr. Specs, Otto Floro. Culvert SINAI, h. f, 3 95 Bv Br. T.egeo — Norinne fC. W. Gasser. 25 Vqueducl 3 1 1:14 fa I 38 88 5 5 G G1. 7l4,r Hopkins 7 Wanda Pltser. Etruscan. HcMill :11C9 Jamaica 1-4 1 15 l.i i 38 In," 2 2 2 2 4". .1 Hanover II Lilian Allen, Outlook, Dinah Do 0845 BlueBon. 7-81:28%faat f 1.1 102 ii G 4 4 41 8*1 E Haynea 15 R.-dland, Inqnfeta, Bare l 0616 Dorval lmTOy 1:461 fast 10 ll"l 3 4 s S 8" D Poland 9 Fly Home, S. oC Love, Celebrity 20261 Churchill 3 4 1:13.: fa: t 35 96 8 7 7 f, 4°Jlv Lapaillell Masaik, Manioc, Superbnmaa 195.% Juarez .".. f l OS t.r i 8-8 102 fi 3 4 4". 2| M Garner 7 Valletta, Ijutghorne, Type 19495 Juarez fi] C 1:06 Cast 4 m E 3 3 2=11*111 Garner 8 Masaik. Marie OBrien, Type 19371 Juarea 51 l:06%Cast E 94 I I 5 2i l2 M Garner 9 Type, Ida Cummings, Kathar.Q. HOFFMAN, b. g, 9 112 By I-idor — Arroyvgrass Mrs. N. B. Davis i. 21127 Jamaica 3 I 1:12" fast 12 H2 7 G G G* G7 li Troxler 7 l*resnmption, liurakan. llrotund 20914 Ml.oro 5111:091 fast 6 113 1- .1 Baaet 0 DellaMack, S.Mimn, K. McDowell 208 : Mhoro ;■ f 1 : :."."-fast 1 10S 11 It Tr. ler 7 Cn li.m. inf. Qneen, Peaeack 20737 Mboro 81 t 1:25 good 3-2 115 4-W Manders 7 Regular, Peacock, MoaerelC 28888 ITospecl 7-8 1:31 Cast 1 112 1 W Ward 7 LAigloa, Racy, li.-,i Piper SONG OF VALLEY, h. g. 4 102 Bv Isidor— Queen of Song »H. Watterson. ! I Aqueduct 3 I 1:15 Cast 30 112 9 S3 s1. 7 »| R Waldronll Palampiin. Hiker, San Vega 21219 Jamaica 11 16 l:48%Cast 7 1"2 13 1 1 2» 4* M Mtbews 9 OSulllvan, Snebenge, HermlsJr 21171 Jamaica ■ f 1 :"7 fast 35 114 S 7 7 4- 4 It W.ildroti] 1 r.-nn se. Plantagenet, Minstrel 21105 Jamaica 51 C l:07%Cast 12 112 6 8 4 4" 4SL 11 I.nff.iiy s Elkrklge. G. Edge, M.R.RnhankK 20996 Jamaica 11 16 l:50%slow 15 lo7 4 4 2 4 4l :.s P Lowder 7 G.M. Miller. B. Quince, Roblaetta 20904 Jamaica Elf 141 fast 28 112 2 5 5 4"- 4r W Ural f! D. Shore, Plantagenet, I.l Mabdi 20697 Belmonl 3 1 st l:10%Cast 10 MO 7 7 G 5 5* 1 Steward :i Striker, Perecast, Auiaus NORTHLIGHT. ch. f. 4 110 By Northern Star— Torchlight E. Herz. 21447 Aqueduct 3-4 l:15%slow 20 113 3 G 7 7s1 7,3,T Davies S Tinkle Bell, Hiker. Gill Edge 21324 Aqueduct 3 I 1:15 Cast 8 113 4 E lo 13 13s* J Butwell 14 Palanquin, Hiker, San Vega 21070 Jamaica 3 I 1:15 Cast 2 llo 2 1 I 1* 1" M Bnxlon 7 D.Madisea, D.oCDnnhar, Ginmon 21017 Jamaica 51 t l:08%g II 112 G 2 11 PI J Pitz 10 Nepbthys, CyMerrick, WomlCair 10957 Jamaica 3 11:11-. last s mio 10 s I* .",■ .1 Morya 11 Valente, D.oCDnnlwr, Nepbthys 2 1806 Jamaica I 11:11 fast 3 llo E E 7 7 7I4J.I Driver 7 Nourcddin. l . ,.f Danbar Vasa 28527 Douglaa 3-4 l:15%mud IG 188 1 4 3 El V 9 Keogh 11 Etoyal Meteor, GrevUJe, Manners GAINSBOROUGH, h. g. 3 f 2 Bv Canoptis — Picturesque M. F. Sheedv. 21 1GS Jamaica 3-4 l:14%Cast 15 107 1 S 9 9 *»» C Huestia 9 lrlaverock, EvelynC., Gammon 21043 Jamaica "• f liOl Cam 50 107 s :i 9 8 9*T C Huestia . Palanquin. Yado|te«*p, Asyiade IS448 H.deGce 6-8 l:02%Casl 60 los 9 7 lo lo- lo -M Dreyer il Meelieka, Sunno. Mrs. Panipbell 1MI H.deGce 5-8 l:03%mnd 60 M8 1 4 4 r,- V i: Ambrose 9 l:.l l.u, i. .1 . P.. Il.-ii-. II. ■ tion IS25S PIrnlico 5J f 1:08 fasi 17 lo 6 l 1 5- 6" R Shilling Fi Mamie K.. Boxer. Pair Helen 18114 Laurel .". . f l *7 Cast 11 108 2 1 7 7** »*» K Davis 1! T* Pin, Pair Helen. Capt. Par* 18069 I.aui.l 3 I t:14%tast 24 Ms 5 2 4 CI S" S Dayis S Change, A. N. Akin, Fair Helen FUZZY WUZZY, h, g. 4 102 Bv Udrim— Skirtn Cleveland Stable. 11100 Jamaica .". I l:13%Cast 15 120 1 2 G 7 7" II norner S Etrnscart, Ahara, Mr. Specs 10937 Jamaica 2 ! i :!.",-; s 112 2 1 1 l* 2[ M Buxton 7 Haaovia, Yodeles, Baad Marsh 18386 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%Cast G7 no 3 3 5 7 7*»1C Clement 10 T.asSteel, Slumber 1 1.. M. Caeca 18296 Pimlico 3-4 1:13 fast. 212 lo? 4 2 5 8 G": C Clement 1 Doub. Eagle, SlnmberlL, Axyde 14615 BlueBon. 8-4 l:l«%slow 41 188 7 4 4 4 4-. . I MeAtee 10 Amazement. Mockery, Ccnndn 14414 Wdbiae 3 4 l:ir,%fast li MS 8 5 5 V 1*1 C clement I.: Lottos, CotamrgBelie, Miramichl BRIAN B0RU, ch. c. 3 105 Bv Celt— Ellerslie L. A. Piper. 21324 Aqueduct 3-4 1:16 fast 10 H8 s 11 11 W» •11 Mth wslt Palanquin, Hiker. San Vega 83 Mboro ." C 1:09 fast c, lol 1" A Pickeaa !i Deduction. Ella Crane. K. nines 0806 Mboro 51 C l:t0%good 3 lot and A Pickens 9 CoL Randell. Largo, W Isie Prospect 3 I 1:19s, last 3 102 fis W Doyle fi LAigloa, Oxer. Sliarper Knight .• A!,", s l:01%good 1 102 r*3 W Doyle 7 Breakers, Deduction, Sarthmore 19944 Bowie lm2ovl : n;- .last 12 lot 2 3 3 3 8 8" .1 McTagt S I axali. Love Day. Tom Hancock 19915 Bowie 3-4 l:15%good 88 loo 1 2 I 4 6*1 J McTagtlO Star GlCt, Brandywine, 1ii.Mnn MR. SPECS, ch. g, 7 107 By Woolsthorpe— .Till Greenwood Mrs. A. C. Blume 21171 Jamaica 51. f 1 :07 fast 1 112 7 G ■ 71 ."• 11 Snmter 11 Fenmonse, Plantagenet, Minstrel 21100 Jamaica .". I l:13%Caat IS 118 ; K 4 4 3 c Bgame H Ktrnsean, Ahara, Prairie : "is li, 1 .T r. Ah.", s — fast 2| B 2s MrTWrt 141 Fenmonse, nit,. Floto, Calvert 20259 M. Brook Ab 5-8 Cast l 183 G E 21, :" Mr T Wlit 7 Culv.-i-i. Chopin, Mnskmelon 20169 Rockwy 12 fast 7 5 MS " 3 2- h* T ii:hi 7 Calvert, Exemplar, Lokomis 17223 Belmonl 3 I l:12%Casl 7 IBS 5 A 4 41 !• K Karrick 5 Water I.ily. striker. Conneoun 17020 I .In t 2 1 1:13 raal : l"7 8 4 1 41 3- c Fbther 7 Coanmara. L.Travers. Perthshire 16813 Syracuse 1 I 1:121 fast S lol 2 2 3 2*2* W Ural 4 Bac, Flitaway, Yellow Eyes IS78S Syracuse 2 4 1:12 tast 3-1 113 1 2 3 :rir. ■ Bgame 4C mara. Master Joe, frontier ASKT0N. ch. h, 5 105 By Electioneer — Franeolin D. Douglass. 17498 H.deGce 51 C 148 fasi 3 llo 4 5 I B* ■ M Baxtoa lo Lazuli. Bill Wlial.y. Frontier

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