General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-08


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. 1 A I. on. ion dispatch of yesterday -ays: "British have assumed the offensive in Flanders after .. long period of inactivit] no both -;.!es. The British have taken 21111 yards of trenches to the north ot Vpres after typical trench warfare tactics, backed bj French artillery. This i- announced , lonifihl in a comninnication froaa Field Marshal Sir John French. The artillery duels in this section have been particularly Berce. great nnmbcrs of gas shells being used by Hi" Germans. A battle with mines on Jane 30 resulted in the destruction of a pari of the German trenches north of Kenve Chappelle, states tl Bcial rep rt. British howltaer Bre partially blew la a German -ij. on the nighl oi July 1 and a platoon of Infantry rushed in to inili the Job, only a lew Germans were found alive and they were routed witii the bayonet. The German tune- rushed a barricade on the Ypres-Bonleni railway on the ing of Jnlj .".. alter two liour .-" artillery 1 ot.i 1 1.. .nil. A counter attack by British troops won back Mi* position. Dispatches from Berlin tell 1. arii, 1 losses by the French and British in the hat tie between Arras anil LaBasse. The report -late- that ■no cwnmand alone lost 3.400 men out of 1.200. French attacks at I. s Bsparges have ln-eii reimlsed, according to an official German communication i-sued tonight. German airmen have 1 ibarded neveral points in the Vosges. Bombanl-menl of the Cathedral of »-rras with uicendlary -loll-, by the Germana Is reported from Pari.:. Itai in.s also ha- i.e. n tsheUed L.v Teuton c,.:n-. French forces on the heights of the Mease bare retaken a trenehwork recently l"-t to the Germans, ami have pnsbed even beyond that point. A counter attach P the Cermans was repulsed." Frank Holt, who shot .1. P. Morgan after ex- : ling a bomb In the capitol a I Washing! 11, killed iiini- it In the Na--;u County jail at MIneola. 1.. I.. at 10:35 oclock Tuesday n i -_rh r by plunging down Ufteet feel from the top of his cell door, crnsh-in his skull. While he is dead bj his own act, .1 transatlantic steamer may be blown np a- ■ further resul! ol i.i- fanatical efforts to sto; the shipment of munitions of war to th allies. Frantic t made to reach all -Lips n .. . to warn Hani that Holt placed liltv pound- of dynamite aboard a Hteamsblp which lef! New York Saturday, and that ■ c time fuse ras - 1 for some time Wednesday. Wireless stations all along to.-coast have been making repeated attempts Ince Tuesday nigh! ... wan, all vessels ol their danger. Holt, short! l*fow be died, h said t. have told • ervh-e operatives thai he had placed the • ivnniiMie al. aid a liner carrying ammunition as ■ warning again"! further shipment ol war material irin the rid ted States to Bnn He refused t. tell the name or the vessel, and said thai all ..!ihl lie known yesterday, which hi taken to mean thai he -.1 the time tu-e foe an explosion then. only seventy pounds of the 12 pounds of explosive which [loll in known t have pnreha .1 have been recovered. This lend- strength In Holts rep rted li • French war departroenl ye terdai afternoon care nnl tlie following statement • rering recenl terationa in the Dardanelles: "In the Dardanelles. 1.1. :. the Turku delivered ■ general attack, the in-: important they have undertaken since their in the earb ilay« ••! Maj . I • Ir pnri -e . .irii u- Into the sea. At oclock In the morning au intense artillery ire was opened on our 1 , tirst lines, is well as on the Bone behind tie i IKS occupied by French and British troops. The enemy subsequently endeavored to deliver several inlanlry attacks. Put not one was successful in coming as far as our trenches. Mowed down by our artillery lire and that Of our rilh-s and machine ;:ims. most "t oar assailants never leii the Held of battle. During this action batteries of the enemy ..11 the Asiatic coast tired without interrup ti. n. A Turkish cruiser, steaming lietween MaMoi and Chanak, also took part iii the engagement, "n several occasions aviators of the enemy bnnihar I oar lines. V the end of the day a group of about fifteen P.ritisli and French aviators llow over 1 . Turkish aerodrome at Chanak, threw down several bombs and were saccesafal in striking the principal hangar with a hi bomb." Of Qgbtlng on the Isonao a Vienna dispatch of yesterday says: "Fighting in the Gorlaia li trbd i.ii Monday developed into a general buttle, 1 II tin attack made by the third Italian army. Abonl four hostile corps advanced under the protection I i irmidahle artillery tire against our front fr;»iu the bridgehead of Gorlaia to the sea. The at tacks were completely repulsed. The enemy suffered terrible losses. Thanks t.« the praiseworthy atti tiide of mil- tro p-. especially the Infantry, all the posilons remained in our hand-, notwithstanding the numerical siipcrioriy . Yesterdays baseball result — National League: Chicago 7. Pittsburgh !: New York ".. PhUnde! phi. 1 I 1 lir-t came: Philadelphia I. New rfc II 1 -".-nil game: Brooklyn I. Boston ■ itir-t game An erica n Leagne: New York 13, Philadelph:.! •■ first game: PhUadelphia 6, New York ." second game; Boston 9, Washington 1 firs! gamel: Bo ton . Washington 0 second game. Federal l.-:i-iie: Newark .".. Baltimore ■: Buffalo o. Brooklyn 2. A dispatch lo the London Daily Mail from Rot terdam says Gei nan - latest surprise for the allies is aid miatic feed guns, which will lire much BON rapidly than any hitherto known.

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