Well Organized at San Francisco, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-08


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ii. *e ly in i. WELL ORGANIZED AT SAN FRANCISCO. Further progress in tie way of a restoration of if racing to San Fraaclsco wa- effected on Wednes- day of h-i week, concerning which the San Iran 1- " Cbornicle if -Id.v 1 sa|«i; .. -, "Permanent organlsatloa of the Golden " Gate" Thoroughbred Breeders Association, which will 11 conduct the thirty days running uuelin. ou thu aj 1- j 0 t" ,; .. ,. ,! ,, ,, „ I I i r ., t ,. ,. ,t ,. ,.. of if 1- 11 aj 3===zmizmz=zr=r=rrrrzzizzrzzrrzrrr3 exposition track, was effected la-t night at a aesslon held in the green room of the St. Pranela Hotel. It wa- also announced thai a committee trom the association consisting of Charles T. Boots and Ji s C. Neaion had met with a committee of the exposition directors, including II. B. Hale. Henry T. Sinti and John Britton. and had closed the deal I r the lie of the track. •This absolutely cinch,- the race meeting that will I ,11 W close OB the heels of the Bene meet bag. Iii addition to the usual charge of tiltv cents in enter the expositor! grounds, the Breeders Asm elation will charge ■ daily admission of for entering the track, which will include a -eat in the grrand tand. ••While 11 was determined the ami of the week thai Charlei W. Clark woakl acl a- presidenl and Jamea c. Neaion 1- aeeretary nlber ofleea v e hit open. The entire list is as follows: President, Charles W. Clark: dr 1 rice-president, J. II. Bos-, alter; aecond rice-president. Dr. ! . C. Jenkins: third rice-president. Judge E. P. McDaniel; treaa nrer, B. v. TObin; aeeretary. J. C. Neaion; board «.; directora to include ii«ive aai 1 oAcers, t" eether with the foil, wing: B. Porter Ashe. c. T. Boots. W. W. Dapee. F. J. Ct rolan. II. T. Griffin. Captain John Barneson. Charlei Falters, w. 1". liiiinilii.v. w. II. Moffat, B. I. Haekemde. Dr. II. S. Kergea, Dr. A. P. Tate. J. l . Grant, J. Cbeerer Cowdin and Jack Miller. "Membership in the association will be limited to se-.ent v :ive. ami the book* will remain open a abori time, altbongh there are plenty if appli-,. eirtlons. The annual meeting la achednletl for the second Monday In January, bat a special meeting is to lie held next Teusduy ni-ht. •Constitutmn ami by-laws of the u-ual order were adopted." The same newspaper of the later date of July ::. rare the following additional details of measure* decided upon: "At a conference yesterday between Presidenl Charles W. Clark and Secretarr Jamea c. Neaion of the Golden Gate Thoroughbred Breeders Association, it was decided that a JJCIHUI stake would lie run at the exposition race meeting oil Admission day. September 9. The lahViala of the breeders1 association plan to try out the new stake ,000 and in course of time add to it to make it one of the richest In the country. The event will lie the mean- of attracting some of the good handicap her-,.- from tin east to try for the haaoi - at being the First to win it. "President Clark and Secretary Neil m deflaltery deeiiled thai no pur- would be offered for h a than .* :mi. which will make it worth while for higb-1 I.i— thoroughbreds to come lure for the thirty days of racing, which open- 011 Aagast Ll. "Announcement waa made by Secretary Neaion that it i practically aettled thai Jahe Hoitman will manage the local meeting, and thai Hick Dwyer will nfneiate in the capacity of -tarter. Holt-man ami Dwyer formerly alternated in handling the harrier at Fmeryville ami other California tracks, ami are well known ia turf circles. The men behind the turf revival are gratified nt the interest being taken in the race meeting. Telegrams eentiuue to pour into local headquarters front all part- of the country from horsemen, who advi-e thai they are going i" bring their atriaga here. Secretary Neaion sat- In is confident there will be :.imi horses on the gronnd when the bugie calls the hacaaa to the post for the first raee."

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915070801/drf1915070801_1_7
Local Identifier: drf1915070801_1_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800