Delorimier Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-08


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I I 1 I [ ■ . s • •■ i- 1 e f .• j .1 I r m i i- DELORIMIER PARK FORM CHART. ■OaTttSAL, Que.. June 26, 1915. fir-1 ,lay. Montreal liriiim Clubs second aaeetiac of seven i days. Weather . leur. Pre Idiug lu.i.-. Charles Campau. si liter, frank Mctiinaitj . 21350 lit-t Race Ah.iit 8-8 MOe. lurse gg, 5. • year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value P. win ma-. 25; s ml. .s..ii; third. 5. Ind. Horse. Wt. fin. J .key. op. n. -.out 1 ppi. hi. fr tin i] w 1 1 .p. 1 1 3003S3Tankard II". ; N Pod. 11 :; :; 20030 Haw I C. 113 :. .1 Howard 12 I* •,074ii 1 fy Whlti 113 ij . . Irand .07 18 • ii 1 01 tj ii bj .1 f. ml. rgast 1 IS 34*031 I.lit Bleu I" • .1 McDowell ::u M 2072 1 Tig. r II ii 10 ij C Balling r i lo ■.uo:s2 N..PI ■ Grand 115 8 C Knighl 7 s 2*705 heiiipi 111 105 :. W Doyle 5 I 20700 I. iie .In 115 lo1 K McEwen J 2-5 307 18 Mi 1 98 ll C Mi rgler 1 15 30038 Masai.. 11. Pu.up. WOargan M 10 T 1:03%. Traik last. Winner M. .1. Dalys rh. 1 t. bj Iiau.lii Miss f in. h trained by M. .1. Dai] 1. Start eaod. Won diiin; a .d and third the - line. 2P151 Seeomi K.i. e -About 8-8 Mile. Pome 00. 1 year-olds and upward. Selling. Mel ralne lo win aer. 25; second, 0; third. ".. In. I 11. a--. . Wt. fin. .I.ckey. Op. l. 30883 Sg of Rockslll 11 M Simmons 17848 May Bnetu n Pickena I s 200S2 Aineriuua IIS 31 A Walsh 4 4 I 1 j .] 1 , Q . 2 1 : « i . I , i l i i i I 17812 Imprudent iir; t- y Kennedy c, r, 17733 Smirk lin .",. w Rosen 8 M 30030 Little Kp 115 « N Poden 7 i 20709 Ro» Ring KM :• .1 Robblna S 10 20080 Brynavla 113 s .f Pendergast I lu 30039 Miss liristi. li.: a c Knight 7 I l8488*Ld Lelghtonll5 L. rider. Ilsnv.l.r.-, t; 20508 Ridgeland 118 L.rider.CStanford 30 M Time. 1:0323. Track fast. Winner— J. n. Lambs i,r. m. 7. by Bocktoa— n Of Son- trained by J, II. I.ainlu. start good, Won driving; second and third the Mill.. 21352 Third Race— About 8-8 MOe. Parse 8309 1 A year-olds ami upward. Selling. Net value to iic, and n r, 8225; seend, 0; third, 5 y Ind. Hon . Wi. Pin. J. .-key. up CI 18041 Dustpan 11". 1- T M.-iullougli I I 2 top* Ph. 11 - Pridi 113 . . larni G I 1 5720 . an- ima 113 w 1.. .-,. 21020 Ma/.urka 115 I J Bauer ", « 1782.8 Montreal 113 Wal h ! ;: 2050! I; OBi an if. Sj N Podi n M I 1 I7::i8 Mi Jo. 113 i .1 McDowell 12 11 2054 ; Johnny Wli i 115 E I. Gattgi I 12 13 I7;;;2 Tlgi lla 113 : ■■ . : Knight i ! r, 30001*The Urchin 115 lo M Simmons . 0 Time. 1:02%. Trark fast. Winner Yarrow Brae Stables b. u-. 0 by Brooav-stl.-k Performance trained by W. Short. Start Kood. Wop easily: econd and third driving. 21353 foinlh Race About 5-8 Mil.-. Purse 00. I year-obis and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; aecoad, 0; third, N2",. bad. Horse. Wt. Im. J. ekey. Op CI 200:54 Tolson dOr 115 l". A Hullcoat 20825 fa.-t.e o US J- .1 Conway 4 4 20033 Suti 113 3] .1 Deavi up. .it 10 pi ;OI ;tl .1. Via. ■Liini I 115 Ij f Marl in I 7 S0033 John Man 115 .; C Knighl :lii,M Dt S.P.I ate 115 61 C Stanford 30 40 i I 1183 • t Rose ll , It W Young I |« 10508 Major Bell 118 8 I Pethbrldg I 20718 Mb Menard 113 Left.C White . :, 30O31*Stentor lV, L. ft. • Grand S 7 20500 Jo. Ualtena 115 Left. J McDowell 7 8 Time, 1:03-. Track fast. Winner C Phillips ch. A. 8, by Bines Oohf. tle.e in.ii I by .1. Howard i. Start bad. Won handily: s. ami third driving. 21354 fiflh Ra ... -About 5-S Mil,. Pin-, ; ill. 3-year-olds ami upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; sec I. 0; lliird. 5. lad. Horse. Wt, fin. Jockey. Op. CL 20032 IPtigid Lo I v I., vee 20043 Jes up Hum 115 21 « Why mark M pi 21010 I. nth .lake In p Ros. n 10 Id 20710 s. a or .Luiiesiu 1 1 ], Bo land .. G 20010 Miss .1 an HS f. A Walsh 21090 Uncle Di.-k 120 6"* I. Meripole 10 12 2 1 157 Rosemary lis 71 ,■ Knighl 2 1 20440 1 It. Hast l_o BJ W Hinpliv 25 30 20080 lloggety lli1 :. C Stanford • to 20570 ill.l ll.. wills IO« C Whip c.oooo if. impei i fs ii c Grand HI !• Ti l:02Vi. Track fa:;t. Winner P. Delaaeya br, z, 6, by Stalwart— Ton-id trained by P. Debney. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving. 21355 Sixth Rare 6 12 I iirloiiirs. Purse 00. 3-year-ohls. Selliag. Net value to winner 25; se.ond. 0; third, 5. Iml. Horse. Wl. Fiu. Jockey. Dp. CL 205 10 I Mi-. I ! ne. silo I- c i irand I 1 1785: Ormead 11". . A Walsh r. r. 2 l0l.iie Ho 3J T McCullough 3 20780 ■ Knergetic ll! Ij W I al; i 20085 Skinnj B. 115 .. C Stanford I I SOO40 A hofan 105 6 | .1 McBride lu i 1043:, il.-rth.lnia Ho , Poden 12 15 20038 Hi,. p.. .rates 112 8*1 F Peth bridge 15 II 20540 i:..r. I Hi ■] f Martin I 1 . 20780 Cold. Lassie MG M C Ballinger 15 U Time. 1:25. Track fast. Winner w. l . Beraharts ch. f. ::. by Peep oDay —While Owl trained by W. Browa. Start goad. Won easily; seeomi .-iml bird driving. 21256 Seventh Pace r, 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds, Selling. Net valae to winner 25; a . ■ ml. 0: third. .5. Iml. Horse. wt. Pin. Jockey. Op. CI 2O740sSnlders BestllJ 11 .1 Howard :: 20500 1 1 n. a nn 112 2j A Walsh 30808s Deviltry 112 3* C Grand I I 20037 If li.. hi:, i1 ■ Whymark , 21031 Mimlco 110 5«1 W W Meeban WM 18008 II. RaybonM llo « L Meripole 12 15 30040 Colnm. Lady llo 7 • . ,ui,ir | 200O2 Black Earl 110 s- c Bailing! r I • 21057 Smiling Mag H* ; C Knight 8 M 21117 Tower 112 Fell. JDeavenportl 4 Time. l:24-«,. Track last. Winner- Rice - bapmans b. g, 3, by Osarioa trained by O. Rice. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. 21357 Rlghth Race I 1 2 furl.ui--. Purse 08. " year olds and apward. Slaldens Selling. Net yalue to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5 Ind. Home. Wl. fiu. J. ckey. Op. CL 30038 Bloom. Posey IM r 1. McEwen 10 10 14271 Ma-s. net 1 12 »J " Rosen 4 4 20035 I in I T. llo 3 c Grand I ,". I r. 15300 Rip V. WkbllJ 4 c Knight 20012 John Walt, a -in" .- « White 15 20715 Endurance SG •; C Mergler 6 20035 111 Savin 1051 71 V Young G 7 20800 has.-r I! ■ ,i Howard I 5 20510 Bulger 105 a1" W Hinpliv 10 12 2051 I aula If llo |u .1 McDowell 20 30 fun.-. 1:25. Track fast. Winner ll. a. Cottons h. t. ::. by St. Bavin-Sister I arline drained by 11. A. Cotton. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. 21353 Ninth Pace 1 l-li; Miles. Purse $.".imi. 1 year-olds and upward. Selling. Net valae to w in mi 25; se I. 0; third. ¥25. Ind. II. i- WL fin. Jockey. Op. 2. 20740 i, ..r. Russell lis I- E McEwen 1 I 21032 »M ml Sill 115 21 Knight 31118 Hearthstone ll". :" T McCullough 7 7 21 I 18 Ajas llo !■ w Me. han " 30 20803 Leamence us ... I, Meripole 7 in 20093-Bo garl 115 c. Carnea r, 7 3118SzKg Radfordll5 7" v Doyle 7 SOOOSTmaa liar. if. 8« Rosen 4 20033 Ella 113 a M Simmons 0 in Time. 1:50. Track fast. Winner I. Ooodniana b. b. 5. by Marchmoal II. Toka!. n trained by J. Goodman. Start goad. W asUy; seeoad and third driving.

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Local Identifier: drf1915070801_2_11
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