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TWO FINE MARES FOR WICKI.IFFE STUD. rataaM ■ sdditl. n t.. the Id.. Nlstoi k interest - of Kentuckj has been receiitlj made through the a- pureha-e of two I.. .MiliiulW I. re, | Knglbdi mare . i. ;_. ih.r * n h i li. ir foals, bj Pi lee Mel iunej l. ii i iVickltlfe Stud. The mares were bought through h Mr W. 1111 •■: of I Ii ....■..■ ,i Sj ... tsiuan. and Mi i McKinnej was ihuibtles Influenced In his cboi -e .- of a representative by Ibi rare suree 9 which re Mill.-! from dr Allisons selection*! for Ihe bite .■ .1. s B. Keene. The mares and Iheir I, al- are • Tamanuma chestnut, HMO, bj lire* I..- An i pboraria, bj Auiphlon; secoml dam Spinningjenny, l.j . Kendal, next .1 nn by St. Serf, and chest nut coil ,i bj I ioi oGaunt. •|. ii eiiie.v . brown, Ill", bj Tornoinl Panola bj ij Trraat; second dam Popp] bj Peter: nexl dam n i.leni -a by Blair Atbol. and brown Ullj hj Collar r. in. ir.s arrived in Lexington Phnrsdaj ..t lasi -i v.-ek ind ».!•• immediatelj senl to Kingston Iarm. Til.;, are both In faal t" Javella, mm of Spearmint it and Full Cry by "lying Fox.