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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. Celandii 1. winner of the Clover Stake, at Aipn- " lint Monday i- a sister to Coquette, winner of the tame event Utsi season August Belmont, seldom a visitor to Aqueduct, i was pi.ein i.ieie on Monday to see hi- colors cat r- 1 ied bj Malai litre aad Rock i w . lilult. a MKCeSSfnl trailer half I dozen n year ago 1 as been commissioned to purchase a rac in- stable for a South American sportsman. , Jockey C Hagbea has Joined the stable which I; r. 1;. ii-ui is training for James Butler, bis ." lather having obtained hi- release from the Whitney stable. sr. c. Ilihlreth in- narchased Sea Beach from I j. i:. Madden. This son ••! Maria Santa ami Sea ,:1 Spray showed promisins trial- in the early spring * ;.i,,l Mr. Hildreth expecta that be will develop into to ;i 11-1 t ii .-01 1 ol -i racer. Trainer B. C. Benson of the Janes Batler atabh I,. r, lusel to aih w joekej Borei to ride Pebbles in the i,. Carter Handicap 1: Aqucducl Monday becanse he ie rolled 10 make his riding weight of F: pounds on ,n Mil • Puzsle in tin 1 lovi r Staki -. M,. Hi -iii declared n Aqueduct Moadaj thai i tit*- facte in the purchase ol Norse King, wlnnci ,. of tie Brooklyn Derby had mt been made public. ■I obtained Nor.*e King for -ii."i la 1 summer al a ,;, pcrsal sale it fh 1 Park, and al the same j time I P«" Feiiiivrock tor si . Tin brougbl tin- / total lo f "•. ami the majority of people appear to ,. 1 Tinuk 1 gave tie latter nam for Norse King alone." and -I, iin-.-i has had ui interestine career. Starting „ Tf nut aa an exercise boy, he is new one of the mo ~ I i ,ii,ee--lnl trainers, ns his bamlUng of Norse King 2 i.,,Vl- a- a Jockey, Htrsch was om of the best i„,v at the p"-t in the country and his Jadgmeat ol pace was excellent.