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OVERLAND PARK FORM CHART. DENVER. COLO.. June 26, 1915. —Thirteenth day. Colorado Agrirultural Fair and Facing Associations Sumnser Meeting of 20 days, overland Park. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. P. V. Brady. Presiding Judge, . T. Dilison. Starter. Fdward Tribe. Facing Secretary, w. w. Finn. 21368 First Race 5 12 Far longs. Pane 30. "•-yearohl-. Selling. Net value to winner 73; second, 0; third 3. . Lquiv. Odds ind Hone. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 31281 Mak Good 104 V O Gentry 1440-100 31188 Dolly Hays 104 : C Basquil • l»8l Viva l"l :• G Molesworth 395 180 ;* li:i7 Fred T. i"l •• W Andereon - • 21228*OId Bob MS ■"■" C Cross • »«181 Ida Pinack 105 P C Riddle 80 100 ••1276 Tordlllo 108 7» W Kelsay 11!o-1hi •"•1240 Zamloch 10S B P Phillips 188MB2 Alco 188 9" K Smith 950 100 J •*iia7 Mi Alma 185 1 » T Nolan S888-1O0 Time. 23- -„ 48 s. l:07i:,. Track fact. mutuels paid. MaUe Good. 0.80 straight, M7~M pktce, .00 show: IieUy Hays. 3.50 place, p to slew: iva. 20 show. Winner- C. Bonells b. f. by Lack and Charity Succeed trained by C. Howell. Start good W D driving: second and third same. 21369 s.eond Kaei — 3-4 MOe. Pane 58. -1 year oPls ami upward. Selling. Net value to winger 73; second. 0; third. 3. Fipiiv. Odds I,,,! Hone. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 21255 i - Conrad 188 1- C Cross 1 •1245 Orbeat 188 2» "W Kelsay 133 100 i *21255Pats] Mack lM :: T Nolan :.•*• 100 2 12gg» Loan Shark 189 4 11 Stuart 715-100 1 rX1282Decency 107 6* 8 Smith 150-100 1 •.J- 48 Fob Lynch 11" - J Murphy 1990-100 ■ 9852 Eck Davis 112 7 1 G Molesworth 129 100 21 1881 Hardy 109 i C Riddle 920-100 Ti 234;. 48. 1:14. Track fast. ;•• inutheis paid. Prince Found 7.68 straight, s- l"sit place, 0.30 show; Orfaest, 3.10 place, : ." :;o show: Patsy Slack, .10 show. Winner II. Pom ch. g. •.. by Kismet by Melton — Kate Campbell trained by J. W. Murphy. start g:"d. Won easily; second and third driv-mir Th - winner, enter d r« 80, «as hid up to spi.i by J. N- Moaace ad - M. 21370 Third Bare 5 1-2 Furlongs. Fur-- 50. 3-year-old*. Silling. Net value t. winner S17.*; aecoad, 8; third, 3. . F.puv. Cdds I,,, I Hone. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. f»l«81 Baby Lynchl07 I- T Nolan r ; i • • i" :,; Joy W7 - 1 V. Ki Isay 21175 Mas. Fnklin 109 ::- E Smith 7- 100 ". | -s i John Spohn ; fl t S Smith "• |"| -,:, iTi id ii 108 6* G Warren 230-100 ■•"i |§7»1 ii ■ 1*1 81 I: Carti r ■ 21281 Gaao * I 7; it Imi a 7 i • » 1 l"ii7-Fag 107 .v .1 Donovan 730-100 • Tiiiu 23- . 45-.. 1:07".. Track fast. «2 niuiul- paid. Bah] Lynch. 813.10 straight. JW~*t place. . .2i nbow: lay, s7. 0 place: *F70 i -•_ .. , ■ Mast r li.n Mi. .00 show. aaV Winner -i- Bandolphi hr. T. by Leonhl — Queen i ■ r in,,, tnlned by J. Kamiotph. m Ktart I ■ v"!1 handily second an.i third arlv- i"g. 21371 FUilh Race— 1 Mile. Purse 50. 1-y. ar , ,1,1s and upward Selling. Ne value to wta-ner 73; second 0; third. 5. Fouiv. Oihls Ind Hone. Wt Pla. Jockey. Straight, f 2 1 288 Brando ill II W Kelsay 176-108 i 21280-Fairly 103 2» R Carter 21245 Caatetn !■•- :;; o Gentry 710 109 • P 8-* Tallow Dip ! i; A Green 1363-100 212483McAlun Ml 5*1 U Mokaworth il5-FJU u 21200 Superl M$ $ C Kiddle 1215-188 2124SLew Mill Ml 7 S Smith ioo-ltio Inne. 25-,. 49!-„ 1:15%, l:41»s. Track fast. mutuels paid, Brando, .$.".. ."hi straight. .56 place, .80 shoa I Fairly. $:;.so place. $:;.10 show; Caatem, ,$;;.7i» show. Winner — W. C. WeaBta h. g. S, hy Orlando — Alice Fraud trained by IF Leater. Start giKid. Woa easily: second and third driving, i 21372 Fifth Fare— 1 Mil Miles. Colorado Derby. I Value . nop. :! year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner ,343; second. ?1W; third. S2i"i. Fipii . Odds Ind. Horse. W4. Fin. Jockey. Straight. J 21285 Stolen Ante 117 F R Feeney 1320-100 21247*Alda W7 2* G Molesworth 618-188 21178 Star Shooter 111 3»* .1 Fullman 145-100 21194 London Girl 187 4:! G Warren 1 :|!" 100 21247 Pels 188 i. W Ormea 1155 M8 21247 ll.ukemae 114 C4 J Murphy 535-100 21255 Concha U2 7i J ll m 1090-100 21246 W. C. West 111 8 K Brooks 123 Time 24V5, 48%, 1:14%, 1:42, 1:45%. Track fast. mutiKds paid. Stolen Ante. 8.40 Btraight, .2.5» plaee. $.". ! sh-iu : Alda. ! ;.. -;o place. .$.2. 70 ahoa : star Shooter. .30 show. Winner — A. G. Dunlaps hr. e. hv Dorante — Stolen : Moments trained by T. Mattieldi. Stan roimI. Won driving: see. .ml and third same. 21373 Sixth Race— 1 Mile. ritrso 50. 1 year olds and upward. Selling. Net value to a inner S17.-.: second. 0; third, 5. Eqalv. odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fiu. Jockey. Straight. 21248*Ceoa lot; l- R Imea 640-100 21277 CmendaPn Kti -" J Kongo 355-100 I 21245*Ch,maa Ere 181 i F Fuller 360-108 21150 1. Stafford 1"7 4 W Leeds 1388-818 2125:1 Bey 111 •"■"• OMahoney 228-188 21288 Haaaia M3 8*1 T Deal] 2420-100 21200 D.Mntgomy 107 71 W Kelsav 1840-188 21284 Great Friar i"7 8 A Venters 1475 100 Time. 244i. 48%. 1:15, 1:41. Track fast. -S2 mutuels paid, Vs. 4.s» straight. 2J0 .40 shew: Commendation, .10 place. .$.;.oo shew: Christinas Bre, .20 show. Winner — 1». J. MeXamaras b. g. 1. hy Solitaire II. — Forinella trained by A. Doaathaa. Start iHd. Won easily; secoad and third driving. 21374 Seveath Fact — 1 Mile. Purse 50. 4 year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 75; secoad, 8; third. 5. Fipiiv. Odds ind. Hone. wt Fin. Jockey. Straight. 2 1255* Transparent 1". 1" R Feeney .hi-]ik 21254Darkey 111 -" I Baaer 410-100 21188 Dais ton 1M 3] G Molesworth 135-100 2 1255 Flying 187 4 C Kiddle 123 100 21100 T. chapman 107 6s W Leeds 3435-100 21252 II. Walbank ill 6» 11 Tnllett 775-108 21280 Iidv Mint 185 7 C Kasijuil 2220-100 Time. 25a, 49r.. 1:15s*. 1:41%. Track fast. S2 mutuels paid. Transparent, straight. . »t plaee. .5t show: Darkey, .20 place, .50 ■how; DsJstoa, .30 show. Winner — M. Kennedys eh. g. 7, hy Smile— Little Pearl trained by J. Kennedy I. Start good Won easily: second and third driving. 21375 Eighth Face—:: 1 Mile. Purse $".00. -year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10: second, 1915.shJ; third. "0. Ei|tiiv. Odds Ind. Hone. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 2 124-1 i SearletOaks 187 1. T Nolan 555-100 21248Osaple V * » W Kelsay 1ik;.-,-ioii 3 12 75s Seneca 187 »• G Warren 215-100 21252 Claxk M. 113 4;i R Small 1075-100 21245-lhil Mohr 187 6*1 w Leeds 1450-100 21279 Kootenay Ml «■"• Gross 275-108 19688 Umpqua lis 7 H Tnllett 1275-100 Time, 23, 47V5. 1:12 new track record. Track last. mutuels paid. Scarlet Oaks, 3.10 straight. .80 place. .40 show; Osapke, .10 place. .70 show: Seneca. .10 show. Winner — Nevada St.ek Farms h. f. 4. hy Dick Welles— Ciena trained by G. IF Strate. Start good. Wen driving: second and third same.