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SOME OWNERS IN HARD LUCK RELIEVED. Montreal. Q.r.. October ::0. — A welcome surprise was given twenty or more stranded horsemen at the iKaBt Royal track, when the directors of the Back River Jockey flub visited the course to arrange for payment of feed bills and other indebtedness of owners, who were unable to leave until these liabilities were cleared up. V number of the stranded horsemen hold checks from the Dorval Jockey flub for amounts won hy tlwiii at the meeting at IK.rval Dark in September and which have not yet l eeu honored by the bank. Tin- management of the Dorval Jockey flub has not with the horsemen vet made any arrangements for the lifting at these checks and the Back River lock.v flu, cauie to their assistance. The feed bills were guaranteed, while other expenses were i.aid ltd money furnished for shipments. Some of these hcrwineii will go from here to Juarez and where will race during others to New Orleans, they the coming winter.