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SCEPTRES OWNER ARRIVES ROBERT S. SIEVIER IN NEW YORK TO SURVEY THE AMERICAN RACING FIELD. Describes Difficulties at Present Harrassing the Turf in England, but Considers Relief Is in Sight — May Bring Horses Over. New York, OctnlKT :•.. .— Robert S. Sievier, chairman of the Race Horse Breeders" ami Owners Asso- i;iii«-ii. former owner of the great mare Sceptre, •ml editor and proprietor of inning Post, one H the lii.isl prominent of London weeklies devoted to ra inc and the thoroughbred, was aiming the pas-•njferson the Adriatie. from England. "Racing lias received a severe setback in England. said Mr. Sievier. "tat lias hy no means slopped. We are still holding short meetings over there, but they are somewhat restricted, The poli-lieiana and those hi favor of conscription, have been making political capital out of racing. One of tiie planks in their platform has been that men eligible for the army, instead of enlisting, have been following the cireiiit of race meetings and. for this reason, the sporl should lie entirely abandoned. While these conditions do not exist, public opinion demanded that raring l.e curtailed, and that is what has IxH-n done.- "As long as there is a thoroughbred left in England racing will never be entirely stopped. Auothel id«- of the question, which apparently politician; have overlooked, is the tremendous amount of money invested in race horses and racing plants. It is with the idea of safeguarding these interests thai the ltaee Horse Hreeders and Owners Asso-eialion has been formed. Lord Coventry is presi-deiu of the association. We are working in perfect harmony with the Joekey Club; in fact, we act as a buffer between the latter and thi se who are using every means in their ptmtt to afiolish racing." A few weeks In-fore leaving England Sir. Sievier bought eleven yearling thoroughbreds fir Richard T. Wilson, president of the Saratoga Racing Asso- iaiion. Five of these youngsters have arrived. ■•Owing to extreme unrest at the present time in T.-igland, well bred yearlings and even two-year-olds may be picked up there for a mere song," said Mr. Sievier. Mr. Sievier is over here now to personally in-• piire how tiie sport is going on in the United States cud. if it is wcrth while to import the best blood io k from Great l.ritaiu. Mr. Slever is considered an expert regarding thoroughbred stock and his opinion is valued by all rsport smen. both in Kngland and France. He will stay here for some time, but regrets that what is pressed upon Kngland. owing to war. the curtailment of horse racing, should have taken place in a sporting country like the Inited Slates in times of profound |ieace. for, as he says, "without the thoroughbred raee h.irse the high standard of breeding cannot be maintained." Recurring to present favorable prospects for racing in England. Mr. Sievier said: "The president of the Board of Trade promised a deputation which ealled on him October 2 . that stceplcchasing should have facilities to go on. The deputation consisted of Lord Londonderry. Lord Carnarvon, and other jieers, several prominent members of parliament, the lion. George Lambtoa, brother to Lord Durham and other prominent men in Kngland. representing the Raee fall Breeder* Association, but 1 sailed on the Adriatie for New York on that day. On board the steamship I received a wireless to say that racing would continue."