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PREPAKINC ACTIVELY FOR JUAREZ RACING. .il.-iif/.. Mev... O.-tolK-r ::i». The uexl lli-k lo op.-n for PBCaag i» the .be.-key Club Juarez eearea hef. arbeee. hegfciahaji aai Tliank-ivin l ay. Thavaaajr, Noveu. bar -■•. will raaaacewe the UMial 1*m» tlays or metre of winter racing. There has never beea a lajcfac pawaaa, with but one escea4taa, aaana He .loekev rlib faaaea track was ooened. Hiai any BNBCCHaj baa beea heal in the winter lier - thai diil raja MB .r Marc rariaaj Bajnt. W hoii iin- iiK-.ium I eius brrc ihis jrear ii will liav*. no i.p|o ition tioiti Aiiieriiau Iraeka, or any t ours a -.ii the bateVea of thai raaartrji for aearli a ■eatfe. Ill- racing aeaaea in Kenlie-ky eloso.l lasl areek aad i!..- wiM.lup in Maryland will soon ldlow. litis wi!! I.yve the 4 naif/, t an an open ticld for ajaHe ■ period. Seiretitiv IM 4a»p.-r has issued the book program for tie nr-i i.ini aajra of the aati tlnr and aacb day shows a distribution in purser of Sl.irfii. Already uia-iy horses have arrived at the track fioin rarteaa imints in the far west. Caiacada. Nevada. Califnrnia ami Monalia bebar, representetl in thes.. aWaaaearta, wnile a aasaber of the okla-baeaa. fcxaa aati Missouri ataMr* an- alee fatartered on the ■raaaala. Thi araek the l.atm.ia apeeaaL tn f Ibe hl| Qui train- of I hi- ihara.tcr that ever left il. a ionise. ill arriv.- ht.f. as well as a sp.iitl from the l.aiir I li;nk ill Marjland. This spe-iai "ill ataa be f..Uo«tsi later by aaafhtr bi train if., i •• Mai viand tracks. Pi tbriae s|.ecial inii.i- will .i aaaaa of the u-st riders now ae- rtfttins; in us and st-veral of Ibe star jo.-keys • will l.e in al the .luaicx meeting this yenr. Brerrtalaa at tin- laana rack i- ready for the i beeara. 1 1 •■ eaaeae ajaa never in more exc lb-nt condition. Tin- stable aaaulera an.i sresaaa an a 1 jiictiire af tbaarllatai and tin- biebeal sanitary condition. ErerjrtbbJC is in the beat of t dmoa at El Iis. ..;i llm bonl-r and the fa.-ilities for ipink aaaaaaa of tralaa leaded arttb berara direct to tbe ; truk. arete never better. There is s-an-elv a hall bear** aV lay in tfaaartTerrbaj the baeaea over Bm Kin Uraade rrrrr ta tin- rterte at t.n- u-ack. where thf c ilo.idin- takes | lace. Alreatlv manv horsemen and followers of racing ; have arriv d h-re and the hotel reservations this fall fxcecd. so far. these ..f lasl fall at this time of the vea Al! the hor.-es s-, shipped have l.-nitb -d a; the Irak ii aerfect health and cttiiditioii. The officials of the Jockej flub Juarer and the racing offi.-jrls who will serve there during the I wiijiti racing are as follows: rresiicnt— M. J. Wiun. Vice -president — Batter. ■reraaan li. v. Brefracei. Treaaaaer w H rVecbter. S..-W....I- Iharlei l . Iim- W II I .-a. hl.-r. .1. T Irataad _ . Ptacbte b i-..-. w ii 4beli«i ii i ■«•« • ■ l; lasaer. Stunt i Hmx* Caesidjr. Bacias Stcretary- -K. Jaaper. liuier — GtKtrge Liudeubwjjcr.