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• i 1 ; ; I THE BELMONT COMING TWO-YEAR-OLDS. An eastern writer has inspected he band of yearlings, arbjrh will represent the chairman af the Jockey Club in n-.-xt years two-year-old racing, ami gives the lollowim: account t.f them: "I bet* .ire now stabled at Rtdniniit Rark lifteen yearlings beteaarbsy. to Augu-t Rtdinont which have been but lfeently brought up from his famous Nursery Stud near Lexington. Ky. As these youngsters will carry the Itelmont silks in the two year-old tivisicii of ISM, much interest very naturally attaches to their breeding, individuality and trial galb;|s. "Taken as a arhele, they wmild s eni to promise greater and batter lliings for tin- Niir.-ery nvo-year-obls of th.- eaaabag year than that which fell to the i.eln.ont stable timing the season now altout tit closo. Tin- sires they repr.sent are Hastings. Fair Ilay and Trap Rock! Mr. Belmonts own stallions, with tin- esceptioa of two. aab of these beteg by Dtegadae and the other, an imported colt by the Preach sire. Negofol. "Sim-.- they ai lived in their present quarters Ihese yearlings have been worki-d through the straight stretch of the Beiaaoal Park track with a view of the possible weeding eat of slow o:ies. but thus far. none has b.-.-n defii.itelv thrown into the dis i-aid. These galbaaa were in the arcafea of Mr. Relmoiil ai:d bath hs iraiuers. s. C. Hiltirclh anil W. Rreunan. tin- bitter betag just now in charge of the yaaaagatera. "Takiag them in the order in which they stand in tbdr stills, ihey are as follows: •Rok Part, rli. V, by Trap Back— Retained II. Ibis is a Husky ami well-furnished bright chestnut colt standing tilieeu hands and an inch and a half high. He covers a lot of greeaai and has good driving eearer and line racteg angles. His trial at a quarter of a mile was enunently satisfactory, beins under twenty Tr.ur seconds. "Sandusky is a "dark bay colt by Hastings — Sans Gee*. He is fifteen hands and half an inch high ami particularly stout and rather cobby in his gearral make-up. His barrel, while a trifle short. is ,-m -| I loeally beery, and mi arc his elM-st and •pit.l.-i lb- li :-1 .i ii.l diVi-l-ipuii-ui ,-.-- wh.-r.-.,...- sfoid.l.i ., ma iv.- quarters ami l.ailn .lailv si. .in ..urn.. n I He looks to be Up to an;, arcight and has a. good way el oilig. "Cockleshell by Trap Ri-k -Cieaaaiaya. is a ebeat- uut lilb of hiu finish and. is a racy -looking yotms- ster all over. Although not large, she looks like a rill v which would come to hand early ami show a lot of speed. She is fourteen hands three and a half inches high and trimly constructed. She sheered a eaarter in twenty-four seconds. "Mill Maid is a chestnut tilly tit good finish and no iittle substance. She is just fifteen hands high and well balaaced all over. She has a blaze ami a flaxen tail much resembling Calncrs. So- is by Fair Ilay — Madcap. , ,,.,.. "Flare is a hay rati of giNid size and high finish, bv Fair Ilav -Donna Mia. He stands tilteen hands antl one inch high, is rangy, strong, blood I ike all over. This colt has not been doing well until lately and as vet has has not been sent along to develop his highest Speed, but what he has shown has been sutlieieiitlv satisfactory to warrant his bebag giv-n a real trial shortly. It is safe to prediet that he will be in the Rtdinont string of 1MB. "Deer Trap is a slashing 1-iv colt bv Trap Barb -Delusion, bv Meddler 1 Delusion was also the dam af Danger Rock and other gootl onesi. Beet Trap is fifteen band* ami three eaart era ef. an raeh high ami is wtdl turiiished everywhere. Be sheeted a quailer in 23 seconds in his trial ami he dil it In impressive fashion. "Alinandite is a large chestnut corl til teen hands and three inches high, with substance It. well bal amv his exceptional size. This c"H is by Hastings — Anin t Lyle,. He w.yrked it quarter better thee 24 seconds in his trial. "Deck Mate is a brown colt Just fifteen hands high, a neat, racy looking colt. He is by Hastings. which he much resembles in conformation, and out of Drag Net. His trial wits a quarter in 23 seconds. "Sirene-t. bv Trap Rock Souveraine. is a bay or brown lilly. Sh, is liil.i-n hands and an iinh and a tpiai I. 1 high. "Nan. v l-.tif i- I promisim; Ipuklag bay lillv |, lair 1*1:. v Vn.v.h. betag I ahJtel •• ibat s,H ,..|v i.ui ill tiii.-d .-- it. Karat King. Sin- is feeeteca ami three ami three quarters inches high. Alto getber, this is ■* hjaajtejahj and aaaBaJJgtaaj filly, |gj| she has tad yet lteei given her final trial. "Feluea is a taking-looking chesf.iiit tillv by Trap Rock -Fizgig. This tillv has not vet had her final trial. "What is wilhoitt doubt one of the most attractive individuals in Ihis siring is the chestnut cult WVo.l Trap by Trap Hoik Woodbine. He is fifteen bands and a quarter of an inch high, has a long, fine and peculiarly bteeeWke neek. a deep, roomy chest ami a perfect arch between the forelegs, rangy, oblique shoulders. :i long atead 1-airtd with long Met ribs, deep flunks, an ituiiiieisely powerlul hate, great leverage between the hip anil the bok. thick ami well letdown stifles, except iouallv peererfaj gaakhe*, knees ami bocks close io the ground, ami splendid sinews backing up short, stout cannon Imiies. His nasterns are of good length and Iairlv oblique, this insuring the line wear-autl-iear qtinliiy. and altogether he links not only like a fast celt, but a weight canter ami a stayer. His trial was well inside af 24 sct-nnds. Bearteee II. is a dark brown tail bv the Freii.-h sire Negofol Hourglass. He stands half an inch miller tilteen hands high, but has unusual length of botlv. neek and quarters, lie has shown well |n his work, but has not yet been given his %m trial. This colt was bred in France, foaled in England and brought tit America by Mr. Relniuot during the Saratoga meeting. M "Distaff is a big black colt and a good !-..., BV fellow, hut this far he has ii"t shown well in ufe work. He is fifteen hands ami an inch and it halt high, and peculiarly massive and lengthy a* that. He is bv Dissuist — Tvpical. His dain died m on alter he was foaleti. anil it is though! that this worked to his disadvantage, alll ugh he is now a btfl paarerfal lankier, raaeejrater: bin he appears an ae... buy ami m-i at all et a-nseil 1.. estead llllll-r-lr ill 111. Well. be lasi . . ii.- lot is lii. kv Patch, u iis.m.h looking be lil.v by Trap Bach l.iicky l.i-. stj,. is itteea hands ami a quarter of an inch high. This fill has not yet had 4 Dial."