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THE BELMONT COMING TWO-YEAR-OLDS. An eastern writer has ins|»eclcd the band of yearlings, arhiefa will represent the chairman of the J-ck.-y Club in n-.-xt vears I w -vcar-old racing, and gives the I ol lowing aecimui .f them: "There .in- n-.w stabled at Belmont Bark fifteen . yearlings belonging to August Belmont which have been bill recently brought up from his famous Nursery Stu.| near Lexington. Ky. As these youngsters will carry the Belmont silks in Ihe two year-old division of l.ilb. much interest verv naturally attaches to their 1 reeding, individuality anil trial gallc| s. "laken as „ whole, thev would seem to prmiiis--greater and better things for the Nur.-ery two-year- olds of tin- coming rear than that which ftdi to the j Belmont stable during Ihe season now alsmt to ! close, the sires they represent are Hastings. Fair Play anl Trap Be.k. Mr. Belmonts own stallions, will. Ihe exception of two, aak of these being by Bisguise and tl.e other, aa leaf Mini colt by the : French sire. Negate*. "Since thej ai lived i.i their present tjuarters these : yearlings have been worked through the straight sireteh of ihe lteliiamt Park track with a view of : the possible weeding eat of slow o.les. but thus : far. 11011.. has been definitely thrown into the .lis card. These gallops were in the presence of Mr. Belmont aid both Irs u-aiuers. s. C. Hihlrelh and W. Fieniiai!. the la 1 lev being just now in charge of Ihe youngsters. "faking them in the order in which they st.mtl in their si ills, thef are as follows: "Bach Port. h. ,-. by Trap Rock— Retained 11. I his is a rangy and well-furnished bright chestnut colt standing fifteen hands and an inch and a half high. He .-..vers a lot of ground and has good ; driving paver and tine racing angles. His trial at " a Quarter of a mile was eminently satisfactory. being under twenty-four seconds. "Sandusky is a dark hay colt by Hastings— Sans Gene. He is fifteen hands and half an inch high and particularly stout and rather cobby in his 1 general make up. His barrel, while a trifle short, is exttepUuMaUy heavy, and so an- his chest and • |Ui. lei lie la !ialld UlUHC«tlar de»el..pluelil .- .-:».» le-ic,i,e sbould.-i ■ ., massive quarters aa,l l.aili. t.larly st.-.H eahaoa fa ii.-. He look to be 1 Up to an;, u.-ifchl and has a way of going. I "Cockleshell by Trap K..ek Crosswats. is a chestnut lilly of high liuish and is a tuo looking yoiui£- ; j ! : : : : ; " 1 1 I ; ster all over. Although not large, she looks like a filly which would come to hand early and show a lot of speed. She is fourteen hands three and a half inches high and trimly constructed. She showed a quarter in twenty-four seconds. "Mill Maid is a che-tnut filly ot g » d finish and no little sub-lance. She is just fifteen hands high and well bali.need all over. She has a bla/.e and a flaxen tail much resembling Gainers. She is by Fair Plav — Madcap. "Flare is a bav colt of g.H.d size anil high finish, by Fair Play — Donua Mia. He stands fifteen hands and one inch high, is rangy, strong, bloodlike all over. This colt has not been doing well until lately and as yet has has not lieeii scut along to develop his highest afeek. but what he has shown has been sufficiently satisfactory to warrant his lieiug given a real trial shortly. It is safe to predict that he will be in the I.elmoiit string of 1010. "Deer Trap is a sla-hing bav coir bv Trap Rook — Delusion, by Meddler 1 Delusion was also the dam of Danger Rock and other good ones.. Deer Trap is fifteen hands and three-quarters of an iu.-h high and is well tiirnislied everywhere Be -bowed a quarter in 23, . com Is in his trial and he did il in impressive fashion. "Alinandiie is a large chestnut colt fifteen hands and three inches high, with subslan.-e to well balance his exceptional size. This wit is by Hastings — Amiet Lyle,, He wyrked a quarter bitter than 24 seconds in his trial. "Deck Mate is a brown celt !"»st fifteen hands high, a neat, racy looking colt. He is by Hastings, whi.-h he much resembles in conformation, and out of Drag Net. His trial was a quarter in 23 seconds. •Sit-cne-.i. by Trap Rock Souveiaine. is a bay or brown lillv. She is lifi.en bauds and an inch and a quail. 1 high. ■Nai.. I I...- i- j promising looking bay lillv- hf lair Pla.t Nut. -.-h. brief a aMtei lo that -|..e.i, i.ui ill fated .-. it. Karat King. She is learteea and three and three quarters inches high. Alto BBtkcr, this is u Uaudaouie and piomi-iua ully, hut she has not yet kii given her final trial. "Feluca is a Biking-looking chestnut tillv by Trap Rock -Fizgig. This tiily has not et had her final trial. "What k wilhout doubt one of the most attractive individuals in ti:is string is the chestnut ...It Wml Tree by Trap Rock -Waakhher. He is lift-en hands and a quarter of an inch high, has a long, fine and peculiarly bloodlike neck, a deep, roomy chest I a perfect arch between the forelegs, rangy, oblique shoulders. ■ l.uig stout banal with long hack ribs, deep flanks, an inline isely powerful loin, great lev.-rage between the hip and the hack, thick and well let down stifles, except iouallv |x wcrlul BjaakhM. knees and hocks close 10 the ground, and splendid sinews backing up short, stout cannon Utiles. His Pasterns are of good length and lairlv oblique, this insuring the tine weur-au.l-lear qiialuy. and altogether he looks not only like a fast colt, but a weight carrier ami a stater. IBs trial was well inside of 24 ec..iids. "Hearteae II. is a dark brown colt by the French sire Negofol Hourglass. He stands half an inch miller fifteen hands high, but has unusual length of body, ne.k and quarters. He has shown well |„ his work, but has not yet Ban given his tiI1;, trial. This coir vtas bred in France, foaled in fc England and brought to America by Mr. Beltnua* during the Saratoga meeting. M "Bistaff i a big black colt and a good lookhV fellow, hut this far he has ii"t shown well in ..Is work. He is fifteen hands anil an inch and ■ half high, and peculiarly massive and lengthy at that. He is hv Disguise — Typical. His dam died s, on after he was foaled, ami it is thought that this worked to bis disa. haulage, alit ugh he h now a big powerful Liking igsler: bill he appears nunc ...nihil. I v fata* and not ai Bll di-l—.-.l lo ,-|ea,| bint-r-ir in his w..rl. The last .i tie lot i- I u. k.v a Use til I looking but lillv to Trap Back l-u.-ky Lara, sUl. is ktteen hands and a quarter l au inch high This uily has uot yet hud it trial."