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OWNERS WHO WILL GO TO NEW ORLEANS. New OriaBJM. L... October 30. — Manv big races will be anang..! far Oie wint.v nitcting. the tirsi to bo anuoiuxed so far. being the Hotel Mens Handicap, to be run in February, j.i-.hahlv I Uraa iay at Ike hateakay arerekkag. The Meal hotels have aajar— tela] a stake of, which will nrik. tin- nee ake ■ uGi trying for bv the In-st horses on tue turf. The purse will p: be Mto biggest oaTtrek. .-.Ithoigi, eteerara T. e. Oaaapkaal and manager Murphy announce tiiat Ike* are Bare of being a ate to arrange many ajare big stak.- races during the fifty-seven days of the meeting. Every Tuesday will lie ladies day. Kaeh will Im- featured by |..iig-di tan - raeca, eaac being les- than I mile. Probably I handicap or stake will be run «M:-ii Tuesday, with a tike on Salmdays. Ip to j it- exactly 138 a a, tin have applied for stable no.Mii: Tliej an-: O. Arviu. BMBM Arthur. K. J. Au-tiu. W. D. Bernhardt. C. I.. Blackford, Kraak I.. Brown. I.. II. ■aster, i J. Breekaakler, ;;. I.. Breeater, T. 1. Braiim-n. Bab Raker, ». A. Bfaarrhi, .|. w. Drown. ■!w Blown. It. I . Carter. Allen Cav:.n, B. Hi hap man. Gift..-.! Co man. William C.-ihill. J. C. Cal.n. Beene Cortanaa, . Cayrraek. -lune Collins. I. M. ivill. I. a . Fatter. I.. K. Fine. | . H. Freeman I red Foster. Y. li. Ircy. V. ||. Iizer. .1. . loieuian. i»i ii Foto. j. ii. rryc, juies tSaraak, Gabriel A. Ma, all. .1. |. O.-iffiiey. .1. M. Ooo-le. J. A. Gibson. aIh. uaraaat, Press Qraeca. V. Barley, John llakaeaa S. B. Hawaii. A. AY. v k. Harrington. ;. It. Hmaiaiii I*. J. Harmon. Hodge •V Bhnaw. Jeha Mafjgam, aVarae laalla. Keystooe Stable. V. F. King. K. .1. K.-llv. A! Kill. v. ".I. It. Beapraa, g. ii. Keeaje. r. M. Beat, Sam l.miis. JJowa I owe. F. I. I.etellier. Jefferson Livingston. M. l/.w.-nsleii.. T. Lu ky. fhoinas K. Mi-Cm. J. J. M uricrtv. Kg M .-. Bob Me|£e«mr, U. M.-han. F MusanSe. K. V. M M re. . Marvin II. S. K -wman. H B. Miller. J. II. Mead. J. II. Markleiii. « K. M.M.i .-. v. !. MbjeB. E. J. Moth., s. ..-w lulu S. M. N.-hI.-v. G. Ni klaes. V. Ode:. II. tots. I». 1". :-iev,.ir i. V. I.. Oliver. II. G. IVrkiu- Pu-s 1ie.r. A. V. Jack Phillip-. I-. J. r.ns. V. ill Perkiie J llanlers. B. Jiiuu. V. | Baw M.n. .1 K..l,.it;en. V. I. Bie.l. William Beillv. A. ■T. Beaky. I.. A. aawjaai. P. sh.ii.lan. J. . Brkarr. « h-.rb-s I . Siiveiison. Gn.rge II. Strate. Stniiti and 1 ariar. G . KeaM, C-uge Semi. Tout ReMt, K. J. Salt. w. B. Bailee. J. J. Sh.tnu.ii. Br. Beaaa, A. Ik. Steele. V. II. S:.el.-. J. II. Slalupel. V. J. Speils. Tb.-isen ,V l.-vsi.-i-. i. Ii. Tburnby. lymis iauber. U Tr-iit-r. J. S. Tyree. John Whitlow. Wat. -rinau A. Blliltaa. William P. Wale. Sid While. W. Wait ■in-tii. B. F. Walkitts. A. :. Woiduian. Y. Walkei. lack Weaver. J. H. NieholB. G. I. Wort!:-laurtoa. W. W"o.„!:ir.l. GeOlKe Wak.tii 1.1. W. K. Wal«h. J."- feaajer, J. w. bfeOi. W. B. Mit.heil. :. II. Mirlniau. C. B. Moreland. G. M. Miller and Archie Ziu.uier. It is eXPeetei that over lOl MM will BfBtf for ajaarkm.