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PREPAEINC ACTIVELY FOR JUAREZ RACING. Mex.. «».-tolK-r ::i . The uexl tri-k to op.-n for BBeaag is the Jockey Club Juarez .ours.- here. arkere. I. winning n Tliank-fiving Kay. Thursday. Baaeaakar -■"•. will raajaseare the aaaaa 1 k ilays • i-uio;.- ,.f wmtei- r.i.-iug. There baa aeaar baea a va.-ing ■aaaaa, with but e.-e|.tioii. aaaea Ha Jockey tab Juarez track was one, ie.1. thai anv iineling baa been held ill the winter here that did inn BBJ or more raekw Bay*. When lie- meeiitm Ileitis here Illis year il will hav.- no aafaaattaa fraai Aaaarieaai trarka, ar aaj ...urs - .ii tl.e baakera -r thai eeaaMbrji for aeartjr -i i.-ih. The mehaj aeaaea in Kaaakrkjr rtiarl laat vte -k anl *,,- arkakaa in Maryland will snou EaUaer. Illis nil! leave the Juarez taane an open lit !d for ajaata a aeriak. Seeretaty IM Ja H-r has issued I Ik? book program for the hr i line akya of the aari liar and each Bay shows a disTiilntion in aarae* of. S-M0 . Already many horses have arrived at the track from various pakaki in the far west, Colorado. Neva-la. California and Molilalia being represented in these shipments, wliile a number of the Oklahoma. Texas au-1 Missouri stables are also tpiarteretl on the aaaeaata. Thi~ week the Labaaia special. on.- ef ihe blgjaaei trataa ..f thai rharacber that ever left tl a .oiirse. will arrive as well as a sp.-id fr.un the l.aui-l tra.-k in Maryland. fhis spe-ial ■ ill :,i --, he followed later bv anofher big train It-.:-, i be Maryland trail. s. On ♦h.-.-e sjeeial trifiii- will eaaae ■ • of the Pest riders now ae- -o|.tin mounts an. | s--vera| of Ihe •tar jo-keys will he in alleii.l.n.i .- at the Jtiaiez meeting this year. Brerythfaejg at the Juarez Oa.-k i ready for the horses The eourse was never ill niofe exy llelit raaalitioa. The rtahle aeavtera au.i axaaaak are a picture of cteacUaesM and the bight st sanitary condition. i:e:y,hiug is in the best of eomliti ii at El Paso on the border and the fa.-iliti.-s for .|iii.-k passage of Iralus loadeil with horses direct to the track, w.-ie l.rvii- better. There is scarcely I half hoar** delay iii traaanTerrbjr, ihe buraea over the Bio Grau-b- riv.-r to rh - chute at the irack. where tin- aaaaakhax i.-ikes akaee. Alreadt many horsemen and followers of raeins have arriv-d here and the hotel reservations this rafl xd. so far. these of last, fall at this time of Hi.- year. All the horses s-, far shipped have landed ai the track ii p i fed health and condition. The officials of the Mefcej llllb Jmircz and the raring offi. -iris who will serve there during the winter racing are as follows: Prcsi-ieut— M. J. Wiun. Vice pres idem — .lames Butler. Secretarv H. V. Bl«ltOael. Tn a Man i U. II Fiarklir. Sim :...!-. I... il.- I. I W II I".:.- hl.-r. -I T I re i a ml. PUiiL;; I...I .-. -W !l rtheti** il. F Bi.. - 1. E 1j . Rte-tll i Ma. • i .i-.dy. Ka.iig Secretary- -B. Jasper. Timet: — George LihtleubtUjjcf.