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Pimiico Eitrles aotf Past Pert ormaoces for Monday, November 1. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. o — —-o I The figures under the heading "Rec." in the ! | entnes below show the best time of each horse I j at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter | where it finished. In cares where record was ! I made on other than a fast or good track, abbre- I I viatisns show track conditions, o ___ -o ■McMf stari* at j:0i p. 111. tCSBaaanj time. 1:IXP. xR.ius well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. Ml maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs, --year olds. Maidens. Special Weights. Track record: Be; — iMSfl I. MR | In.l. Horse. Wl. Rco. A.WI.Han. 237M8- Pclan.vv 114 1:1w"-.h 11.V.7W U-ViTI Landslide His 1:10 I1S..8S3 gain Wizard 115.. R»5 237KN O. u .f Paia.lise.111 1 IS. .883 22429 Jncohiis pm 1:11- ltS..4BS J.:T7n C flee M PON"-. ItSXBM LHll Cohlcu Cato 1XS..4BS JSSOU Par... I.uto MS 1 :"!H . 112. .488 22214 CettabH 112 l:12*-.h 11. .«;:»» -1335 Uufi Apple 112L.SB3 23874 Pillv MoCcv 112 1:14-.h 118-.48* s:n:s; larfaaal M8il:U%a 112. .988 j:7s s White Bye 1111:11 Itt. .CM SON In .ind out 104 i:ioi lli-.ttV! Bryn Chant, eh. c. I v llitn Ma«r - FbaatlOa Ul Hedonist. 1.. -. l.y It r v n Mawr - - Ni-,.i Rear* 11.". Dolati -oy is a lil Hie »-- of lliis pool- lot. Second Race — 2 Miles. Inaugural Steeplechase. 4-year-olds anil upward. Selling. Track Mil- :;:4!*".-.— ■ HP. 1 123351 f Jmiuat 7 134X723 23772 Eettwwed 7 144. .724 L.I.M". Cf ■— Mil g 144 72* 23584 Indian Arrow 4 UK. .713 1747". Ilan.lnimiin- 7 134X718 •2:"Ji.". Cm Boa 7 14.«715 23291 Al.ei 4 DM. .715 i:i;4 » Robert Oliver 4 131 . .710 23351 Little flush 8 137x788 iri-.-aM.* Baektbora u 1340705 232*1* liivon Park !i MB. .796 i::-.!!* o.ddeu Vale 3 132X74S •.•.•:i4 ;- CaHeetcr 4 131X749 23836 Meat* li 1M1 4 131X484 •J.;2.n Julia Ml • Mi. .438 A well manned band "f Third Race— 3-4 Mile. Forest Park rinse. All Axes. Allowances. Track record: 86822— 1 :V2— C-124. 1 SSTSSt Hester Ir.vnue US 1:888k 8 11S..738 Robert Rradlov ...MS 1:12-. B11SX73* 2X172= lsirose Hn; 1:12-. 8 117XT3* 232383 True as Steel 114 1 : 1 :!■-. 4 1 1 7 X 7:50 2.:745 HeaasUhaj. ISS 1:1241 4 118X73* 21333 Carhaue 107 1:12-. 81M..7S8 L,::7L.".; Malachite M 1:12"-. 2 97X729 2"77 : -•: Lord Rook Vole . .Ins 1 :14 ••- 2 169X726 2aram Herbert Temple ... .is 1:134* :: II". 720 2.:::7JJ Nanslioi, llul:12-. 7 112X7S9 2:;7!H Indian Chant 10". l:15*-.u 2 93X72* 23788 Balk.. pisil:14— . 3 110X71.". 23724 The Mas*a**a*«r .. !•:• 1:141=-. •" IMX71S 2.m:::4 loiroma 110 1:13 2110 710 «2.:7ssi Mgteds 2 97X719 201S4 Maxims Choice ...107 1:88% 4 112.. 710 Ind. Horse. Wt. R. c. A.Wt.Han. 2.:7.."." Alladir KI5 1:lU-.s 2 67X769 23368 White Metal Mi.. »4 1:14 :i U6X668 vA. Belmont entry. JR. T. Wilson entry. Hester Prvime is not ra.iiitf as well of late as she miKUt. MM her general form is l.est. Fourth Race— 1 Mile and 40 Yards. .: year-olds and upward. Sellln:,. Track record: 989X8—1:42% S ST.! 23748* Partworth 7 107 72". 1 23*00 1 * Task :: io» 739 23347* liaineiliehl 103 1:14-, 9 107 720 2379il Hildas Brother ... 4 112X720 22933* Coin r, 19SX718 23632s Beethoven .".107.. 713 23237 Husilii :: 100. .7ir. 29317* Yellow Kyes 4 107 710 23911* Tivi ;; w. .705 237110* star Bird :: M..4Sf 23760 ltam! :! .17 J.MI ■j:iats Miss McGiKXIa Mi :: 9S. .9S9 D*ll««M has bee* racing ipiito well of late. Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. ". year -olds and upward. Sclliicr. Track record: !i".722 1:12 f. 124. 1 r_.:714i* Strik.r 104 1:12-. .". 113X7S3 23793* Cr.-ssiuin 19*1:12% 4 113X729 2:;i;77- i:nver Bey 112 l:M%k 4 lis -720 2::7Ki * Loiiiion no 1:12*4 .". 113 720 2::7_1* Kthan Allen lor. 1 : 1 :: » - S MM 713 2:i77 •* I.ilv liiue 199 l:!.".1-. 4 Il3 71-". 22711- Ida Claire MS 1:1:1-. 3 111x719 23301* LouNe Travels ...MS 1:13% 4 113X710 22400* Perthshire 117 1:13* 7 1M. .7M j::c,7s c..v 107 1:13% 8 1M 710 2.I744- Boras IOC 1:1.". 3 MSX7M 23111 Nc.rtlilii.-ht 110 1:15 4 US. .705 23790 lord Marshall MS 1:1:: .".121 70". 2337a* Kvelvu c iini 1 :13% :: los K 7 o 232441 TlirlU 113 1:13% 3 113. .9*9 23330* 190 1:13% •" los 099 227::. Klastieitv :: |M. .999 The contend-rs are .losely niatehed. Striker ap pears ti have regain. -il his mmI torin. Sixth Race— 1 1-8 Mile. Wicomico Purse. " vear-oMs and upward. Selling. Track record: 95898— 1 :51 — •! — 112. 2.:74i;- BLUE THISTLE ..10s 1:31% 9 113X738 23800 Spearhead 107 1:52*.-, 4 110 720 23799 Christopliine MB 1:52"-. 4 181X738 23749* Pardmr lis 1:51.-. 0 1I7@71". 23796- Black Br 11 99 1:33% 4 112 71". 217S4 Clitr Haven Oil 1 :.",4- :: 101.. 715 2.:7C.1-* SloneheiiKe -98 1:54--, 4 18* 710 23783* Marshon 100 1:54 5 10007111 19934* Nash 4 104 7o.". 33388 Alledo 3 MSX 705 Blue Thistle is good and outclasses company. Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 40 Yards. ".-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: .12025 — 1:42;. — 3— !»7. 1 25700 s Valas .". 105 725 254SI4* Stake and Cap ... 4 107 720 2::7i Lady Spirituelle .. •*. 110 720 2::7.Ki* Mr. SniLKs 4 1*3X715 2::7. ."; l.oh.nmiu 5 183X713 2::7.i2 Trovato 8 113X719 2::72::* Bepoltreda 188 1:48% s 11.". -710 23T93* Puke of Dunbar .. 3 95X705 23799 P.-ilh Rack 4 104X705 23556* Jem Mi 3 98 X 705 LMHll* Hester 4 107x705 23700* Primarv 1M1 :; .hi. .000 23788* AMaoa* Ml 188 1:48% 8 88. .038 Valas appears to be rounding into form.