Seventh Race [7th Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-31

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SEVENTH RACE — 1 Mile and 40 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Sailing. i.i2:.25 1:42f. 2 : 7. VALAS b. g. S 105 By Purvear D. — Olathe R. B. Stelle. 237» Laur.i i l-M 1:M goo l 19 MS M 4 2 4 4J. 4-2 J McTaajrtlO acarnll. PniliiUinlilni . D.s Pet 2:xi- Laurei lin20y 1:47 hvy 9-4 M7 I 4 4 3 ■* 5*1 J Smytli .S Vodeles. Jess.. Jr.. Noras 23579 laur.i lm7 jv 1:50 hvy 42 MS 4 B 4 I V* B*| J Smyth s Corsica n. lloval.Meteor. 11. Junior TaTTI laaail laaMy 1:42 good 44 MB 9 11 w B 9° r*T Bavea ll Bagte, nearnB, Volant ZSZUBTdatoe 1 1-16 l:48?ifast 22-5 109 2 4 3 6 7" 7" J Callahan : Kiag P.. x, OtfarOa, Kate K. aSM Wdbine 1 1-16 l:i7*ifast 46-5 97 5 2 2 6 6 6-= It Barbae ■ Buzz Around, Kedlaad. Maitian -S.» HIueDon. 1 1-8 1 :."5*islow 91 1"3 5 2 2 1 I5 1J -I Callahan 7 Polly IL. Marsluia. Kgmont 2-*r77 DlueBon. 1 1-b l-HTtlaat 26 M7 5 11 1 1! ll J Callahan S C.M.Miller. S.ofl.ove. ILLauder 2 625 "onKht lm2"v 1:."0 hvy 3 99 4 5 5 5 52 4- J A. ton h Egmont. P.oxer. L. oKirkcaldy -2484 •onght 3-4 1:16 hvv I K3 7 7 5 6s 4»i F Cooper 7 Laura. The Busybody. Vi.let 22068 Saratoga 3-4 l:16%h*y 10 105 7 8 8 73 51*1.1 MclasrtK Aunt Josie, Callop, Freeman 21ti79 Saratoga 1 1:41 fast 12 BBJ 4 3 5 7 S V T Pargton S Linden thai. Amalli. Grosvcnor STAKE AND CAP. br, t. 4 107 By Ellisdalc— Anecdote L. W. Garth. ■:;■!. ■; Laarel 1 l-M iw 19 Ml 4 3 5 B 5 B*t ■ Porend • Bar.Metear. CarltoaG.. IlisNib* SSSMWdatne 1 l-M l:4B%taat 9-5 113 I 6 :: :: S*! 4* T Bice t ll.s Brother. PkatStar, D.sPet 23142 Wdbine laf.Ov l:43%good2 104 7 4 3 2 2*: 4- K Forc.ind 8 Alston. Stir Fp. Chanse 230S2 Wdbine 1 1-16 1 :4;fast 16-5 108 9 8 7 8 6J E* B Borehnd IS Kgmont. Astroloser. Fly Home 22724 DlueBon. 1 1-S l:53»5fast 26-5 104 5 2 2 2 2J :." B Forehn.i i Buzz Around. BBnwnt, 1oily H. 2SBM DlueBon. 1 1-8 1:":? fast 7?. Id5 3 2 2 2 lnk ]■» ■ ior.-hini IS Banarar. Subject. Stratlieani L.:.:C Oaafght 1 lUmud 8-3 lf:9 7 5 4 3 3" 3s A Sc.msr S Louise Travels. Kuterpo, Aprisa 22T.51 on-jht 11-16 1:51 good 4-5 111 1 2 2 2 2s 2" A S.husr 7 Kilterpe. Minda. Spindle LADY SPIRITUELLE. br. f. 3 110 By Ildrim— Serrila S. Louis. TTM faaail Un24y l:fl%fnat 18 ..4 7 7 S t 6 ML ABen 14 Kama, Ptenat Oant. Parr Z3247 Mt.Koval Inr.-vl :4!s5fast 3 145 2 4 4 4" 4" W Doyle 11 Fa.-toso. Trovato. Voladay Jr. 23224 Mt. Roval Im7"v1:45 fast 3 l«i 3 3 3 3r- .V .1 Clan-y li Mud Sill, Zaii. UUhard Lansdon 234M Mi.Koval 1 1:41 fast 10 98 8 I I 4.. 2.J I Canary i» MaaVBL TanrKaen, TaJaearrler 23tK« Dorval 5*. f 1 : ":,ifast 29 107 5 8 6 !■ M F Canma 6 Baanaqr, Oaf. Mazurka 22962 Dorval lm70v 1 :43%f ast 12 9S 3 3 4 6 7 7" B McDott 7 Kins BaX, Kascinatitis. Pearoek 22775 BlueBon. 11-8 1:57 mud 3C-5 109 2 4 5 4 3J 4* K Ambrose 7 Balfron. S. of Love, Voladayjr. MR. SNIGGS. br. g. 4 102 By Oddfellow— Naulahka K. G. Bedwell. :::.:•:» Laarel I MB 1:41 good B i":i 7 9 7 9 9- ftis Woisfm M Hearafl. Carlataaaiae, D.s p»i 23723 Laarel UnMjr l:45%an w 12-5 MS ill 1 l5 l* F Caaacr » P. Regan. TheBump, Sepnlveda 23CM Laur.i InaTlBj HWW S3-S M7 1111 Fi2 F Caapai S Men lo Park. M. Warren. P. Kock 219 Laurel 3-4 1:17 4ihvy 26 102 10 8 7 6L 2= F Cooper 10 Dryad. Jim I... WoaOfair 23511 l aurel 5| f 1 :0 Hsood 362 98 5 6 6 tilh ■ " E Porch udl2 Forum. Briar Path, Crosshtin L:;4o Laurel 11 16 1 :5;;%mud 34 1»0 3 3 3 4 7 "" I. Mink 7 Vodeiins. Balfron. Trovato 21764 Heimont 5J f st l:05%fast SO 112 2 7 8 9 9MC Dgame V Beethoven, Azyiade. Menlo Park 21126 Ja-naica 3-4 1:14 fast 12 107 5 5 5 6 611 D Steward 7 Andes. Sir Denrah. Perth Bock BBSS Dkline 7-8 1::»» slop 4| 147 4 4 4 4 4 414 Mr M ueB 4 Volant. Singsong, Sir Giles BBBB Deimont 3-4 Lli-slop 10 107 1 2 2 4- a1! M Buxton 4 Carl, Perthshire, Chesterton LOHENGRIN, ch. g. 5 103 By Goldc rest— Legend F. Musante. 2S7SS Laarel 5] i 1MB s I SI MB I * 7 S!l 71 S W..!si:,i 14 Oatteak. Silver Moan, Viley LS141 Wdbine 5-1 1 :i:t;»,otl lid 104 8 7 7 6* 5:i It McDott 1:: Cossbun. Kopje. Between Fs BBSS Dajraml 51 f lM6%uat 11-5 MB 7 6 8 8= 7r-;.I CaBaaaa 12 Babi con 1 1., M. Fox, M.Johnson M2B4 iiinlieo 3-4 l:l«%£nat 26-5 99 4 5 6 5J f.€3 J Dreyer 10 York Lad, BeUeclion, Al Bloch BM9S PfanUea 3-4 1:14 fast 22 5 110 5 4 6 51 i! H Laffert y 10 C. Plume. Her mis Jr.. Thesieres B£15 Pteattea 3-4 1:I4 fast 7 112 7 7 8 7 4-J II Laffcrty 9 PayStreak, Silver Moon, Dakota TROVATO. cb. g, 5 112 By The Scribe — Dreamy Eyes E. Herz. : 1713 Laurel 1 i M !:• ~My ■■• " lil 113 4 6"- B*1 J » Kite Krlajite, The Bump, InSaii 23727 Laarel 1 1-4 2:M slow 21-20 MS IBB 4 7J 7»«JP Coaper 9 ntente Park. Stonehense, Beater : - 1 Laurel 1 1-4 2:15 hvv 13 10 BM 3 2 11 1" 8* J Me I asrl 7 Kcl.ii.t Ma. Tomllaneock. Napi.r 23593 Laarel 11-2 2:43 hvy M BM 4 1 1 1 li -. T Hayes SBOBeBaker, T.llaneaek, Nanter 23541 Laarel unsay 1:8 hvy Si-10 105 r. S 4 .". 8 B*|J Pitz 7 Balfiaa. Carlton g.. L. Trareri 23483 Laard I l-M 1:34%— * ls* 5"7 4 4 4 3 B* WT Hayes 7 Yoattlnr Balfron. Dicks Pet Z3M8 Liturei 1116 1:76 hvy 7 1 102 2 2 2 2 lJ ll II McDott 7 Canto. Toni Hancock, Abbotsford 23287 Mt.Koval ImJ-tvl :41%fast 2J IN E 3 3 2h 2- ] Deavpt II lastoso, Vadayjr.. L.Spirituelle 23MS Mt.Roy*l 1 1-14 i:4Sifast 2 MS 8 6 5 •* S* w Yaang B nadtee. C.P.G»Iaa«r. P. Dumas 2SMB Mt.Koval 3-4 1:15 fast 15 ion :: | 3 VI W V.cing II T.Covcrnor. rr.Johnson, Fastoso 22933 Dorvai bnSBy l:43%fast 38 10s 6 5 I 6 6« 6" 1W I ral 7 Yadopeep. Jim- D.ilHihp r|Kitli 24BM Bnarfa Int24y1 :4t%Caat 4| 109 1 3 3 2 21 1" F Amnraaa •; m Home. BTcyanakc, Prlwar BBBB Baarta 1116 1:32 fast 5 104 S 9 9 8 5» Gl F ColeaianKi Delegate. T.Hancock, L.oKdlj BEPITLVEDA. ch. h. S 115 By Prince of Melbourne— Dinawick tE. K. Brrson. 23723 Laarel UaSBy 1 :45Vslow 19 in !i s 6 6 5 | Is li LaCcrty fl Mr. Snisss. P. Beaan, TneBaaan 221M Wdbine 11-16 1:48 good 17 MS M M M 9 9 B"y Callahan III Hal r Lander. Aprisa. Cuttyhunk XM Dorvai 11:40 fast 13 117 7 7 7 7 BJ B»l J CaBnana 7 M.Srwnod. U.Lansdon. Kut.rpc 23931 Darval uarTty l:4P,fast 24 1 :i 7 6 6 6 C- 5*1 J Smyth B II. Lauder. D.sPet. K. I.ansdon E29M l..rval 1 1 16 1 :4S-jslow 14 112 3 7 5 I I] l"« J Callahan B Volad.-iy Jr.. Abbotsford. B.lere 22T25 BtaeBoa. 7-S 1 87 114 12 12 12 12 12 1"J T Bice 12 King Box. LouiscTrav-rs, Aprisa 22266 KingEd. 1 1-16 1 111 2 4 4 2-1 II Lafterty «; Dixie. Master Joe, Ajax DUKE OF DUNBAR, b. g. 3 95 By Orsini— Maid of Dunbar W. P. Austin. 23795 Laarel 51 f 1:41 s 121 MB M 1". O 111 • ,:: B McDott 14 Hatlook. Silrer Moan, Vilev 22724 Laarel Unity i:i;-.siow 94 vc :: 3 4 4 ft-" ft- w Ward In roaeHag, ncaraaaanea. Dryad 23428 Laarel 3-4 l:18*ihvy 4ft pki :; 1 1 3 3= T Parfriaa 7 H.Btlur. B.Qalaee. IFiniliation :. W Belmont 1 l:49%nut 11-3 109 2 2 1 2 Sz B»| T McTagt C Rusiia. Sanlo. Menlo Park 22492 Bekai ant 1 l:48%fnnt 12 103 1 1 1 1 S1 4";.I Mela-rt i Lady Teresa, Banra, All Smiles 22511 Saratoga 1 l:45%alow 5 101 4 1 2 2 81 1- I McTagrt 7 M.nlo Park. Santo, Kvelyn C. 22171 Saratoga 8-4 l:ll sfast 15 92 12 12 11 93 f.5 K Lapaille!.; Kvelyn .. J.-sse Jr.. Devil Fish 22295 Saratoga 61 f 1 C t fast 15 lm» 6 7 8 5J ..-U Pitz 11 Silica. Kvelvn t .. Chance 22172 Saratoga 1 IMS mud 12 99 5 2 I 4 4J 4-" T Henry S Crumpv. Mcnlo Park, Coin 22C*2 Saratoga f. f 1 :115ihvy 8 10-. 4 6 Fell. T Henry 8 BaaB Fi h. F. Wuzzy. Bev.James 2 MM Saratoga 3 -4 1:11 slow 12 93 7 6 6 6i 3* T IleiT.v B BM. Dellins. Sarsenet. Minstrel 21728 Deimont 3-4 at IU2%Cnnt 30 93 6 6 6 5» 3» T Ilenrv 15 True a-Steel. Cruuipy, Striker FERTH ROCK. tlk. g, 4 104 By Rotktcr.— Perth F. Duffy. :::;.-■ I.r.uil 1-14 l:4--.hvv 2:: 5 9 115 4 VI • L Mink lo W.-d.-n. Orpertk. Sima Alpha 23741 lur.-i 1 1 i6i:.D5hvv 40 M4 •. ::4 4 4: 4", 1 Pargton 7 BLMeteor. s. of I eve. DteksPel SBM Laurel lm2* l:45*fcn!ow 31-38 112 .".5 4 4 41 4*1 J McTag*rl k McauParic, Mr.8aisx . M. Warren 23SM Laarel 5 f 1 A8*saood 171 I44J11 11 U 8 F1J McTagrtll B. Allen, Sprinsimiss, JhnBnaey 21S44 Aaaedct 1 1 -M L47 fast 10 105 5 5 4 I V »;! • MeTarrt * Bnbtnetta, Seiirnsc. G.M.MiUer 217S7 Balmont 1 1:41 fast 12 145 1111 2» 2-; II I nekar B Lit. Bearer. Ham. Pass. Doublet 21710 Belmont 1 l:41«tfast 15 113 7 8 13 JO 12l 12"1T Melag t 17 Divad. Banter. Tinkle Bel! 21612 Aqueduct 3-4 J:l!*,fa.«t 8 112 2 11 M 9 9»j T McTagtH Oitl.-ok. ITnasenet. Men. Park 21126 Jama! a 3-4 1:14 last 10 110 1 4 4 ** 3" J Mel asrt 7 Amies. Sir Denrah. Patrick S. 20102 H.deGee 1 1-14 1:17 fast « 105 10 9 11 II H W«« E AtnhroaelJ Al Bteeh. Cogs. Patou 20047 H.deGee lniTOvl :45%fast 60 105 4 7 7 i 71 »•* R Shilling B Tow. Held. O.Kripp, Ven.Strome 19912 Havana 3-4 1:21 slow 2* 109 9 8 g 6»» R Flint 10 SirFretfnl, Daylight. J.Ilarson 19S32 Havana 8-4 l:18%good 11-S 114 2 3 8* JfAWrlspen 8 Rustle Maid. Gltana. Daylight ltetf Havana 6-8 J:«H*low U-s 101 4 7 4* 2i F RoUnao 8 Citll.Trauce, Idlola, CherrySevd ! J TEI.7 ch e 3 95 By Bjflaa Tllf Catterlne CI. Dalv1. • -.;r;* 1. ;,■„,": 5-8 t ,.:;i, «.-!..[. 24-S 1W - 4 3 :: "ii" bgan ■■ 14 viKiioia. Pan. « way. I.njfctfOul :;; ;i 11 ,1,1; ,.. j 1 .;;; iaM ; o MS n W . ! t «i • Ftganie 13 Konrendla, BaaiiHal n. TiaiJaileB - •., 11 teflce • t "• ,a":t B "s • i 12 13" i" s*- B*aaaM it Ikurle, rnsaaa. Paam BTaaai •.-I., ii.i.c-e : • 1 e ,;,i,-i«r Mi -I 1 1 S .•" ."." .1 KfrKver I VOey. Srataai, lalaa -miand 11 irc..-f 5| f 1 eci.tast MB I"* ft v ft !i H " .1 MeKrer M» Oafateaa, Fair Helen, Videt p;c::" syracnae • 1 1 ■"■•* naM 15 MB I 1 8 :; ■:-H Banaarr . ABaena, Luxury M783 Syracuse i I 1:411 oaat 3 BS J 3 5 3 3" C P." game :: Luxury, Tlie HESTER, ih. f. 4 107 Bv Aivescot — Bonnie Kate J. Lumsden. •3811 Laarel 1 I 1 •■ reel PM ■u 1 ft 12 I v: w % P Lewder 12 Saarai Bay • l.isht. T.Baaap 83792 Laarel 1 1 IS I: ••* - y |!- ,,:: • ■ I 1 V ■■ W -aihy ! KrteKranyte, Yke Baaaa, Lntker 22780 Laarel 1 1 : 2:14%hvy 85-5 M i 7 . 7 7 7:-*r Par*Ktaa 7 Patty Begaa, Naaier. T, Hancock 23727 Laurel 11-4 2:10 BloW 15B ftT I 4 6 6 ::ii 3*1 T Par slon !» M.Park. Stone, lease, IMIancck 23344 Laarel lm7" l:48%9lop 125 92 S 6 6 1: I M av MeKzic ti Spearhead. Bardmr. ClitT Field 23CM Laarel 1 1 16 1 :."..:-hvy 127 Ml 4 7 7 7 7 !*» T Hayes 7 Borax. SismaAlphi. Watertown L3217 Wdbine 1 1-16 1 :4!»-.!ast 85 IBS S 7 I 4 5" 5" .1 Morys 7 Supreme, St. Laz.rian, Gallop ;:Jt-l Wdbine 1 l-M 1 :4.:;,iast Fid ft7 12 12 12 11 i- s" J Moivs 12 Ecmont. Astroloser. 1-1 v Home 229.:.". Dorvai 1i:i7 v 1 :44 20 143 8 7 7 7 ll 1" W McClry 9 St. Lazerian, Swsbnrr. TwllSF MSS9 Defnuer S| t l:2*W**t i 113 m a Walsh y L.Wells, P.Connor. K.ofPyth m 20545 Delmier r. -S 1 ::: ■• :I-!.ist 15 ll-. 5 8 8 7"LV Walsh 10 Electric, Jslmt. Paataaa 24453 Ddniier 6J f l:24%good 2B 112 MAWsk* IB Bogart. ntoelay, Col.MeDongall HB7T laaril 1 l:39,fctast 5 94 7 7 3 5 5 6-i J Morys 7 Cndatlon, H.Whank. Ohlivi-.n BBSUaaral tlMS%faat 10 105 9 10 10 10 10 10,sir Stirling 10 Comdatlon. M.Tilshinn. P.Bleu PRIMARY, blk. g. 3 90 By Electioneer— Fond Recollection G. L. Ginsberg. 23744 Laarel InfcMv 1 MMifast fbl ■■■ 13 12 lo • 7::. 7 i C lliv-r 1 1 Noras. Pierrot. Capt. Parr J1577 Aqueduct 1 l:4l-.last 20 107 8 5 5 5 5i 6" M Buxton S Coin. Sam Slick. Kvelyn C. 2!4l6 Aqueduct 1 1:41 -good 40 Ml 3 5 6 5 55 514 J McTagrt 7 Yodeles, All Smiles. Vladimir 21172 Jamaica 1 1-14 l:48u,fast 20 MB 1 5 S I Bte S*| J McTagrt • All Smiles, Coin, Yodeles 21013 Jamaica l-l 14 1:49"jgood M 92 4 4 4 4 4 4D P I.owder 4 Dinah Do, JeeDettoM, Patricks. 20957 Jamaica 3-1 1 :J4--,fast 20 MB 1 9 7 9l 9,, :1.P Iiwder 11 Valente, D.ofDunbar, Nephthys 24585 Belmont 8-4 l:ll%faat 15 MS 11 10 10 10- io:» M Buxton ll Dinah Do. Sand Marsh, Saratosa 24337 Plmllea 1 1-16 1:49 good 33 92 6 7 7 7 7 6,; L McAtee 7 Orperth, Chnstophine, B. aiaaed 89295 Pimlieo 3-4 l:15%faat 31 109 9 9 7 41 3* J Drever U T.othMorns. Anxiety, Ganimn 19990 Bowie 1 l:43«jfast 2 101 5 S 6 4 3- 34i H Dresch 8 Taroerlne, Norus, LadyButterlly ALDONUS. ch. c. 3 93 By Dr. Leggo— Saccharate W. D. Babcock. 237M Laarel laaSSy l:41%faat fM M M 11 11 12 12= 12,S a Sekarr r 14 Maraa, PkunM. Caac. Parr 254M Laarel ln 24y l:45%slow 110 1"6 8 I S 1; :,- 6" c Turner 8 Scorpii. Keliance. Boser Gordon 28547 Laarel I 1-4 2: i; ifast fbl W ft 11 11 !i Sl S"; A Collins 11 Pelelus. Christophlno. Napier S8SM Laarel 1 1 -ii; 1 ::,p-muU 173 143 4 6 6 6 6 1.- J MeKrer i: H. Junior. M. BM, If. Duiwber MBM Mboro o . f l:c9 fast 4 BS ■ - W Doyle 7 Kx.alibur, B.ofBass. K. Stalwart 20s;,:; Mboro 61. f l:26i:,fast 3 108 4 ?. W Dovle Ros.Orme. J.IIan.ver, VeOckea 84S8B Prospect 3-41:24 good 3 BM 6"i W Doyle 8 BeniM-ra. C.B.-.:ideiI. J.IIan.ver LC339 Pimlieo lmluv 1:4.; good 72 105 7 6 6 7 7 7:?W Doyle 7 Y. .deling. Battery. DalatuBaM 20159 Pimlieo 3-4 L131 Child; 13 12 8 llf. 9-JW Doyle 11 Rely. S.W.J. hn on. M.MeGisjjta BBBBI H.dfGce 3-4 l:13fast 150 1"S 11 11 11 11 10« W Doyle 11 Fair Betea, Mktattll, 1iv Home

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