Laurel Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-31


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LAUREL PARK FORM CHART. LAUREL. MD.. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 30, 1915. Twcntv sixth and last day. Maryland Slate Fair. Rail Meeting of 20 tlays. Weather clear Presiding Judge. K. C. Smith. Slailcr. Mars Caeebte. Racing Secretary. Joseph McLennan. Baebsg Bterte at 2:."0 p. m. Chicago lease 1 :,. p. m.i_ -Indicates apprentice allowance. bJQQ-r-r* FIRST RACE 1 Mile and SO Yards. l2.;70ii 1:11 % S— 1MLI Purse S5nii. All Ages. OOUD Stdling. Nil value to ■ inner 00: aaeeaaL 0: Ihirtl. $•»». Index Horses AWtPPSt.i ,i % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. odds Strt 20860 Siil.IHi;i; wn5 1 5 I 1 -"i -" 1- 1= 1- M Ruxton F C Frisbie -; |ta»t .|ea 23546 HAMFl.I.I A a n ■ 1""- 7 :: 1 |a jp ja fij ay |j||ev J L Iaul t; t 10" 23744* I IK 1. 1. A MACK w J 101 lo :, t»k :, :,~ c :;n ft McDottA Matthews .:::., WN 23779 SIRINCMASS at 7 Ml II I ::" ■" V 1- 4»k .1 Smvtii B T MeKei ver .:o7.. M« 23723 MARY WARREN w I 105 I S N- 7«i. ! gJ :,« M BarefT J Carson :,j ,-P 23747*ST. I.AZF.KIAN w i: :. in". Ill 1* 4 ta :. »;i s Wolstm H K P.ryson C5-te* 23723 BEN I.KVY m 1 l" s : » •"" V 7- 7 V II HanincrC B Murray i:m|.. eja 23722*KII.DAY w 1 Ml s I •■ - » M s- x T Haves fl A tlihson f.7!_. iw 23638*MISS WATERS w 4 loo :i t in- 11 II te k tek A Collins F J Rons IXBS-Mi 21168 t.AIVSIillKH 1. 1| wi: :". !M..l :: S 11 liitpti ii pit r. Alink ft Jackson 8M ajej 23676 AFTKR MtillT w 2 !HI S •• tj S !t yiM " p T.ovvd.-r J Hurley | v.Mutui I field. Tim. . 24%. 49. 1:15%, l:42 /5. 1:43. TTack fast. lateral paid, Ihltlrr. field, $."15.20 straight, . so place, . so show; Camellia. $::.on place, .7 show : Rella Mack. .51 show. Kquivalenl Itottking odds Soldier. BcW, IfifiO to ion straight. 2!I0 to 1WI place. 110 lo PS show: Caiuel-lia. Ml to lull place. 33 lo Bat show : Delia Mack. 275 to 11:0 sho.v. Winner— R. g, bv Tlie Picket- Rerforinanci- I trained bv F. C. Frisbiei. Went tn lust at 2:.-:2. At |Ktst :: minutes. Start goad am] slow. Won easily: second ami third tlriv iug. SOLDIER raced in close pursuit of the early pacemaker to the list turn, then passed her quickly ami drew away In win easing up. CAMELLIA st | the early pace, but tired anil was crowded on lie- stretch turn ami had to be taken back, then c-.ime again am! finished gamely. HFI.I.A MACK ran well and out raaaaed the tiring SIRINCMASS. The latter was a close contender to the stretch. The winner was eelered lor $::imi; no bid. Scratched 23747 Colonel Ashmeade. J OS; 2.JC00 Ceiitauri. 1li2: 2:.7!S Cliff Rdge. 112: 2.*.727 Cogs. m t. Overweights — Springinass. :: iwiinds: St. I: Caiiisbonmgli. 1.. 4TkQQJ"1rT SLCOND RACF— 1 Mile. IS27S— 1::7»:.— «— 100.1 Purse 00. 2 year eats. 400U I Allowancs. Net value to winner 00: second. 0; third. $:W. Index Horses AWtPPSt/i % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Srt 23757"Col.oNKL YKNNTI-: are BM i 1 -u -"• -" » lii C Turner J Livingston lv". M 23791 SRI FB wee 107 7 :: l". i- il l| 2» j F.utweii j Battler te-ite 23725 sprint w MM i I 7 r.7- :;.. ::■■ :: a ScbegrMiapeb Stable W Mt 23791 FRANKLIN w i: Mt I " • ta 4 4? I J McTagrt.I S Breed el .". -km 2365G COL. GUTELllS w lofi 1 .". g«k«a :.. "it ."... H HanmerC B CaniplKdl SfitiMitU 23495_FAIRWi:ATHi:ii are RIOJ 1 I V fr «" «" 6" L Allen M Hiisi-lt ls!ir.-].m 23711 INFIDEL II. at MB G Z 4"t 7 7 7 7 ft HargtnM Willian.s .. t. io Time. 24%, 48%. 1:14%. 1:40. Track fast. ?2 mutuels paid. Colonel Yeiinie. 1.70 straight. .00 place. .s:i show: Spur. .70 phe-e. S2.::o show: Sprint. .90 show. Equivalent beekksg ndabl Ceeaaei Yennie. 4S5 to 100 straight. 10O to 100 place, 40 to 100 show: Spur. ■Jo to 100 place. 15 to 100 show: Sprint. 45 to 100 show. Winner — R. c. by Ricton — Shy Missic trained by M. Rr.-stonl. Went to Mat at 3:43. At post 1 minute. Start pear and slow. Wen driving: second and third lie-same. COLONEL- VBNXIB w::s saved and rated babied the leader until straighteiietl away in the home si retch, then moved up steadily and iuigaiiietl SIIR at the end. The latter oiitian the steals ami s4d a last eerte pace, but was tiring at the finish. SRR1NT began slowly and made up ground. FRANKLIN showed speed on the hacks; rotch, but quit ill the last quarter. The others were always beaten. Scratched 2nM XeUi. MM, Overweights — Spur. 1 jKiuiitl: Splint. 1: Fairweath-r. 1.. OQQHQ THIRD RACK IMile. 18278— 1:37%— 5— 100. 1 *i!0O Added. All Ages. UaavBeap. 400UO Net value to winner *405: setuntl. 00: thiid. . Index Horses A WtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kqtiir. Odds Strt 23332C. O THE WALK are S 120 4 7 9 : l" :i 1"* M Ruxton F Johnson lsit Bt 23699:EA ;LE w 3 • !• •"• "l 4L •* » L1 P Lowder ■ Herz Mb M*J 23777Rr KHORN at ■ 122 S I :,* B* 4 41 3"- G Dyrne ft 4 Mackenzie esj -pm 21294PANDEAN w 5 104 i fink r.3 S* 4 V Turner J 0 Talbott S3EWM 23759 RAC wi: 4 10t» :; 1 lai lok ]h ink:,: Jl.utweil A Miller ::.: im 23758 Ntll RKDDIN w i: :; 100 ti S S. S- S S «= L Mink E J Mt-Graw iLl.Vlnti 23777 SI IKRINTKNDT wis 4 101 J 7 6 7l 7 G1 €?. 7= J McTagrtF Mannix HKHVUsi 23745 GNAT w :: 05 1 :: Jh Sb 7" 7" S- M Garner .1 Butler MtB-B* 23745 CANNONAIti; w " M •" ! » ■» 9 •» 9 T Hayes J J Ryan M42S-IW Time. 24%. 48%. 1:14%, 1:39%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Cock o the Walk, .00 straight. .10 place, |B M show: Eagle. plaro. SI..-.0 ifceerj Bastkbare, .oo show. Equivalent Itooking odds— Coek o the Walk. ISO to 100 straight. 105 to 100 place. 55 to 100 show; Eagle, 210 to 100 place. 125 to ion show: Ruckhorn. l.Vi to 100 show. Winner — Ch. h, by Ieep oDay — Kllangowan tt.aincd by J. R. Maylierryi. Went to post at 3:33. At |tost 1 minute. Start gootl and slow. Won driving: second anil third the same. t.OCK O* THE WALK forced the pace until straightened away in the homestretch, then made a fast and game finish after disposing of RAC. KAG1.K ran a gootl race and was on the outside of tba bad era for the eattbre way. RICKIIOKN was a forward contender all the way. PANDEAN finished gamely. RAC tired after leading for three-quarters. NOLRKDDIN anil CANNONADE were in a jam on the first Hun. Overweights --Superintendent. 1 pounds. 4~OQ/"V£h FOI RTH RACK 1 1-8 Miles. 17S77 — 1 :4!» . -." — 121. » Second Riiniiing National OOv/l/ Handicap. .50O Ailtletl. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winier S2..i»; second. IKl; third, 50. Index Horses A Wt IP St M. % "4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds str t BBMBBOAMRB vvh 4 132 I 1 I1 1 1- P H J Rutwtll A Miller M ! I 23265STROMRoLI era 4 12:; I - i1 i" -,: i" :"! W Lilby A Koltuont E Mt f23758SHOKT CRASS w 7 12:1 I 3 4 4 ::: :::: os C Rgaine B Herz 1"". Be 23746 BOLT are 3 lOS 2 I :;- :: I I 4 M Garner D J beery 331 l" liice. 23, 47?-,, liU%, 1:38%, 1:50. Track fast. mutuels paid. R..imer. . 00 straight. 33.10 pla-e: Slromboli. .7n place; no sho-.v inutels sold. lj|uivabnt booking odds - Roainer. UMi to loo strahrht, 55 to HK» place; Stromboli. l;;5 to ion pl.e -. Wilinei II. g. by Knight Krrant -Rose Tree II. drained by A. J. Cohlsborough i. Went lo post al 4:01. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third . driving. ROAMRR outran the others from the start, set a fast pace ami. saving ground on all turns, a area easing up. STROMBOLI rated in closest pursuit and outstaior SHORT CRASS for second place. The latter moved up rapidly after filtering the homestretch, but tired in the last sixteenth. ROI.Y ran a gtxtl half and dropped back. Scratched-- 1 2::S0S iCi.ek o the Walk. 122: 2.T7 H» laities. .15. aOQl /~k FIFTH RACK-1 1-16 Miles. I 17555 -1 :4.".a-. --:;- 1 17. i Fegaa $•" •«». :; yea: • oi.N and JOOl J upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. : third. $.I0. Index Horses AWtPRSt»,4 % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Mils Bert 23746*1. A HORR w 7 112 S i -V: 4: Z :- 1J W Lilby .1 1, Iaul I...- pm 23761*111 XZ ABOUND are 4 lol I I f, « 5". ta 23 B Mi Dott.l Arthur 71". Put 23792* DAY DAY w ■ ". 05 1 Z W ::.. tj ta J»a T Hayes 4 W Heilrick Jr ;;s4n Im 23761*VOLANT w re •! 1#3 :: :: l"i 1 l« 1- 4 S Wolstiii W Vale •*"• ta 23793 STALWART liKl.FNw :: -is I 1 «t V 4 :. S»» L Mink 1, Weiss VTX Be 2-3336 SOLAR STAR w 5 113 t; l --• V c li t; J Hke 4 S Ward 3BI B3 Time. 23%. 48, 1:13%, 1:40%, 1:47%. Track fast. |3 mutuels paid. Lahore. .00 straight, .20 place. .70 show: F.uzz Around. S5.20 place. S.;.SU show; D:.v Bey, .io show. Kqiiivalent Itooking odds- Lahore. 150 to lull straight, 00 to 10b place, 35 lo IOO show: Around. JLI to PHI place, .HI lo Dili show: Day Day, ., I5 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g, bv Delhi -Nora CTehM triined by J. I.. Iauli. Went lo |«isl at 4:28. At itost 1 lililiute. St:irt gtMMl ami slow. Won easily: secontl and Ihirtl driving. 1 A1IORF. raced in closo quarters until rounding the far turn, but closed up with a rush when lie gol a clear t -nurse and was under restraint at the end. RlZZ AROIND linisht d fast and otitgann d DAY DAY lor second abate. The tatter tired ill the last sixteenth. YOI.AXT swerved out on the bc-kslretch aul tired after leading for three-quarters. SOLAR STAR quit. The winner was entered for .0I0: ae bid. _ Scratched -l2.".7..:i All Smiles, pis: 2.!7IN Orme id. .:»: 23703 A ret urns. 102. rtOQT "I SIXTH RACK 1 1-4 Miles. IfBIB— 2:05%— «— 108. Rinse $.-.lsl. 3-year-ehis and up-2JoX JL ward. Selling. Net value to winner «M: secontl. 0: third. 0. Index Horses A WtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23748M VWRONK w I! 104 7 « 4 .V ::•. :i"k I W I.ilb y J L Iaul 3and-Me 23747*RAY W LIGHT w I OS .", ! 1- V l1 Pi 2* R McDott.l G Wugnon vilvt-Pio 23792 II IF BCMP ■ «i IfB 4 r, p yj pe aj ;;i ay Ward T McLoy 05".-l"t» 23780*CORD1K F. w c. 5 M .» !» 71 7 4 . 4- t* K Graves P J Miles t 23«79*RILI.IK BAKER w 5 112 II s HJ ] ii r,= :,s 511k T Hayes .1 A Strotb llC-lno 23727*MENLO DARK w 3 101 1 1 1 pi11. P] 7". ii gl L Mink J MacManus r.t.Vloo 22750-»;. M. MILLER WB B 112 M 1 C - «it 7- I* C Corel K F Carman BK Bt 23792 HESTER wit 4 07 ."■ 7 P yj mi gl si Lowib r J Luinsih n t 23780*Tt»M HANCOCK w 4 98 « 12 12 11 M PI S* A Collins W V Cast y TS3-1M 23780*11 RRY I. ALDER w 5 102 s 10 P ii?. M" Mt bi! B Wolstm J F Sweeney Hat Pki 23780-V RIER ws g 103 iJ I :,i 4.. S 11" ll" M Garner J W Ib-tlri. k 4r baL". UMJ 23748 RETEUS w ■ 10s 1 " ■ V 12 12 li A SehugrL A S.regni tZM Mt v.Miituel ti.1,1. Time. 23%, 47%. 1:12%. 1:40%, 2:06. Track fast. S2 mutuels paid. Jawbone. straight. .20 place, ¥4.70 show; Ray oLighl. field. 5. 5n plae-., show: The Rump. !M show. Equivalent hooking tMlds— Jawlione. 305 to 100 straight. 100 |o 100 plac-, 135 lo 100 show; Ray oLight, f:eld. 505 to |M plaeo. 250 to 100 show: The Rump. 11". to 1IHI sliow. Winner — R. g. by Samson Jennie J. trained by J. L. RauD. Went to |Ktst at 5:0". At post 4 minutes. Start good and steer. Won easily: s... ,| ami third driving JAWBONE, after racing close up from the si.:rl, won- the leaden down in the last eighth ami woo going away. RAY o LIGHT set a gotttl pace nearly all the way. but tired mar the end. TUB RIMI raced in closest anil game pursuit, but tir-d in liie last sixteeiilh. COKDIK F.. RILI. IK R.AKKR ami MLNLo DARK closed gaps and finished close up. The winner was entered lee : no hid. Scratched— 230CQ Ceiitauri. 100: 25727 Cage, 103. Overweights— Hairy Lauder. I pound.

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Local Identifier: drf1915103101_3_8
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