Third Race [3rd Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-31

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THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Forest Park Purse. All Ages. Allowances. .15722—1:12— 5— 124. HESTER PRYNNE, ch. m. 5 118 By Disguise— Witchcraft R. T. Wilson. £2759 Laarel 8-41:13 fast 11 H9 11 8 1 6- 8*t J MeCabey12 sir F.duar. High See*. B***aa 23T32 Laurel I 4 l:13%aood 30 111 1 G 5 4m. ;it j McCahevl ! Bisfh X. on. D«Klge. Hanson 23202 H.deGce 3 4 1:12 fast 13-10 109 4 4 2 25 2* J MeCahey 4 Celto. Malachite. Housemaid 28892 H.deGce 3-4 1:l2%fast 8 114 4 4 4 3 . 3* J McCuhev 10 Coquette. Etruscan. Flitt-rgold 22730 Belmont 3-4 st l:10sfast 8 124 I 3 2 2 » 3 J McCahev 1 Hurmonicon. Flittergold. Ilan.s. n 224S7 Saratoga 3-4 l:15H*low 6 112 1 2 1 111 21 J MeCahey S Win. Witch. Eagle. L. Barbary 21706 Belmont 3-4 l:13%fast 11-5 108 4 2 1 2J 3» J MeCahey 1; Capra. Housemaid. lsirose 21670 Belmont 3-4 1:13 fast 17-10 110 5 3 3 3= 4* J McTagrt 0 Hanson. Pixv. Double Eagle 21272 Aqueduct 8| f 1:20 fast 8-0 113 2 2 2 2» 2l J MeCahey -1 Leo Skulny. D. Eagle. R. Martyr ROBERT BRADLEY, ch. h. 5 115 Br McGee — Lady Quex W. R. Mizell _::7.tS Laurel 1 l:40rr.good 28-5 109 3 2 2 1 V V J Smyth 7 Flitleruol.I. Cornell. V. Notiuis 23745 Laurel 5 fl:06fast fid los 4 3 3 3- 2" J Smyth 14 Quartz. Venetla. Housemaid 23265 H.deGce lm70vl: 12%1ast 12 99 6 6 6 fi 6 6- L MeAtee 1; SlronihoH. Slumber II.. Tartar 2M88 H.deGce 3-4 l:12%fast 30 IM 1 2 1 2". 4nJ L MeAtee 4 Coquette. Flittergold. Hanson 23002 H.deGce 3-4 l:12%fast 30 100 Left at the jiost. ; ltyrne 10 Coquette. Etruscan. Hes.Prvnne 22163 Fort Erie 3-4 l:14.:-.good 30 105 6 5 6 5* 4»J A Claver 7 Kewessa. Sir Edgar. Pan Za ret a 21780 Hamton 8-4 l:ll* 15 108 2 3 5 7« 7» L Gentry S Sir Edgar. PanZareta, Dr.Larrick 21721 Windsor 3-4 1 :12sfast 11 112 1 2 3 3* 5«? L Gentry 7. P.Zareta. Cmmonada. E.Howard 21310 Latonia 1 1-8 l:53y5good 14 106 3 2 3 7 7 7" J McCabe 7 Hodge. Bronzewiug. G crest Boy ISIROSE. hr. m, 6 117 By Isidor— Rock Rose J. Sanford. 28878 Laurel 3 4 1:19 slop 13-10 103 2 1 1 1* 21 L. Mink 1. Pullux. Briar Path. Xaushon 23167 H.deGce 3 4 l:13*igoodl3-10 102 3 11 2 .. || l, Mj„k M Xaushon. Gino. True as Steel 22573 Saratoga 8-4 l:12%fast 2 107 2 11 1! 1= V Lillev •. Feiimouse. Kvelvn C, Sarsenet 22444 Saratoga 51 f l:ll%nowd 1-8 105 3 1 1 l3 1* I. MeAtee 1: Santo. Ancon. Marv Warren 21930 Aqueduct 3-4 1 :13*ifast 13-5 114 2 ■ 1 2 2" MT McTngt S Piillnt. Othello. Grumpy 217€u Belmont 3-4 l:13fast 2 102 5 3 4 4* 4*1 M Buxton c Capra. Housemaid. Hes. Prrnna 21560 Aqueduct 3-4 1 :16Vislop -5 M 2 111* 1" P Lowder ! ITtagenet, S.ofVally, SanVega TRUE AS STEEL, b. g. 4 117 By Broomstick— Loyal P. S, P. Randolph. 232S H.deGce 5?. f l:06%fast 3J 110 1 3 3 3h 23 C 7 L.Skolnv. Scaramouch. Naushon 231 07 H.deGce 3-4 1 :13 igood ll-o 104 1 3 3 4?. 4= 3 McTagrt 10 lsirose. * Xaushon. Cino 229S1 H.deGce 3 4 l:13%fast 7-5 120 2 2 3 2J 2s T McTagt 12 Sand Marsh. BriarPatb. Sarsenet 22751 Belmont 7-8 l:25*f,fast 3i 102 111 1 lh 21 M Garner 9 Blue Thistle. Pullux. W. Pltier £2488 IJelmont 3-4 l:123~fast 31 114 2 1113 l3 T McTag l S He Will. Sarsenet. Doublet 21930 Aqueduct 8-4 l:13%fast o 111 3 3 3 35 43J J Butwell 0 Pullux. Othello. Grumpy SURPRISING, h. c. 4 115 Bv Marts Santa— Strathlou R. F. CarasaaL £3745 Laurel 51 f 10 114 I 11 12 11. 12-. Borel II Q— III. Babt. Bradlev. Venet!a 219;:; Aqueduct 1 1 :35fast 20 103 5 11 1 9* t* M Buxton ;. Sai.i Jackson. Cixiuette, Hodge 2l!«ll Aipiedu.-t 7 S 1:2..T.-.tast ; 10, ■• 2 3 2 31 V J Butwell li Holidav. Capra, Trial bv Jurv 21307 Aqueduct 1 1 :3J-5fast 20 103 14 4 5 55 5:1 J McTagrt «! Boanjer. Strouiboli. Harmonicon 21170 Jamaica 1 1-16 1:18 fast M 107 1 1 1 1 "3 23 C Huestis 3 Stromlwdi Charlestouian 21448 Jamaica 3-4 1:13 fast 10 KM 1 » 6 6J 6»; C Huestis 7 T.othMniiig. Hanovia. Figinnr 20321 Pimiico 3-4 1 :15%mud 21 M8 3 12 2*1 3=1 M Buxton 8 M.-i.tresor. W.Iulv. B.Citnarder £4197 H.deGce 51 f 1 :06*5good 6 110 2 12 2« 3-J G Corev 5 Andrew. Montresor. Horron 20070 H.deGce 3 4 l:l2"5fast 40 115 3 4 4 5* 8* E Ambrose i Slumber II.. Waterl.ass. Kewessa 2..034 H.deGce 3 4 l:14%slow 41 116 2 3 3 3 313 C Turner I Slumber II., Pomette Bleu GARBAGE, ch. g, 3 110 BT Aeronaut— Trash E. B. Cassatt. •.1533 Aqiicdu.-t 1 l:39s3fast 20 104 2.5 5 5 5" 7, - .1 P Rvan r. I.e.. Skolnv. Harrv Shaw. Bolr £1441 Aqueduct 3 1 l:15%slow .10 111 3 4 4 4 4»«1T Davies 4 HelenBarbee. Cruinpv. Vladimir 24875 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:l6* 30 Will 1 2J 4«i J P llvan 7 The Finn. Sharpshooter. Rune* 2C9cr. Jamaica oi f 1 :06*jfast o 1iKl 4 3 2 3 3« J p 1: Phosphor. He Will. W.-itertown 29728 Pelmont 1 1 :.".9i3fast 20 109 2 2 2 4 4 4"M P Rvan 4 Flittergold Runes. Hedge 18362 Pimiico 1 l:40--otast 17 124 10 1111 11 9 9-1T Uavies 11 Double Eagle. Razz.ino. Sarsenet IS2M Laurel 3-4 l:12*..f«ist 93-10 113 9 n n fj M* S Davis 11 Ijist Coin. High Noon. R.Msrtvr 18143 Laurel 1 l:39%fast 42-5 117 7 7 7 7 7 V*gt Davies 7 SharpslUHter. Razzano. D. Eagle MALACHITE, ch. f, 2 97 Bt Rock Sand— Miss Hanover A. BelmoatL £3725 Laarel 1 l:43%sloW 14 IN 2 9 9 s 7" T Ri. K King Nei.iune. Spur. Tea add. - 23531 Laarel 5-4 l:14"-.good ..1 _ I0S I 43 i" PIT Bare S L.Bm-kVale, Sprint. Col. VennU 2339,i Laurel 51 f l:12%hvy 11-a 113 3 :: 3 3 8*1 W Lillev 3 Prohibition, t.landria 232U2 H.deGce 3 4 1:12 fast 11-5 M 3 2 3 3- 3 I. MeAtee I Celt,.. HesterPrjnne. Housemaid £4955 H.deGce 5-S l: m-:;,fast 4j 11.. 5 5 4 4» 2 J MrT.igrt S Slipshod. Favour. Virginia M. 22752 Belmont 5-8 at 58%faat 8 112 :: 3 3 pi 11 .1 McTagrt 7 Puss In Boots, Grasp. Ildiko 22194 Saratoga 51 f 1 :inu.hvy 18 .. m. 1 4 : 3,i «» c Turner .". P.ofCoiu... M. Benrv. Miss. Bell 22046 Saratoga 51 f 1:11 mud 18-5 pr? | | 7 H- 4-r ,. TlII.Iu.r s Jacoba. Lorae. Feminist H755 Belmont 51 f st 1:47 slow 9-8 189 4 4 I fas 2* C Turn, r 7 Cel.indria. MissPuzzle. Bon.Tcsn .1648 Pelmont 5-S st 59«fast 11-10 114 3 3 3 2» Bat c Turner ". Miss puzxle. B.Tess. Smoothbore .1606 Aqueduct 5 8 1:00 fast 3-5 109 1 11 1: |j ., MeCahey 4 Hendrie. Sasin. Elsie Bonero LORD ROCK VALE, br. c. 8 100 By Rock Sand— Lady Violet A. Belmont. . ..•; i..uir.i 51 f 1:11 hvy 1"-. m 7 r. 3 3- :■ w i.iiiev :» flaja*. sk Pilot. Larac gC7 La*rH 3 1 1 :l | 4:. .0 los .. :, .| :;. 4.t K -,„;,„.,. s Si.rinl. Franklin. Soconv £M31 Laurel S-4 1:1 P. -.good al Mt s ,; 7 41 •■■ y r ,. 9 MaaKblte, Sprint. Col. Vennia CTTlH.deGee ... f 1 : i.--.good 1 • 112 .. 3 r, 4 4] .1 McTag* H 7 Favour. Vermont. 22729 P. Imont .V. f st 4 12 . 5 5 5* 5J M.T.-i-.rl 8 Whims,-. Pockichoo. Landslide "" •"a,°f;il B*f,:,3rhT ! 7M " - J !" **l •• Dugan M Wat . ssIL. P.t onnl.r. B.Trper •H£ Saratoga 51 f l:12%nr*d 8 M9 3 1 j n« ::»M Turnei 1; P.-e IMr.v. Lord R. Vale. Fleuro £1977 Saratoga :. 4 1: i:.-.-.tnst 30 Pi. 7 17 IP c" C Turner 9 IVmimint. Lorae. Marse Henry £1747 Belmont .. 8 st CO-. last 12 10. I lip |lf C Turn.-r t SUv Pilot. Mustard •M33 Bewwonl 5 S st 88%f**t 3 11.. 3 4 4 4« 41 Q Turner II Air Man. D..inin::nt. Sevlllian HERBERT TEMPLE, br. c. 3 113 Bv Hastings— Josie " L. J. S. Tyree. £22 H""*! ! !!s !,vv -° !"•. - " ! ■• •"• snr TaiWr we**i*. Me sroi. B*8ka S2 !;a"i- ..,.: !lVV m Hi*! - - "-" -"• r Tamer .". Rack Ray. Fuz/v Wuzzv. Balko »IShSXS? " *vL ?J I f f 2 7" •• «»£•»** »F*as.Ble*. Br. Cnaarder. Horron I -- f jl*. rV i 1 :J:?*S° °.d il - .?« - -1 ■ - :: W Lillev C. P. Bleu. N. Simplex. L. Teresa *:"r™ 5i, :rlS 1 °%l. , 5 4 * 4S«J ***** Sf ""- Norse King. La.l.r Teresi" Hv2rM - V MJasJ ?, 3 3 :: 1= » W Lillev 7 Old Ben. Impression. T.Byboilv o--.: u °7 ."s , -7;S :7 ."?st 1-2 ] , ; 4 4 4 4 4 "IK Ambrose For Fair. Resign. Manioc .r,»l v-rr -ns "" V :1i»?Las ? „„• V -1 G « 5 4* J Smyth rt StontHeart. JustRed. B. Ojjriu 2JS222M . 1 1=2*852 I Vli I1 ] 1 » *■ J Smytb 4 For Fair. Breoni Flower. % onJ. xor-nS HVU La,t Ii_a,2 i.i " ■ ~ J s,» t" R Useclt, Ladv Moonet. Rich *J£ vIv-rnS 7, ;, hvy, ,"3 i I * I ! n- « • »mvlli « Boxer. For Fair. M.Mnnrsom SSH-2S."" :*L f°1d ! n- I I fi S • 5,*SE Ambrose 9 Jnst Red. Rob. Kay. L. Marsh v ISS33 N.Orl ns ll948*M4 * 103 3 2 3 3 9 .V K taahroM 9 .Inst Red. Robl Ksv. M.Ann K V»mHOK. W. p. 7 112 Bv Yank»e— Roval Bun R. T. WiDonl. ■..:■«- ,UVT.- -I i.l:]*.sU,: !h- 7 " *- " ""• 9 Pr.ll.n. Isi-..- Briar Pall, 5 Piiulr ZYV3£" • V Ml-vl--. Lu.her. Titrea.l. r Hmili-Ci.., llo i ■.,-v. , ,", ■«" * t.1 S . -! " n::- A Schusrer I Novell*. Lahore. R..val Metc.,T •n|o. u dbine l 1 n. 1:48 s;ood2 1 -,. -0 IM 2 4 4:: ••". i i M.-c-ibev 4 Bob R cliff Rsate Bain BJSJJ BiUeBon. U#*ji |l| 1 11« ! 11 1 MM j MeCahey 5 Juy Fisher, Btisv, CUff EdXe W C?AKT- *- c- « 95 By Delhi— Anthem F. P. Keene. .! I-atml Z4 J: IT. hvy fid ]•and 3 S 3 .".nk :,4j L Mink ,- Intaji Spur. Anita " -o."1*1 1 l:4314«l€»w 230 J h; 2 112 2.J 4«J It IfartttonlO Kin* Neptune, Spur. Tea Caddy s -- «*,n ,»* 3-4 st l:ll%fast 7 107 2 2 2 44 4"» M iJarnor 8 Whimsy. Achievement, Chicle - ■. [• ""fin B| f st 1 :07**fast C 11". 2 4 11 in | Canior 7 Libyan Sands. Grasp. Sevillian ."H Kclmont :.• f st 1 :06*,.,fast 1S-5 112 7 4 :: ::• ]h M lamer 14 ScaBeach. Trunipatir. Schoolboy % lii Saratoga. 3-4 l:17%slow 10 103 2 4 3 4 * 6« k Lapaille S FrlarRock. Achieveinnt. Kilmer r, 4.*. aralogi •" I l:17%mud 5 110 C 6 6 6 4=1 M Garner t; Achievement. Spur. Col. Vennie Z :;]; ;i"toKa f.l f l :HVihvy 7 14E 1 2 2 21 2| J McTagrtBl Feminist. Startline. Hid. Star 3 1.11 Belmont 3-S st 1 :01 fast IS 110 4 6 3 2= 2| J Kutwell 9 Grasp. Peaceful Stnr, Damrosch 7, jwx» Aqueduct 5-S l:0l«£fast 13 6 112 5 5 6 6* 4* J But well 8 Startling, Good Counsel, Recluse " BALKO. ch. g, 3 110 By Tranvaal— Foundlins A. Turney. ■■••■ I u:. I 1 i i:jj rast fid MB 6 11 11 ]0i fcij f |1.,. ij sir Ettir, Rte* Noon. Hanson 2 .:«.■• I aurcl 1 1:4S hvy 106 101 4 2 2 1 1 3tVT Callahan .3 Nourcddili. Hi- Will. Eajtlo | vrumi IhMkiy it 9S :; 5 5 5 » t"j Callahan .• Back Bay. 1 1. Temple, F. Wuzzy 2 •:xi.. !!.!ne 3 4 l:12*£fast 4 1M 6 11 8 9. 11= T Rice 13 Corsican. Seuipsilla. Crossbun 2 .: indsor 1 l:45%hvy 12 91 « 4 4 4 4s 4"J T Hayes 8 Celto. Harhard. Moving Picture 2 A 3 4 1 :HKgood 57 *.»S 1 7 7 7 7"U Callahan 7 Kewessa. Sir Edgar. Pan Zarcta 2 ITCi Windsor andif l:08%slow 9-5 110 1 2 3 5 4s J Smyth r. Ed Crump. MarjraretD.. Rancher 2 !5H f°rtErie f.J f l:06ifcfast 7-10 115 4 5 5 5 5» 5* J Smyth 7 Reliance. Sir Edgar. MarsCassldy 2 u*lZ Jndsor 6S t 1:07 fast 9-5 115 1 11 1« 1« J Smyth 7 Eagle. Madcap Duchess. Filigree i 1. ..;»« indsor 5-8 1 *»l%slow 4i 100 1 1 1 1* 1* J Smyth 5 Tokay. Lady Curzon. Rancher .1 -Disqualified for foul. ! THE MAEQUERADER. b. c. 3 113 By Orden— Masquerade R. Parr. .11 l-aurel t 11-KHliaia 10 in 7 1 1 2l r,« J Butwell 7 Fair Helen. Pulluv. B. Cunarder - • !"■• Laurel * 1 lltTtliir 91 117 7 S S S 7"JM Buxton 8 Celaiulria. Sintendent. L.Ebary - tw liur. I 3-4 i-m hvy 172 93 4 7 7 7 7= E Forehnd 8 Rack P.av. W. I.ady. Montresor - 382 H.deGce 61 f 1 :OS%fast 50 91 4 4 5 4* 4"J E Mc Vtee 7 Hanson. Joe Blair. Etruscan lfi. Ild-Uce 3-4 l:lS*ig » d 30 i"9 •"• 5 6 9l 10 * I, McAlee 10 Isirose. Nauslion. Cino "»:•. II.dei*ce B] f l:07fast 6 114 1 6 7 61 6],JE Ambrose 7 Norse Kin-. Celto. Protector I "•"09 H.deGce 5i f 1 :0T,=andfast 7. 1 «3 3 5 9 9 9«JE Ambrose ! T. Point. Miramichi. Slumberll. «w03 Saratoga 2-4 l:16%hvy 15 122 4 2 4 71 10" J Butw ell 11 Regret. Andrew M.. Pebbles P0LROKA. b. c. 2 110 By Polymelus— Lacroma J. Livingston. l ~"i H del Fee VS 1:00 fa«t 23 J 10 3 5 5 5s .r.8 .1 McCatic 7 S. Isidore. Murphy. Remebrance : i4o H.dKFee 0-S l:0"j%fast 20 lit :. 6 7 7 fi" | McCabe 7 Pesky. Vermont. Soconv ■•Saratoga 3-4 1 :13Hfast 20 llu s 7 5 5S 4S II Cavanhl:: Dominant. Bis Smoke, Primero ..:. Saratoga 5 f 1 :ll*sslow 13-10 112 I 3 2 ]• £ 1* T McTagt .". SmootlilM»re. Red tloud. Orator ••Saratoga 5 . f 1 :0T%fast 10 112 3 4 4 4- 4? C Turner 12 Chicle. Primero. Favour : : 77 Saratoga 3-4 112%fast 30 107 3 4 6 8* R« E Martin !» l oi:iinant. I.orac. Marse Henry um Latonia 5J t l:0Sfast 20 112 2 7 1 51 3 J R Goose S Checks. Dick Williams. B. Coffee : BIGTODO. ch. g. 2 97 By Helmet or Cunard— Eila Smith F. E. Brown. I.SsS l.aun-1 51 f l:10=ilivy U-3 111 4 1 1 1| 1" J Butwell 12 Delaneev. Moo— tfl. S.K.thWuv ■ -J14 Saratoga B| f l:U%hry B 104 S 8 I 4 . 21 M Garner U Daddys Choice. Nolli, Sou. Star :li:. Saratoga 51 f l:12ffcalow 30 112 ". 5 E 5 . 41S F Herbert 7 Whimsy. So:ith.Star, Mol. Elliott 1 201.22 Douglas 4 f 67%hvy 28 111 9 7 9 9,,fiC Ganz ■ Jolin Jr., Stephen R.. Ingot MAXIM S CHOICE, b. g, 4 112 Br Golden Maxim— Leonalla C. H. Bobbins. •IS! Pimlico 3-4 ]:]l!*iiiud VZ 112 11 10 S 9= 0,; C F"b tiler 12 Kdcr.isenis. Humirtion. Ortyx ; SSM Ae;j -du-t 6 f 1:21 fast 6 1"1 :• 4 r. 5s B**|II Hammer Executor. Mr. Specs, Progressive 15193 Auueduct 7-8 l:J7=£fast 3 2 9.". 15 4 3 l1 2s B Marco 0 Naiad. Wooden Shoes, Bull Dog ." 1 4913 Belmont 3-1 st 1:13 fast 3i 100 8 4 2 2* 21 W Ward 8 Edith W., Altamaha, J.J. LRUs ! 14741 Belmont 1 1:10 fast 25 109 3 5 5 5 S" 4C1 C Fbtlier G Thornhlll, I- Travers, Spearhead : 4"I6 Belmont 3-4 l:12*4fast 10 107 4 3 2 Z* 3* C Fbther 7 Crossbun. Edith W.. Orotund j ALFADIB, b. f , 2 97 By Solitaire II.— Bremerhafen T. Clyde. 5375 l.aur. 1 2 1 l:lS%hvy 31 ltTJ G .". 5 51 3 L McAtee s Il,lik . Kddie ileury. Socouy ■i:;7 l.auiil 3-4 l:14%slow 198 1 I5 4 3 3 51 611 L IcAtee 8 Sprint. Franklin. Socony 2338S l,aur.l 3-4 l:17»-.hvy *J K 4 3 5 5« r,n I. McAtee i Spur. Sprint. Prohibition 1 :::447 l.turcl 51 f l:13%mud » I»2 5 E E 3and V W Lillev 7 Col. Vennie. Grasp. Bambi ! ■.171 H.deGce 5i f 1 : 7%good 1O0 Il-9 6 C G CI 5"J E McAtee 7 Favour. Vermont, Fleuro 30ti» H.deGce 6-S 1 :0O%fast 80 Vm 7 7 6 6". 71" I. MeAtce 7 Pesky. Vermont. Soconv .•0841 BlueBon. 5-S 1:02 fast 9-10 112 6 5 s 22 l1! G Burns 11 Ocean Prince. Ilaria, Damietta 20722 Itorval 41. f 54%fast 20 102 7 7 5 5* 2J E McAtee 7 Anita. Phil tngar. Iolite 24C49 Wdbine 4l f 55%fast 14-5 109 7 5 3 31 2» L McAtee S Candle. Letfettl. Milestone | 20183 Pimlico 41 I 67«Amud 9 105 4 2 2J 21 J Metcalf 4 T.Elward, Ting-a-Ling, L.Atkin | WHITE METAL, gr. %. 3 110 By Cyclades — Miss Tenbroeck J. E. Davis. 23SOI r;..Bli. Abll 2:lS%Caat S 142 G Pulled up. MrGFAeM li ReylKjurn, Huguenot, Beethoven i ■SXa BcLTcr. 11-4 fast 11-10 130 111 1 l1 1" Mr F Alps :: Haimn.m Pass. Doublet S.Kr: i:.lmont 1 l:402-fast 13 :is I 7 7 7 El 6«J P Ixwdir 7 iopllat. Saiidmanll., P.andCalls ] 117*7 Bel— ont 1 l:43%slow M 104 6 6 C 5 4s 2« C Turner "■ IronDuUe. CyMerrick, Nort.ilight : :*:: latonia 3-4 l:13%fast 33 MSMO 9 5 4« 3=1 II Alex 11 Dignity. K. Kringle. Stonewood 3M Eatonia lmTnv 1 :15fast 14 MC 12 U 11 11 81 l*%D Jones 12 Syrian, Prospect. Beachcomber : . 1093 Iatonia 3-4 1:14 good 112 103 10 10 9 9 811 F Murphy 10 R. Goose. W. Witch, Imperator : : S.7S Eatonia 3-4 l:14»-kslow 49-10 107 7 5 8 61 6"LH Alex ! Grumpy. Malheur. Orange 20835 Eatonia 3-4 l:12%fast C7 HKI 7 7 7 7 711 A Mott 7 H. ODay. Huntress, Fleetabelle : 20360 Churchill 1 l:12=5mud 59-10 loSl 2 6 7 7 8= S:3 T McTagtlO Fleetabelle, R. Interest, Greville

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