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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. o. ii. CnaaaaH was ■ ntialilnal bidder far Ballot, which finally ■rent t:. T. C. MeBoarell fur 5.4011 at the Klmcinlo: T ilMni rial sale at Lexteaton Thnrs- day. Tin- CoimauKht Park Jo key Clubs annual hnaii cial slater;. ent akoar* ■ balance ef about B21,i00 aa the aeaaana opera! ion--, anktefe hi retarded as as ecileiit under the rlnantiliaca Daa Mariano Carraciolo, Prince of Caataneaa, ana ..f the best knoara ..f Italian gentleatea rlaera, kaa r-ilbi in battle aa the Austrian treat. Last year !k? rob- HaBnadrl tela third place in Baa latiraa lion: i Bnaefaaehaaa at brlaharat, Ccrmany. K. L. Citzeiald. who trains the beraea awaed aj himself and Kay B. Miller, will winter the atrins ai Meatwai. The baraM aare already eeea ahlpped ir.nii Mount Kiyal I.. Ih terla.1l r Park, where lhc will be aaartered. The ■trkag includes Misv Jean, Bell,. Beach. Bhuk Chief. Montreal and a aaaaher .i -ith. is. Tha n:are Ptnal Slut, arkteh wa- s.dd at Ihe Lexlnataa sale Thnraaay niaht. was seat ta Baa;-laud by .1. B. UagsiM when a ar.ii.i.- and raced there in his aaSJe. She aea races tot him besides lianas Heiuirily placed and was ajatte use :il aa a racer, she was. -oi.i and her 1 -» — • rirtory there was in a hurdle race at Portsawath A| :il 17 ..! li; i ~ year. Bam tin- Daka el Portland, la arheee bMerreaatea tke pc.rtial atannaaje •: Enirllab rarfani was tersely due. has eaanaaMeed la run but her-- asaaa, s.. that he evi.eiiily canw areand i" tha view thai hfa ar was hast.-, and Ill-advised a all events, be had am c.u, iced that he wmild imt ma a:;y !:■ im-s while he war Mated. fhUenrtec the lead, however. ..r oar aracteaii ktar, aiaetfcaUy ike whole nf Die aabteaaea and scntlenrn who urdinarfiy aaaawrt rae-in have maintained their .stablishnieuts at ,une-ihii: like fun atianajth anrftafi the time at ituna. and fear tt these wh« were j.reseat ar Bearaiarkel will ever rarnet th" enthncteaa. arhteh nnuk d Hie rtetary .f rmr Marena la the Great Baatera Riil-wav Haadirap -Prnids •Ketem in Toronto Olahe.