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, FINAL LEXINGTON THOROUGHBRED SALE. Leihajrlia. Ky.. Oeteber M, — At the Kentu.kv Sabs uaapaar s auction of Ibaraaaibheaaa in Tatter sails Thursday night, seventy! hree head went under Geurce a Balas hauiiiier for ..,!»"rt. an average of *•_• IS. •-.". The first lareatjr ehrbl head were from tin- farm ol Sttnie .v Kucker in Scott County anil brought ;.«t!o. The siimiunry of the sale is: Property of Stone and Rucker. Kin Bear. b. in. l.t. by Kingston -lloval Kose: Pr. K. W . Ilagyartl $ 77."i Brae/a coll. areaaBstK. by Sweeit. Kill Rose; nr. !■:. w. Ilacrard rttio Mrs. BrwaU, h. in. :i. by Meat tin Maltese Toss: W . W". Dartleu 47.". Bay c"ll. weanliuu-. by T»ddingtou — Miss Intel: Th.mias Iiatt :."i Baaara rait, are— Baa;, by Taddlaylaa HaMj busii : Thomas Iiatt .".HI Ray t .|t. wemiling. by Sweep Alio; .lohn 1 . Carr -j-- Bay colt, areaalfatg, by TadaUagtaa — I ieo: Thomas lintt 27.rt Adelaide Rover, br. m. in. bv Sain— Marsara : T. W. Carnelt 27o Toifngton. b. h. 17. by Mtdtoii .Milicra: K. I li!. bolls 2M KaauaHte. b. in. s. by Yanket — Myrtle Hark- uess: T. W". liarnelt 2M Ray ti ! 1 . neanling. bv Sweep Nannette; »». K. It hem u:j Mi«s netted, b. in. s. bv Handsel— Ilesto: T. W. tlarnetl XM Ano. eh. m. 14. by Albert Triolet: E. C.ibbons L10 l.eiino. b. in. 1.".. by Ducat — I.a Ioiiiona: John Barbae L»oo Tinker, ch. in. ll. bv llai.dspi ing -lrankie: 4. L. Tarlten 200 Lake Star. b. :n. 7. by Star Shnot— Loire: Baareraa stml 9M Rrown ci-ll. weanling, bv Hurst Park — Mar- Mirn: W. S. Tbrelkebl 17o Hollybush. br. or blk. in. S. bv Yankee— Tril- lette: lata Baibiii .♦. 125 Sylvita. ch. in. .".. bv Kleetioneer — Carmen Sylva: W. S. Iayne 123 Chestnut eelt, irraallaj; bv Toddiaartaa — Idle Hey: Tbaaaaa Iiatt IM Chestnut tiily. weanling, bv Toddingtou — Tinker: K. S. Lyle 100 Herkyte. b. m. J. bv lleruiis -Skvte: ■ S. I.yle 100 b. r. ::. bv Ieep oHay — Hurrah: T. W. Carnetl 100 Hurst Park. ch. h. 1.".. bv Kingston — Editlia; W. K. WtKtd n Imdie. ill. m. Ii. bv Miihai-1 — Ronnie Rlue: 4. s. Barhee 50 Ray tiilv. weanling, hj Todiliiiglnn Svlvita: .losoi.b Habhard M Marsara. br. m. IP. bv Tournament — .Marsn: W. B. WtuKl lit Carmen Syiva. eh. in. li. bv St. Carlo — Sapientia: W. K. Wood 25 Property of Curtis Fiold. Bate Smith, ch. in. !2. bv Maselto Kthcl Ken Walker .2."i0 Ethel Race. br. m. 17. bv Troubadour — Sunbeam: it. Drake 500 Chestnut lilly bv Waldo or The Friar — Sue Smith: Ken Walker 300 Property of Paul Landing. Knameline. eh. in. 17. bv Masctto — Oratorio: W. S. iayne S Z2S Kivbenlale. br. in. IS. bv Jim Core — Savannah; W. S. Iayne 50 Property of W. 3. Miller. Cheataart tilly. weanling, bv 4ack Atkin — V.iacioit~: T. W. Canictt : $ 125 Che-tnul lillv. weanling, bv Jack Atkin— St. Create; Vibv McKerran 100 Iroilaim. b. m. Hi. bv St Ilihiire — Irocida: l r. w. B. Ceeeer 75 hilpit|iiiii. th. in. 15. bv Florizel II. — Chin- kara : W. O. Rainier GO Thoughtless, br. m. 15. bv Oruauieiit — Happy Sallv li.; it. | Cuthrie 50 Tart. br. m. 10. bv Order Tartlet: W. B. Wood 40 Ihawl MeKeena. ch. in. is. bv Order — Vacaates: Tsai ph Hubbard IS Property of J. S. Barbec. Agent, final Shot. ch. m. 5. bv Watercress— Isiac: Bajsearaa stud .1io Eteaa. b. at. •;. bv Ha-tiugs St. Kaalara: B. I. Wihon 400 Satlie Shapiro, br. or blk. in. 0. by Sain — Divoiine; .lerrv Murphy :H» Itttricat". b. f. 2. bv Hastings Involved: W. S. Ilupkins 200 Bay colt, weanling, bv R.-url Roan Suite; Tbaaaaa Rial I loo llattie Walker, .-h. ill. 15. by Roiindlcs- Cora Rtdle: Jerry Murphy 125 Property of H. T. Oxnard. I Itiaaale. eh. in. I.;, bv ChlHiinh — Maxina: U. D. WiNui $ 9M llesione. b. in. 12. bv Watercress— liana ; R. J. Ot • nmdl 200 Award, b. in. 17. bv Strathm ore Mariet; M. Young 110 Housewife, eh. m. 10. by Hanover --Tliriftv: B. S. l.yie 100 Baala. b. at. 17. by Winkthdil -Ftewea II.: W. O. Iarmer K5 Sinirr. b. in. is. by Carnage Spray: M. Young. N5 Maid of Ironiiso. ch in. lit. bv Candlemas — Maid ol Babaearap; B. 4. oConutll 50 Andrisa. b. m. Is. by St. Andrew l-"aiini l/.itiise: I., t. Cuthrie 40 Irif". eh. m. ML bjr Matt R.yrnes Miss Hare- bin: ferry Murphv 40 Bear Pries, eh. m. 17. by Petaaaac I.adv Iriin- n-.: M. Young 25 The Shrew, b. In. 20. by Torso lattv: B. S. i.yle 20 Property of C. L. Shaver. Mollie Kearnev. ch. m. 0. bv Sir Rixon -Obra : W. R. Miller $ 750 Malta, ch. m. II. bv Hiiuvar -Yaiu Clorv; W. R. Milh-r 450 Anna Bead, b. in. 5. bv Star Shoot Rlue Mass: C. I. Wilson .100 Bay PUB. h. m. t, bv -Mai: W. I. Pwwjtrave 250 iane.v Hress. ,. ,,r |,r. in. 13. by Ren Rrush — Cnstunu-: w. I. Preagraee 225 Ray colt. weaaUag. bv Kxtinguisher — Malta: W. S. Iayne 100 Rav tiilt. weanling, bv Kxtinguisher — Alma K.: B. 4. OTniiiiell 100 Black titlf. vearliug. bv Ren Trovati — Highland ijue.n: E, J. OConnell 100 Rosa Marie, b. in. 12. bv Maxio — Jacqueminot ; James R. Bajat 100 Rrown colt, weanling, bv Roach Sand — Mali-tine: I-:. 4. dCouncll 75 Margaret s.. li. i. ::. bv St. Savin— Meddlesome Sim: W. R. Weed 70 Rcantifu! Arch. b. in. 12. by * Rainbow — Leafy River: .lerrv Murphv 00 Malitin-. h. m. s. bv Mat v ■■— Calatine: K. J. OCoiincll 50 Alma K.. b. m. 17. by Conrad —Agnes Shannon: R. .1. oComiell 50 Bnaa Iriii. b. m. 1::. bv " 1riiurose -Ircstissa : James I". Bara to lln..i • -It. vt ailing, bv l;t-k Welles— Swti-t ..-l!: Ccoige Ibititl 15