Maisonneuve Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-10-28

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Maisonneuve Park j Form Chart SIXTH DAY MONTREAL, Que., Friday, Oct. G. 1922. Maisonncuvo I ark. Half mWe. Sixth day. London Jockey Club. Autumn intCtins or 7 days. Weather cloudy. Steward ritriw:iiag Quclioc Breeders Association, AV. .1. Morrison. Iusidins Bti-wanls, AV. W. Lyles and K. C. .St. rer. M. V. Judges, Sheridan Clark and Dr. V. W. Aslsc. Starter, Edward Tribe, Itaeinj; seoretary, Sliotidan Clark. Kaeins starts at 11:15 i. m. Cl.ieapo time 1:15. 65929 1-11181 EACE About 3-4 Hile. Parse ?400. 3-year-olds asd upward. Claiming1. Net value to winner 25; second, 50; third, ?25. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. CSSJSGolden Bel llfi 1" II Gibson 1S3-1C0 fi5837Lady lone 116 25 C OlMahoney rSO-100 G579S Parol 11C Z J Simmons 1CSO-100 C;jOClKathieen IC. 112 415 It Ball SX5-1C0 -63884 TriomiJhant 11G 5 "W Smith .T045-1C0 0.54.!3Doy!e 111 P.up.B McAlaney 20W-100 J583L. llarpanlll Itefd. ASandstrom r5-lC0 52 luiitucls paid, tlolden B-d. .70 straiKht, .00 place. f.30 show; Lady lone, .70 place, .50 show; Parol, .10 show. Equivalent bookins odds Golden Bed, 135 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; Lady lone, 35 to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; Parol, 55 to 100 show. Time. 1:24. Track heavy. Winner J. W. Plunketts ch. g, 7, by Peep oDay Kate I., by Cesarion trained by J. W. llun-kett; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 2:10. At post 12 minutes. Start sood and slow. Won driving; secend and third the same. Scratched G5SS7Lillian G., 11C; C5S3CLast Girl, 107. 65930 SECONB BACE About 3-4 Hile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claim-ins. Net value to winner 25; second, 50; third, 5, Eqniv. Odd?. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. StraiKht. 65744 C. A. Byrne 103 l5i P McAlaney 133-100 63788 Waac 101 2- H Gibson 340-100 65694 Humpy 103 3 C OMahoney 4t:,-100 65839 Smite 115 4s F Gariepy 1073-100 65881 Cannonball 104 5 I, Carnegata 3T.10-1M 65839 3 Pittsburg 113 P.up.J SimmoiiH 293-100 mutuels paid, Charles A. Byrne, .90 straight. .90 place, .40 show; Waac, .05 place, .00 show; Humpy, .50 show. Equivalent booking Odds Charles A. Byrne, 193 to 100 straight, 45 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Waac, 5216 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Humpy, 25 to 100 show. Time, 1:25. Track heavy. Winner A. Bordeux b. g, 4, by Assagai Lady Eastman, by JIasctto trained by A. Bordeui; bred by Mr. Eugene Itucker. Went to post at 2:54. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won cased up; second and third driving. Scratched G5SS6:George W., 112. Overweights Waac, 3 pounds; Smite, 2. 65931 THIED BACE About 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claim-in?. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Eqniv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight, escgsjack Healey 115 lJB McAlaney 182i-100 65884 :Kayman 110 21 A Sandstrom G75-100 65883 Lady Felix 112 3 K Ball G73-100 65699 Sin. Through U5 4J F Buliman 2510-100 65794 Ardito 113 5 J Simmons 235-100 64388 Count Boris 115 G L Carnegata C35-100 65360 Captain B. 110 7 C OMahoney 27S5-100 - 2 mutuels paid. Jack nealey, .65 straight, .20 place, ,35 show; Kayman, .30 place, .45 show; Lady Fclir, .70 show. Equivalent booking odds Jack Healey, 1S2J6 to 100 straight. 00 to 100 place. 17and to 100 show; j Kayman, 175 to 100 place, 72 J to 100 show; Lady ! Felix, 35 to 100 show. i I Time, 1:04. Track heavy. j I Winner J. Everests ch. g, 6, by Balhousic i Princess Cog, by Caughnawaga trained by J. Everest; bred by Crown Stable. ! I Went to post at 3:13. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow for all" but Ardito. Won easily; sec-: ond and third driving. Overweights Lady Felix, 2 pounds. 65932 rou:aTH BACE About 3-4 Mile. Purse j 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claim ing. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, Equiv. Odds. Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 65835 War Fox 105 1 H Gibson 215-100 65887 2 Xan 113 2 W Smith 783-100 63747sSevilIian 113 3i B McAlaney 4C0-10O 65339 D. Fairbanks 113 44 B Ball 10S5-100 65454 Truant 113 5i L, Carnegata 3140-100 65789 Kinetic 110 6 J Simmons 173-100 65694 Josephine IC 103 Bef.T G FergusonGSO-100 mutuels paid. War Fox, .30 straight, ?3.G0 place, .70 show; Nan, .05 place, 3.00 show; Sevilliati, .70 show. Equivalent booking odds War For, 215 to 100 stiaight. SO to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Nan, 152 Vj to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Sevillian, S5 to 100 show. Time, l:23fs. Track heavy. Winner A. Warners b. c, 4, by Bed Fox II. Lady Curzon, by Plaudit trained by B. Warner; bred by Messrs. .S. and A. E. Dyment. Went to post at 3:47. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won eased up; second and third driving. Overweights War Fox, 4 pounds; Kinetic, 1. 65933 FIFTH BACE 1 Mile and. 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 65790 H. OTmpuslOO 1 A Sandstrom 400-100 65841 Edith IC 114 2 J Simmons 543-100 6584 1 Kcbo 114 6 F Gariepy S7S3-100 65840C. Bambler 114 4 C OMahoney 140-100 j 65840 Plantarcde 114 C B McAlaney 030-100 65840 Tan II. 114 6 B Ball 400-100 mutuels paid. High Olympus, 0.00 straight, .90 place, .75 show; Edith IC, .30 place, .S5 show; Kcbo, .60 show. Equivalent booking odds High Olympus, 400 to 100 straight. 95 to 100 place, 3716 to 100 show; Edith IC, 115 to 100 place, 4215 to 100 show; Kebo, 130 to 100 show. Time. 1:59. Track heavy. Winner G. Nibbs ch. g, 7, by Hastings Olym-pia, by Bock Sand trained by G. Nibbs; bred by Mr. August I.oluiont. Went to post at 4:14. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched C5SSS P.ed Tost, 109; C5SS5Polygam-ist, 114. 65934 SIXTH BACE 1 Mil and 50 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Canadian-foaled. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Equiv. Odds. Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 65835 Broadview 112 Is B McAlaney 2621-100 65883;Satinmore 112 2 J Simmons 200-100 65885 F. and Wer 112 3 C OMahoney 513-100 65887 Dependence 113 4J F Builman 1503-100 65888Jamima 112 51 B Ball 40-3-100 65791 Bona Fide 113 G F Gariepy S783-100 65791sGallou-Berry 113 P.up.H Gibson 1223-100 mutuels paid, Broadview, .25 straight; .40 place, .05 show; Satiiuuorc, .90 place, .70 show; Fair and Warmer, .95 show. Equivalent booking odds Broadview, 26214 to 100 straight, 70 to 100 place. 32and to 10O show; Satinmore, 45 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show Fair and Warmer, 4714 to 100 show. Time, 1:58. Track heavy. Winner W. G. Campbells ch. g. 4, by First Sight Loupauia, by Kapanga Colt trained by T. Sherrard; bred by miorncliffe Stable. Wont to post at .4:39. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights Bona Fide, 3 pounds. 65935 SEVENTH BACE About 3-4 Hile. Bursa 4C0. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 325 r second, 0; third, 25. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 65841IKing E. 107 1 J Simmons 2621-104 65693 Rev Er.nis 113 2l B Ball 115-100 65882 Margaret N. 115 3 B McAlaney 1915-100 65885 sTomnile C. 113 4 C OMahoney 340-100 65841 Tag Day 103 C4 A Sandstrom 1070-100 65409 Elite 107 G F Builman 2330-100 mutuels paid. King 15., .25 straight, .90 place. .70 show; Key Ennis, 2.00 place, 2.65 show; Miiigarct X., .o show. Equivalent booking odds King I.., 2G2i to 100 straight. 15 to 100 place. 35 to 100 show; Bey Eiinii, 30 to ICO. place, 321 to ICO show; Margaret X., 90 to 100 show. Time, 1:25. Track heavy. Winner G. Priced ch. g, 3, by Sea King Etucka, by Fair Play trained by G. P. ICice; bred by Messrs. Mesley and Madden. Went to post at 5:07. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVou easily; second and third driving. Scratched 05SS7 Carrie Baker, 107; C5SS4 Drapery, 115; 65099 Suez, 115; C5SSS Complimentary, 107. SEVENTH DAY 2I0NTEEAL, Que., Saturday, October 7, 1922. Maisonneuve Park. Half mile. Seventh and last day. Londou Jockey Club. Autumn mooting. Weather wet. Steward representing Quebec Breeders Association, AV. J. Morrison. Presiding stewards, W. W. Lyles and E. C. St. Pore, M. P. Judges, Sheridan Clark and Dr. F. W. Ashe. Starter, Edward Tribe. Racing secretary, Sheridan Clark. .Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 1:15. 65976 riHST RACE About 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 65838s Aunt Deda 111 1 J Simmons 2O2J-100 65932 D. FairbanksllO 21 R Ball 703-100 65339:Starkader 111 3 C OMahoney 90-100 65887 Joes Sister 104 4 A Sandstrom 770-100 65930 Cannonball 109 5 L Carnegata C013-100 mutuels paid, Aunt Deda, .03 straight, .30 place; Douglas Fairbanks, .40 place; no show mutuels sold. Equivalent booking odds Aunt Deda, 202l to 100 straight, 05 to 100 place; Douglas Fairbanks, 120 to 100 place. Time, 1:03. Track muddy. Winner E. S. Snyders b. f, 4, by The Manager Little Daughter, by Ogdeu trained by W. Lock; bred by Mr. Thomas C. McDowell. Went to post at 2:17. At post 2 minutes.. Start good and slow. Won handily; second "and third driving. Scratched G5932 Josephine IC, 10G; 65930 Pittsburg, 111. Overweights Doughlas Fairbanks, 4 pounds; Joes Sister, 3. 65977 SECOND BACE Ahout 5-S Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 325; second, 50; third, 25. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 65931 Count Boris 103 1 H Gibson G35-100 65837 Doctor D. 110 2l W Smith 1035-100 65930;Waac 111 3S J Simmons 273-100 658373Swiftcricket 107 4 B McAlaney 470-100 64387 2Top Bung 116 51 J Kennedy 1S3-100 65882 Nick London 10S G F Buliman 3113-100 65935 Margaret N. 10S 7 A Sandstrom 1343-100 mutuels paid, Count Boris, 4.70 straight, .S0 place, .15 show; Doctor D., .30 place, .70 show; Waac, .S0 show. Equivalent booking odds Count Boris, 035 to 100 straight, 140 to 100 place, 57 to 100 show; Doctor D., 315 to 100 place, 85 to 100 show; Waac, 40 to 100 show. Time, 1:03. Track muddy. Winner Indiana Stables b. g, 7, by Ivan th Terrible Palma, by Himyar trained by H. E. Davis; bred by Mr. B. S. Gardner. Went to post at 2:43. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched G3SS7 Xavisco, 107. 65978 THLRD RACE About 5-S Mile. Purs 00. 3 -year-olds and upward. Canadian-owned. Claiming. Net value ta winner 25; second, 50; third, 5. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 65886:Avion 112 P B McAlaney 57A-100 63838M. Holland 112 2 B Ball 483-100 65887 Lillian G. 114 3 F Gariepy 923-100 65931sLady Felix 112 4J J Simmons 2115-100 65934sFair and WrU2 5"t F Buliman 3115-100 05929 ;Lady Iono 112 Gl C OMahoney SG3-100 65929 L. Harrigan 107 71 A Sandstrom 970-100 65456 Antiphon 112 S H Gibson 2013-100 mutuels paid. Avion, .15 straight, .50 place, 2. GO show; Miss Holland, 2.55 place, .40 show; Lillian G., .40 show. Equivalent booking odds Avion, 57 to 100 straight, 25 to 100- place, 30 to 100 show; Miss Holland, 27 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Lillian G., 70 to 100 show. Time, l:02s. Track muddy. Winner W. G. Campbells b. g, 6, by Aeronaut Frinccss Chic, by Potomac trained by T. Sherrard; bred by Mr. Edward E. Cassatt. Went .to post at 3:12. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. Scratched 05792: Joe S., 112. Overweights Lillian G., 2 pounds. 65979 rOTJBTH BACE About 3-4 Mila. Purs 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt, Fin. Jockey. Straight. 65933 :Edith IC 122 l F Gariepy 543-100 65836 Br. Morning 110 2 B Ball 140-100 63789 Lady Betty 101 3 A Sandstrom 750-100 63887 Carrie Baker 107 4 II Gibson 4103-100 65931 Sm. Through 107 5:1 F Builman 1770-100 65885 Foxhaven 107 G B McAlaney 803-100 ! 65935-Bey EnnU 112 7 C OMahoney 7-"K-100 65885 Judge Price 117 S J Simmons 1325-100 60150 Xfolk Belle 112 3 L, Carnegata 1775-100 mutuels paid, Edith IC, 2.90 straight, .15 place, .33 show; Bright Morning, .25 place, .70 show; Lady Betty, .45 show. Equivalent booking odds Edith IC, 545 to 10 straight, 107 to 100 place, 67 to 100 show; Bright Morning, 02 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Lady Betty. 72 to 100 show. Time, l:22ls. Track muddy. Winner C. Banans b. m, 5, by Ormondale Mamie Worth, by St. Gdorge trained by S. Bura-sidc; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to po3t at 3:40. At post 2 minute.. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and thiri the same. Scratched C5SS5ICapitania, 117; 65SS2:Muzzey, 107; 658S3 Pnm Lawrence, 102; 65935 Elite, 11; 65330 Fannie White, 107; 65935 Tommie C, 112. Overweights Bright Morning, 3 pounds; Lady Betty, 2. C593O FIFTH BACE 1 Mile. Purse 0C Gocdbye Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 400; second, tj third, 0. Equiv. Odd. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 65742 Hohokua 106 1 B Ball 107i-10 65888 Draftsman Id 21 B McAlaney 7SO-10 65886 Attoo 105 3 C OMahoney CIO-109 65792 Black Baby 10 4 F Buliman 3S0-1M 65840Homam 107 5 A Sandstrom 1120-10 65793 Fireworth 107 6 H Gibson 1M0-K mutuels paid, Hohokus, .15 straight, .98 place, .50 show; Draftsman, .50 place, .09 show; Attoo, .70 show. Equivalent booking odds Hohokus, 107 to 109 straight, 47 to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; Draftsman, 125 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Attoo, 3t to 109 show. Time, 1:59. Track muddy. Continued on eleventh page. MAISONNEUVE PARK FORM CHART Continued from tenth page. Winner W. A. Youngs br. g, G, by Hessian Minnie Golden, by Bolero trained by W. Cedar; bred by Mrs. M. S. Haggin. Went to post at 4:05. At post 1 minnte. Start good and Blow. Won handily; second and third driving. Scratched 05745 Dairyman, 112; G5793Myrtle Crown. 101: MSSSKling. 104: G5SSS Ramona II., 103; C5C9S El Coroncl, 103; C5978Miss Holland, 103. Overweiglits--Attoo, 3 pounds; Fireworth, 3. 65981 SIXTH KACE 1 1-2 Miles. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Eqtiiv. Odds. Ind. norsc. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 65933 Plantarede 10S 1 R Ball 190-100 65885Polygaraist 113 2 Jt McAlaney C55-100 65934 3Satinmore 110 3 J Simmons 1825-100 G5793 Myr. Crown 114 4 F Gariepy 370-100 C5747 W. M. Baker 113 6 A Sandstrom 495-100 65933 sKebo 108 66 F Bullman 845-100 65888 Kling 113 7 H Gibson 1300-100 mutuels paid, Plantarede, .80 straight, .25 place, .C5 show; Polygamist, .80 place, .50 show; Satinmore, .10 show. Equivalent booking odds Plantarede, 190 to 100 straight, G2Vand to 100 place, 324 to 100 show; Polygamist, 140 to 100 place, 75 to 100 show; Satinmore, 105 to 100 show. Time, 2:54. Track muddy. Winner II. W. Plants b. g, G, by Go-to-Bed or Gorgorita La Polona, by Vinicus trained by H. W. Plant; bred in Endgland by Mr. Jules Jariel. Went to post at 4:24. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched G5933 Tan II., 103. Overweights Myrtle Crown, 1 pound. 65982 SEVENTH RACE About 3-4 Mile. Purso 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to -winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Equlv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 05932 Nan 112 1 W Smith 1230-100 6.V30sH-.mpy 110 2i R Ball 520-1C0 C5930 Smite 115 3h F Gariepy 3720-100 65888 Ramona II. 115 4i J Simmons 4C5-1O0 6574 G Hemlock 110 D C OMahoney 135-100 G5888 Le Balafro 110 61 A Sandstrom 1020-100 G5G98 El Coronel 110 7 L Carnegata 1795-100 65932 Sevillian 112 8s R McAlaney 1093-100 G5929 Kathleen K. 110 9 F Bullman 3320-100 mutuels paid. Nan, G.C0 straight, 1.35 place, .50 show; Humpy, place, .30 show; Smite, .90 show. Equivalent booking odds Nan 1230 to 100 straight, 4G7and to 100 place, 175 to 100 show; Humpy, 200 to 100 place, 115 to 100 show; Smite, 295 to 100 show. Time, 1:23? J. Track muddy. Winner 0. Rices ch. m, G, by Textile Nan-tura, by St. Simonian II. trained by O. Rice; bred by -Mr. W. W. Dardcn. Went to post at 4:45. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched G5932War Fox, 107; C5930 Charles A. Byrne, 110. Overweights Le Balafre, 8 pounds.

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