C. J. Fitz Gerald as Judge: Offer of Pacific Coast Jockey Club Accepted by Agent for New York Jockey Club, Daily Racing Form, 1923-05-15


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/ I t * t 0 of ? q C. . J a a f t r l J c t - r c , • s 1 1 , • 1 | 1 1 C. J. FITZGERALD AS JUDGE Offer of Pacific Coast Jockey Club Accepted by Agent for New York Jockey Club. SAN FRANCISCO. CaL. May 14.— Christopher J. Fitz Gerald has accepted an offer the Pacific Coast Jockey Club to be presiding judge at the inaugural meeting of the San Francisco organization in November. K. G. Billings, a member of the Jockey Club and also a director of the Pacific Coast t Jockey Club, is using his g-ood offces to have the New York body grant Fitz Gerald leave of absence. The veteran has been in charge of the publicity of the Jockey Club for some time. Fitz Gerald has given his consent to take the important job here. The racing on the metropolitan circuit comes to a close in October and it does not look as though the Jockey Club will refuse permission to its official to come West. 1-ast year the Tanforan organization tried to obtain Fitz Geralds services in the capacity of racing secretary. He was unable tr come out, as the job necessitated spealng most of his time in this city. President A. B. Spreekels and other officers of the Pacific Coast Jockey Club ai-e sanguine that the coming of Fitz Gerald WtU have a good effect in more ways than one on the meeting in the late fall at Iho S.;n Bruno course. They are anxious to attract some of the best horses from New York and believe Fitz Gerald will be able to "swing " a number of the large establishments. Besides Billings. A. K. Macomber and Thomas Fortune Ryan, directors of the Pacific Coast Jockey Club, are members of the Jockey Club. Harry Payne Whitney, J. K. Widener and other members of the Jcckey Club have shown much interest in the racing to be given at Tanforan and it is confidently predicted they will send horses here. The directors of the local racing body are expected to take up the problem of the 3 lection of a starter now that a presiding jude has been chosen. A canvass of all the available candidates will be made. , A

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923051501/drf1923051501_10_4
Local Identifier: drf1923051501_10_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800