5th Race [5th Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1923-05-15

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Kth DA PC 1 Mile. AVatteraon Hotel Handicap. .t-year-olils and upward. UUI nHl/C May 24, 1877 1 :3! «-4 5 10«. . f MINTO n., b. g, 9 112 By Sundridge — Miss Ronald, bv Bay Ronald. Trainer, W. Perkins. Owner. G. C. Thraves. Bred in England by J. B. Joel. 69533 I. xgton 1 1 -iG 1 :45~go i M 111 1 1 I3 l5 E Pool 4 P.iin !er, Bet lit sie, Ycshimi • 63152 l.itonia 1 1-2 2::0%good 6 116 3 2 31 3» B Kenndy 8 Firebrd. Devtation. Plar.Stone «2399 Latonia 1 l:27fast 14-5 111 2 1 1 Is E Pool 7 Parader. Gau-way. Firebrand i 62301 Latnnia 1 1-16 l:4«%f»at 4 114 6 5 6 7"J .1 Owens 10 Distinction. Firebrand. Rouleau , 62869 latonia lmTOy l:42s..fast 0 110 2 3 U I1 J Owens 7 Dr. Claik. Paniltar. Kouicau 62663 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :14 .fasx 12 110 4 2 21 3J N Barrett 7 Lady Madcap, trader, Pouleau , 62160 Churchill I 1-16 1 :44Vast 4 115 3 4 3" 3« W W Tlor 4 Firebrand. I.adv Badcap Bonus 61975 Churchill 11-10 1:41 fast 3 116 2 4 21 21 E Pool 6 LyMadcap. M.irj .Hvnea Br.Love r-iOOl Churchill 71 f 1:30 fast IS 115 2 3 Z 3» E Pool 5 HighCloud. Dr.Clark. Gran. Wart , 61744 Churchill 2-4 1 :llM.fast 19 11111 11 H 9»1 B Pool .13 HighCloud. MarvinMay, Dr.Clark J 61154 Ixxton 3-4 l:127tfast 7 5 106 2 1 2» 2i T Murray 8 LyMadcap. JiuiDaisy, Furbelovt , 51421 Churchill 2 3:30%fast PM0 124 4 1 1 3 H L insfd 0 PifJr. Sands cfPleasure. Igal J 61341 Churchill 1 1-8 1 :5a1,:, fast 9-5 126 4 4 21 1"* H Lunsfd 6 Clmore. Wdtrap, S.ofPleasure , 6125C latonia 2 1-4 3:49.fast 13-5 120 1 2 2° 2» H Lunsfd 5 Pif Jr.. Donnacona. Under Fire , ROCKMINIandTER. cb. c, 4 113 By Friar Rock— Mallard, by Star Shoot. Trainer, K. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 69169 Powie 3-4 1 :13Vsfast 4-5 122 2 5 5" 5" H Lunsfd 7 J.F.OHara, 1 Witchet. BrkhoU I 69104 Powie 3-4 l:13%fast 17 126 3 4 5* 5» H Lunsfd 7 Rcparatn. Brmster. J.F.OHara 66880 Bowie 1 1 4 2:09Vifast 43-10 12111 7 C! 3=1 H Lunsfd 14 Maxim.ic. HephaisUx, Nedna 66852 Bowie 1 1-10 1:50 fast 7 120 4 4 41 45 H Lunsfd 9 B.IIomine. llei.liaistos. Maximar 66838 Bowie lm70y l:47?ifast 13— 1 126 5 5 5 5s M Garner 5 Maximac. Paddle. Hepliaistog 66643 Latonia 2 14 3:49 fast 1 116 3 1 1* 2 M Garner 6 Radio, Chei r.vT ice, PlarneyStun* 66551 Latonia 1 3-16 l:57Vi,fast 4 118 6 6 4and 3* D Connlly 9 Fircbvand. G«jr, berry Tree 66347 Latonia 1 3 4 2:55:5tfast 6 126 1 3 2» ll M Garner 8 Lucks Hour. Suif Rider. Bunting BEST PAL. br. h. 6 117 By Holmet— Padula, by Lave-.o. Trainer. C. Howard. Owner, S. N. Holman. Breeder. E. tt. Eradley. 69874 Churchill 1 IS l:54mud 51 120 1 4 7 7" L Penman 7 Adacious. AM Hbrey. B.IIme 69663 Lexgton 1 1-1 2:04fast 1 122 2 1 P 1" B Kenndy 4 Parader, IidyMadrap, Chacolet 6t555 Lexgton 1 1 ::;9ijfast 3 4 US 1 1 V- ll M Garner 0 Bv Gosh. R Mountain. Fautoche 68288 Jeff, rson 1 1-16 1 :46%fast 1 2 130 3 1 2« l°t It Romelli 4 C.oDawn. Pantoche. Bl. Stone 68206 F iriida 1 3-16 1 :..9*.goo l 4 126 8 2 l1 1» R Romellill Royc.Rools. Olynthus, Calcutta 67965 F.Grnds 1 lSfast M 126 4 1 ll ll R Romelli 5 Blar.vStone. Parader, Shamrock 67901 FGrnds 1 IrWtfal 21 L2 4 1 1J l1 R Boaiclll S SiiTh.Kean. IrhKisK, R eRools 67 774 FGrnds 1 lt%fa«t 3 2 126 2 2 2» 21 R Romelli 5 "icSonj;. Maximac, Blai .v.Stone 67617 FGrnds 11 "9 fast 12-5 123 2 1 | l R RWMelU 6 ComicSong. Parader. RoyceUonlx 67481 KOrn.ls 3m70y 1 :l./hvy 13-5 110 1 1 1» 1* R Romelli S Royce Pools, Olvntlius, Piiilesn 67253 Jefferson 3-4 1:14 fast :i 120 5 2 2 21 L Lyke S WilmA.. Pov f.i.onie. AiieJL.T 66719 Pimlico 1 IS I M%l»m I 10 126 4 3 4« 4Ji C Poiwe 7 Ilephaistos. Atlidstan, PollyAnn LADY MADCAP, br. m, 5 107 By Dick Finnell— Affable, by Hastings. Trainer. J. C. Milam. Owner, D. Breckinridge. Breeder, T. C. McDowell. 69663 I -ex gton 1 14 2 Olifast 31 112 3 3 :; P| M Gamer 4 Best Pal. Parader. Chaeolet 69616 I- xgton 1 1 ::8Hfast 1-3 114 3 2 3 3JM tlarner 4 Bet Mosie, Parader, Neddara 66629 I«ilonia lm70y l:4S%£uc 6 113 5 5 6 5SJ M Gainer 7 Sfltider. Jentility. BriltJester 66551 latonia 1 3-16 1 :57V*fast 9 111 2 4 3* 5s M Garner 9 Firebrand, Guy. Ro.Luiiuister 66381 Latonia 1 1-16 1 t6 fast 7-5 114 2 2 3" L"J M Garner 4 Firebrd, IiiitedVcrde. Rouleau 66279 Latonia I l.:«Htast 21-10 111 4 6 3" 11 J Owens f DrClaik. P.laiPeel, CberryTrce 65812 latonia lm70y 1 4..fast 2 112 1 5 2 3s J 1 Mney 0 Dr.Clark, R01 kminister. Guy 65670 latonia I 1-16 1:41 fast 13 5 108 6 5 1» 1 J Owens 9 I..Madcap. Rouleau. PindarPeel 65201 Lextuu lm70y l:42V,ast 31-10 110 3 3 2» f M Garner 4 Chatterton, Rouleau. Johu Finn 64792 Churchill IMHHMMl 18 5 112 3 4 4 4-1 M Gamer 5 Rockminister. Itouleau. Radio C4655 Churchill 1 1-8 1:51 fast 14-0 115 3 4 4» IlM Garner 6 Chattrton, Rockmster, Roulean 1 I « « f f ■ _f . - - - BON HOMME, b. h, 6 106 By Sweep— Sue Smith, by Masetto. Trainer. G. May berry. Owner, Meadowbrook Stable. Breeder. E. F. Simms. S9874 Churchill 1 1-H l:54mud 10 103 2 5 4l 3* H Long 7 Adacious, A.M. Hbrey. P. Verde 68671 Tijuana tttlM fast 6 118 7 6 6* 6» B Kenndy 7 Feylance. Dolores. Ten Buttons 66880 Bowie 1 14 2:c.9fast 17-10 118 8 C 6» P» 1 Butwell 14 Maxim.ic. Hephstos. Rockmtet 6085U Powie 1 1-16 1:434£fa.st 7 10 116 6 3 V 1» A Schugr T JohnP.Jcnes. Kg Albert. Prudei* 66852 Bowie 1 1-16 1 ..A fast 6 112 1 1 ll ll A Schtger 9 Hphistos. Maximac. Rminister 66801 Powie CJ f 1 :21 4fast 41 108 5 3 3« 31 A Schugr I Gentility. Dexterous. Good Time 65663 Aqueduct 1 18 1:.",0 fast 2 108 7 7 7 7- ■ Taplin 7 Luckyllour. M. Hatter. Sen. Park 65430 Aqueauct 1 5-16 2:11 fast 10 110 2 2 4* 471 L Ensor 6 PceJames. Capt.Alck, Sedgefd MY DEAR. ch. m, 6 103 By King James — Bettie Landon. by Mentnne. Trainer. F. Musante. Owner. F. Musanta. Breeder. H. R. Dulany. 69587 lexgton 3-4 1 :12fast 5 105 9 9 61 6 s J Heupcl 9 JeanncPwdre. Chacolet, BeGood ".8443 Pimli -o 1 1-16 l:4S%slop 8-5 116 4 4 4 4 2» 2" J Butwell B Slipj.yKIm, Boniface, I.ightKosc. Mi I-aurel 1 1-4 2:04%fast 41 115 6 6 « 4 4 2l T Pargton i Kxtermtor, Pyg.Days, Damask 57MW Laurel 1 1-2 2:35 slop 11 114 4 6 5 3 2» 2*1 T Pargton 8 ThePorter. Kxtirror, Capt.Alck 57537 Wdbine I l:40*%fast 7-10 118 13 3 3 3* ll J McTagt 4 LadyMeave. Muttlkins. Mromelia 57400 Wdbine 1 1-4 2:05%fast 5 117 4 6 5 6 4* 2" * J McTagt 9 Exterminator, Gn Sphere, Incog 56192 Ft. Brie 1 1-4 2:05 slow i6-5 118 1 4 4 3 3* 2* J McTagt I Boniface. Brll.Jester, CleanGone 56165 Hamton 1 1-4 2:05 fast S-5 117 5 6 3 2 2* ft] J McTagt 6 Lucky B.. G. Sphere. Betty J. 55893 K worth 1 1-16 l:49%slop 5 116 2 6 S 4 21 2* T Rowan 6 Kinburn, Breeze. Best Pal

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923051501/drf1923051501_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1923051501_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800